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Posts posted by floraiN

  1. You are searching for a VPN config in the League Gaming section. And the result is logical:


    "Sorry, but no results were returned using the query information you provided. Please redefine your search terms and try again."


    Means there are no results for "VPN" in that section that you selected

  2. New Shoutbox gets an increased number for required posts (at least 10) but only if you are a registered user. This should make it harder for spammers to drop their shit. Non staff members (reverser and coder) might have shoutbox banning permissions in the future as well.


    But everyone needs to be a bit more patient until those changes go live. We calculate with around 5-8 more days until the new version goes live.

  3. That's a nice wall you've written. Only problem is that 90% of your text is either crap or using arguments that are not related to the Forum itself.



    1. Every "HQ Member" is a leecher now.



    I'm not sure if you understood the definition of a leecher. You might go to the help docs and give Anti-Leeching another read.


    2. Disinfectors don't do SHIT



    Yeah, this makes Cracked.to a mainstream forum like any other. Because they don't do shit. You should accept that there are always more active and less active people having that rank. Of course we can kick some of the inactive Disinfectors, but we rather give them more time to come back when they feel like they can invest more time.

    The concept with Disinfectors is working pretty well (way less people get infected and most RATs/Malware deleted before published) - in fact this concept is not used by any other big forums. So how about you appreciate that there even is a group of members that take care of other users for fucking free?!


    3. Team Onyx


    Again you are judging a whole forum based on a certain group of users. Do you really expect that a forum with hundreds of thousands users all act the way you'd like them to? Not even to mention that you cry like a baby because they are overpricing configs or whatever they are selling? Who the fuck cares how much they charge. It's their product and their price. If you don't want to pay it - then don't. If others feel like it's worth paying the amount, then let them pay it. Are you jealous? That would be my only conclusion.

    I increase banner prices for Cracked.to regulary as well. Do I give a shit if someone says that's overpriced? No I don't. Have the confidence to play with your own rules. But again; not a valid argument why this forum becomes like any other.


    Let's check if your other points are getting better.


    4. Trial Mods



    They are active, they are solving a lot of reports, they are warning and banning leechers, they are taking care of spammers in the shoutbox. What's your problem here again? They don't do many mistakes either and even if they do - they are trials. Allow them mistakes and to learn from it. But your sentences are based on "blablabla, cancer" and "cancer, blablabla". So I couldn't take point 4 serious either. Onto the next one.



    5. Shoutbox



    But, if we removed it, it would start to filter out some leechers, not all, but some. It should stay for the kids ofc, but in my opinion it should go fuck its self.

    In my opinion most of your shoutbox shouts, that I noticed, have been childish, not funny, full of attention seeking (along with your whole thread(s)) and stupid. This could be either due to my different taste of humor or my different level of mental maturity.

    Either way - if you don't like the people that are chatting in the shoutbox, then don't fucking participate and blame the whole Cracked.to Brand for it. Are you for fucking real? I'm getting really pissed now that almost every point you mentioned is full of bullshit. You should consider working for politicans.


    PS: New shoutbox will have a hide option. Happy? Okay, forum is way better now. *pfffff*


    6. Active Members



    So basically all you flame about again is leeching. Do you know how this forum looks like if we tighten the forum rules, leeching or trying to ban those duplicate thread posters? It would be a dead place that no one would give a shit about. And then there would be a user called Her, that would create a thread with "!!111oneeleven, this is a dead forum".


    Here's my conclusion:


    If you have a problem with someone that leeched a lot but isn't banned yet, use the report buttoin and mods will handle it. This forum keeps growing constantly, brings always fresh blood to the game, has some nice exclusive releases and content, is technical wise in a really good shape (in terms of features and usability) and still only one year old. You should accept that not every member is going to be how you'd like him to be. You will always have a certain kind of users that break the rules, might copy threads from somewhere else or behave like a 12-years old. But you'll have that in EVERY FORUM that's on the level of a big forum.

    I'm really happy with that overall state of this forum, all statistics that you cannot see are doing very well.

    Last but not least let me give you a last advice.


    Appreciate what you have before it becomes what you had.

  4. User has 500 threads, you should reconsider if someone like that should get perm banned because of asking for reps. Jocker asked me yesterday and I said yes, but I didnt know it was someone with this kind of posting activity as he didn't mention any username.


    just my two cents

  5. I have never seen any forum that gives you the option to choose the duration for a sticky, but I might be wrong. And before I get flamed for this sentence: it shouldn't matter anyway what other forums are doing, yes. But comparing stats and prices is important to get a feeling for value. I like the idea of choosing the duration for a sticky, I'll note that down.


    And regarding automatic purchases: every credits purchase is handled through Shoppy and therefore fully automatic for any Crypto (BTC, ETH and LTC) - so it shouldn't be that much of an extra effort to click the "Purchase Sticky"-Button after you purchased your credits.


    I strongly disagree. Its just taking credit of someone else work. If you consider that as a very HQ work, then fine, I will start surfing every forum and copy and paste everything, and yeah, soon after months, I become "HQ", as I am a skid, copied and pasted some shit and boom, 4k+ likes, an emoted dedicated to you and blah blah.


    I define this as HQ leeching .

    Since there is no, inter forum staff, this is considered a good job by people, like you. And now since you like it, most of the people would start doing it.


    More or less, forums will be replicas.

    (Exclusive releases are also cracked and posted elsewhere.)


    I don't know in which reality you are living, but you should start facing things as they are and not how you wish they would be. I could name you every bigger forum, pick some threads that got copied from other resource and call them out for being "LQ".

    suxx.to has been dumped and posted on Cracked.to first. Zaida came and reposted the dump on Nulled. Someone else took the dump from Nulled's post and made a post on v3rmillion or hackforums or [insertforumhere]. That's how things work. Get over it, this forum is not an exception for it and no other forum would be.





