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  1. that's a huge config, thanks
  2. Hello ! This checker is very usefull if you have a big combolist (user:pass), you'll be able to filter the list using the program and thus retrieve only combos with a valid username How to download and use it ? - Follow steps here : [hide][/hide] then enter the commands: [hide][/hide] Commands to copy/paste (for Windows): [hide]cd Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile (If this command doesn't work, download the archive manually, then unzip it.) Expand-Archive -DestinationPath master cd .\master\1239cb875074d88fb6aa052e55761be5-master\ npm i cat ../../userpass.txt | node index.js 20 > result.txt cat result.txt[/hide] Only bad usernames appear here, but valid ones are in result folder (as user:pass) If you have any question add me on Discord : LiiBerTy#0001 Enjoy !
  3. Hello ! This checker is very usefull if you have a big combolist (user:pass), you'll be able to filter the list using the program and thus retrieve only combos with a valid username How to download and use it ? - Follow steps here : [hide][/hide] then enter the commands: [hide] [/hide] Commands to copy/paste (for Windows): [hide]cd Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile Expand-Archive -DestinationPath master cd .\master\1239cb875074d88fb6aa052e55761be5-master\ npm i cat ../../userpass.txt | node index.js 20 > result.txt cat result.txt[/hide] Only bad usernames appear here, but valid ones are in result folder (as user:pass) If you have any question add us on Discord : LiiBerTy#0001 / LightDiscord#0555 Enjoy !
  4. LiiBerTy

    Pornhub Api

    thanks man for this config PORNNN :/