First Free And Most Flexible C# User-Configurable Cracking Program made by MR.Viper
STORM is a cracking program designed to perform website security testing.
The author is not responsible for any illegal use of this program..
About STORM:
STORM is a cracking program designed to perform website security testing.
The project started on January 2018 by MR.ViPeR.
A donation of any amount will be appreciated. Bitcoin address: 18CkZZpsmCAHmgDfQWDqdwPKMSHdAmMMKx
- Supports FTP cracking!
- Possible to use both FTP and HTTP stages in one config
- Unlimited stages are are supported
- Debug form for analyze and check settings, send and receive data
- Load up to 20million combo lists!
- Supports HTTP/S
- Supports Socks 4/5
Supports auto update proxies, the automatically scrapes fresh proxies from public sources
- Features an advanced configuration of all the engine stages by using special variables: in this way user is able to configure correctly the engine for very specialized cases.
- Supports fully configurable Keywords Capture (useful in order to get premium account details)
- Supports fully configurable Form JavaScript Redirect (useful to get the page where a premium account detail is shown)
- Supports multiple additional form redirects
- Supports advanced special Keywords Matching Functions
- Supports encoding methods:
* URLEncode / URLDecode - Description: Encode/Decode an String
* Base64 Encode/Decode - Description: Base64 Encode/Decode an String
- Supports string-related functions:
* Uppercase / Lowercase - Description: Upper/Lower each char of String/Text/Source
* Length - Description: Gets the number of characters in the provided String/Text/Source
* Trim / TrimStart / TrimEnd - Description: Trim And Replace Spaces at Start/End or Both part of an String/Text/Source
* Replace - Description: Replace an string/text/word with an string/text/word
* Substring - Description: Extract an string/text by providing start index and optionally length to be extracted till.
* CombineText - Description: Combine/Merge several strings/texts, merge order will be the order of provided arguements
* IndexOf - Description: Return index of an string/text in in base String/Text/Source
* Add - Description: Add an String/Text to the left provided arguement(s)
* FindTagVal - Description: Get/Extract text between two strings/word/texts
* RegexMatch - Description: Get/Extract Text matched by the provided Regex Pattern Based on .NET
* RegexMatches - Description: Get/Extract All Texts matched by the provided Regex Pattern Based on .NET
-Supports crypto string methods:
* MD5 - Description: Encrypt an String/Text to MD5
* SHA - Description: Encrypt an String To SHA-1/SHA-256/SHA-384/SHA-512
* HMAC - Description: Encrypt an String to HMAC with several hash types ("MD5" / "RIPEMD160" / "SHA1" / "SHA256" / "SHA384" / "SHA512")
* PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 - Description: Encrypt an String to PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256
* PBKDF2-PKCS5 - Description: Encrypt an String to PBKDF2-PKCS5
-Supports other functions (will be more soon):
* UnixTime - Description: Return Current Timestamp (like: 1517516792.63398)
* UnixTimeToDate - Description: Converts Unix Timestamp to date, like: 2/28/2018
* If - Description: Returns one of two values depending on the value of the Boolean expression
And much more functions and features.
Changelog is available in the archive.