    (Exclusive releases are also cracked and posted elsewhere.)



    Notwithstanding the above argument you deliver is completely pointless, let me tell you that latested tools (especially upgraded tools) haven't been cracked yet. And I doubt they will in the near future as some people have taken some time to make sure protection is on fleek. But hey, everything can be bypassed, cracked or patched.


    Furthermore an exclusive release is still exclusively posted on a forum, regardless if it gets cracked or shared somewhere else.

    Reconsider the way you are thinking about some things, you seem to be wrong with a lot of things.

    See, the thing is not about how a forum should work, I am no one to tell you about that. The thing is you call those inter forum leecher as HQ members, you even said Zaida "copied" suxx.to dB from here, and since ages we know Zaida is a leecher and I don't think Finn will ever support him by saying he is HQ..


    I strongly disagree. Its just taking credit of someone else work. If you consider that as a very HQ work, then fine, I will start surfing every forum and copy and paste everything, and yeah, soon after months, I become "HQ", as I am a skid, copied and pasted some shit and boom, 4k+ likes, an emoted dedicated to you and blah blah.


    I define this as HQ leeching .

    Since there is no, inter forum staff, this is considered a good job by people, like you. And now since you like it, most of the people would start doing it.


    More or less, forums will be replicas.

    (Exclusive releases are also cracked and posted elsewhere.)


    I don't know in which reality you are living, but you should start facing things as they are and not how you wish they would be. I could name you every bigger forum, pick some threads that got copied from other resource and call them out for being "LQ".

    suxx.to has been dumped and posted on Cracked.to first. Zaida came and reposted the dump on Nulled. Someone else took the dump from Nulled's post and made a post on v3rmillion or hackforums or [insertforumhere]. That's how things work. Get over it, this forum is not an exception for it and no other forum would be.





    (Exclusive releases are also cracked and posted elsewhere.)



    Notwithstanding the above argument you deliver is completely pointless, let me tell you that latested tools (especially upgraded tools) haven't been cracked yet. And I doubt they will in the near future as some people have taken some time to make sure protection is on fleek. But hey, everything can be bypassed, cracked or patched.


    Furthermore an exclusive release is still exclusively posted on a forum, regardless if it gets cracked or shared somewhere else.

    Reconsider the way you are thinking about some things, you seem to be wrong with a lot of things.

    See, the thing is not about how a forum should work, I am no one to tell you about that. The thing is you call those inter forum leecher as HQ members, you even said Zaida "copied" suxx.to dB from here, and since ages we know Zaida is a leecher and I don't think Finn will ever support him by saying he is HQ..


    I never said mesvak is as HQ user. I said based on his posting behavior [copying stuff from other resources (and I'm sure not everything is copied)] he is not an automatic LQ user. This doesn't mean I see him as someone HQ.

    I just said he brings in content and thats a fact you cannot deny. And a forum needs content.

    Yes, there might be better and worse content, but content is content.

  7. @mesvak brings in content. His shoutbox postings and general behavior seems to be off the target sometimes, but that doesnt define someone as LQ. And stop crying about things that got copied and pasted from somewhere else. Our slogan is not "things you have never seen before". Every big forum has content that got shared from somewhere else maybe.


    But whats the issue with it? Sharing is caring and some people might only use one forum to gather information/content. The exclusive releases section is the only section which includes content that is not posted anywhere else. But thats already it.


    My advice: get over it that people share other content from somewhere else as well. This doesn't make a forum worse. And more than that: It doesn't make someone LQ


    I strongly disagree. Its just taking credit of someone else work. If you consider that as a very HQ work, then fine, I will start surfing every forum and copy and paste everything, and yeah, soon after months, I become "HQ", as I am a skid, copied and pasted some shit and boom, 4k+ likes, an emoted dedicated to you and blah blah.


    I define this as HQ leeching .

    Since there is no, inter forum staff, this is considered a good job by people, like you. And now since you like it, most of the people would start doing it.


    More or less, forums will be replicas.

    (Exclusive releases are also cracked and posted elsewhere.)


    I don't know in which reality you are living, but you should start facing things as they are and not how you wish they would be. I could name you every bigger forum, pick some threads that got copied from other resource and call them out for being "LQ".

    Void.to has been dumped and posted on Cracked.to first. Zaida came and reposted the dump on Nulled. Someone else took the dump from Nulled's post and made a post on v3rmillion or hackforums or [insertforumhere]. That's how things work. Get over it, this forum is not an exception for it and no other forum would be.





    (Exclusive releases are also cracked and posted elsewhere.)



    Notwithstanding the above argument you deliver is completely pointless, let me tell you that latested tools (especially upgraded tools) haven't been cracked yet. And I doubt they will in the near future as some people have taken some time to make sure protection is on fleek. But hey, everything can be bypassed, cracked or patched.


    Furthermore an exclusive release is still exclusively posted on a forum, regardless if it gets cracked or shared somewhere else.

    Reconsider the way you are thinking about some things, you seem to be wrong with a lot of things.

  8. @mesvak brings in content. His shoutbox postings and general behavior seems to be off the target sometimes, but that doesnt define someone as LQ. And stop crying about things that got copied and pasted from somewhere else. Our slogan is not "things you have never seen before". Every big forum has content that got shared from somewhere else maybe.


    But whats the issue with it? Sharing is caring and some people might only use one forum to gather information/content. The exclusive releases section is the only section which includes content that is not posted anywhere else. But thats already it.


    My advice: get over it that people share other content from somewhere else as well. This doesn't make a forum worse. And more than that: It doesn't make someone LQ