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Everything posted by Renji

  1. Another Spotify cracker great :kek: Apporved I guesss
  2. he seller provided me with a vouch copy for his e-book, and overall I can say that it's quite in-depth and detailed, it features a 10 page pdf document, of cleanly formatted text. I would like to see some pictures, and or video tutorials maybe, but the text does a very good job at explaining the methods included on its own. I can surely say, with any luck and patience you will be able to profit greatly from this e-book. The guide is pretty noob friendly, and even goes on how to keep yourself safe while conducting this method. Overall: 9.5/10
  3. I Have about 70k email access I will let you know
  4. Bumping this for you @LegitMT
  5. Renji

    @JOCKER doxed

  6. Title says it all. Discord: 9x137#6635