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  1. 500 Instagram like giveaway for the comment #10 the #10 comment will get 500 high quality likes , and 1000 video views for a max of 5 posts (100 likes per post)
  2. Hello dear staff , So i have been on this forum for a long time now with more than 3 weeks online , i learned everything about cracking from this forum , from database dumping , config making , and accounts checking , i have learned somethings about online marketing too and i have even sold some products here on cracked.to marketplace . Then i started posting tutorial for the forum , and one of them even got reposted on other forums :ezy: , i made the tutorials about botting instagram and beating the algorithm , and i made a giveaway with some followers to give back to the community and the people that thought me so many thing and for that i'm grateful . Saying all of this i'm kindly asking the staff of cracked to approve my ranking as an active member , Down bellow you will find some of my HQ threads , Thank you cracked .
  3. Congrats , your are #10 ... And guys i will do more giveaways like this one so Stay tuned
  4. The Comment #10 gets 1000 followers to their instagram account (good for new accounts) and some likes on posts to make the followers look real to instagram . You can comment many Times Just one member will get the giveaway . The followers will be delivered on a period on 5 days max , 200 per day , again to protect your account . Gooooooo
  5. In this tuto i will show you how to make a powerful instagram bot for like , followers , scheduling posts , DM ing on autopilot , powerful instagram audit panel and more , the possibilities are not limited on what you can do with this script . Also the tutorial includes the free hosting . Special gift with this tutorial , i will choose from the first 10 comment someone to get this online bot without the need to make it himself . Don't forget to like for the effort and don't be a leecher [hide]https://mega.nz/#!EPZiVYwb!TYhU2_90XfbWewbLgD22T-FmAtB91gUSZP4IRrRxSBk[/hide]
  6. This method is about how to set a fully automatic instagram account that post high quality content and get's followers with high engagement rates This is the first method on how to get free content All the tools are in the pdf please like for the effort [hide] https://anonfile.com/G5Z9VdS2m8/instagram_method_pdf [/hide]
  7. Enjoy this gigantic Spotify premium list , 2280 Accounts all premium If any one is interested in family owner accounts , i'm a bulk seller , the 10 accounts for 1$ and 100 for 9$ , U can make a nice amount of money if you sell them , or you post a fiver listing to upgrade others accounts people do this service for 5 dollars life time support . So my price is really cheap :P [hide] https://pastr.io/view/e7tZfz [/hide]
  8. I m giving away 1y ipvanish account for the first member to reply to this thread good luck
  9. 1000 + Spotify accounts -Premium -Student -Premium for family -Spotify with hulu !!! -Spotify unlimited And family owner Leave a like don't just leech [hide] https://pastr.io/view/hPSadd [/hide]