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Posts posted by ForlaxPy

  1. hey what's RDP OR VPS


    VPS is a virtual machine online that you connect to and start using it (They have a high upload/download speed also for the Ram and CPU) it's the best for cracking or if you wanna start torrenting, RDP is the same thing but these are real machines that allow access by enabling the remote desktop. You could read more details about it online just google the term.

  2. Hey I took a look by making a search on the forum about this subject but I counldn't find out any thread related to it. I just wanted to start cracking these but idk any idea from where to start. Ok sorry I'm lying lel I know that there is a few checker that do the job and a website from wheer you can get IP ranges but that's just the basics.

    If anyone is cracking it or if you have an idea about this I would be so thankfull if you could reply to me by something constructive.

  3. Didn't used any one of them yet so go check what you could get from them.


    [email protected]:duszek89

    [email protected]:Lukas1984

    [email protected]:1telefon23

    [email protected]:elcid72

    [email protected]:zojica1

    [email protected]:slapthecat

    [email protected]:assymm

    [email protected]:uandir2

    [email protected]:Bandje14

    [email protected]:marykay

    [email protected]:cabin22

    [email protected]:brahoni

    [email protected]:Heidi123

    [email protected]:Tutz3694

    [email protected]:Chantal97

    [email protected]:irysowo2

    [email protected]:robertson28

    [email protected]:BaJa3008

    [email protected]:limoncito

    [email protected]:qaz12ws3

    [email protected]:ggbuzton

    [email protected]:arsen69

    [email protected]:270285


  4. Leave like please and don't change the pass so the others could benefit as well! Enjoy.


    [email protected]:superman1 | Subscription: Premium | Recurring date:11/16/18 | Status:Premium for Family | Country:US

    [email protected]:18208jhd | Subscription: Premium | Recurring date:11/10/18 | Status:Spotify Premium | Country:US

    [email protected]:Traktor1 | Subscription: Premium | Recurring date:11/7/18 | Status:Spotify Premium | Country:SE

    [email protected]:Bajingo1 | Subscription: Premium | Recurring date:12/10/18 | Status:Premium for Students | Country:US

    [email protected]:LadywelpE56 | Subscription: Premium | Recurring date:11/15/18 | Status:Premium for Family | Country:DE


  5. 7Xzh0Ne.png

    I know that this could be just a spam email but what if that was actually true? What do you think about it and what would you do if you were in this guy spot (acc owner)

    For me personnaly I would never threat someone by that way (even after getting all his info/data I wouldn't do that...) I mean I found it very weird. :monkas:

  6. Start by cracking spotify as SSJ said also some gaming accounts such as Uplay/Origin and there is bunch of weak websites to crack on with any kind of combo but for bigger websites such as netflix, steam and all these HQ needs some private combos wich you will have to cover later using SQLi and that's another whole topic. You can find bunch of useful tutorials here in cracked so just be loyal, don't leech and we will be here for sure to help you!

  7. Hello guys I just found a HQ methode to upgarde your free spotify acc to a premium for free (some cracking skills are needed in this)

    So first of all



    I am going to explain few things including why we are doing this, before that I want you to know the requirements of this method:

    *Spotify Config/Spotify Checker

    *Spotify Family Accounts

    *Paid/Cracked VPN 

    In this method we upgrade Free Spotify account to Premium. One might wonder why we are doing this, the answer is simple, spotify only allows 1 Stream at a time meaning all the cracked accounts die so easily because its too common for the user and our customer to stream at the same time and that leading to one of them kicked off from the account so one or other person changes password. 


    many customers wish to create their own playlists etc, they want privacy, this is demand for a differential service and if you can supply to this demand you can make damn profit.





    1.Get a Spotify Family Account, region don't matter but prefer that your customer account Country lets say US is same as your Spotify Cracked Family account country US.

    2.Now some configs doesn't tell you if its Family account or not, look for $14.99 in the captured keys, similar for other currency.

    3.Now sometimes you customers Spotify Country is set as GB or any other and you wish to add them in a US account. Spotify  will just give you an error asking you to check country.

    4.Alright, lets start first, change your IP country to US with your VPN.

    5.Login into Customers Spotify Account, go to edit profile, change the email to your email and country to United States, if its not showing you the option then your IP is not of US. Alright, open the Spotify Family account, go to invite family members(Every Family account can add upto 5 members, so look for accounts that have slots) I recommend adding only 1 customer to 1 Family account, I will explain why, anyway invite your own email.

    7.Open up your email and confirm the invitation, now it will ask for your email + address, now what matters is the pincode/zipcode/postal code, it should be same as what the Spotify Account Owner gave Spotify when he/she invited the first member into his/her plan.

    8.You can find the Postal Code on the Account details of the Family Account, , anyway, I would recommend to make sure that the City is same too, you can easily find that out by googling.

    9.After that your account is premium, change back the email to customers email and make sure to ask the customer to confirm their spotify email or else it will change to free within a week, one of Spotify's Requirement.



    Troubleshooting Steps:


    ---->There will be times when the customers account rolls back to free Spotify, in that case you will need to upgrade it again, do the same steps.

    --->Spotify only allows you to add one account to a family plan 1 time/year, atleast it says that but I have found that it works twice a year.

    ---->So its not gonna work the third time, what will you do then? See I guarantee my customers that they will have their playlists and no loss at all, now if you gotta make a new account to upgrade, customer is gonna lose their playlists,nope not anymore.

    --->Use, login with customer account, export playlists, make a new account, import playlists and upgrade the account.




    PS: This methode was leaked from somewhere out of here it's not mine but I still think it's HQ and should be shared with you guys, peace!


  8. Ofc course python is a very powerfull language it's just the case here but most developers make their checkers on C++ and C# because they are working on windows but you can of course make them on python and it will be worth it since the checker would be used in any os but yeah peoples are more of UI friends so they prefer it more than a terminal based checker which would be the case if you used Python.

    Imo just go for it I'm doing the same these days.(I made a proxy scrapper as a start it was totally worth it trust me)

  9. I was trying to get into python, I see that a lot of tools & checker could be written on it much better than in a C++ or any other language sad that there is no support for it in this forum.