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Everything posted by gogoman1

  1. Enjoy Yale :feelsgood: http://zipansion.com/3YAE1
  2. thats sweet Boi Copy past god here people
  3. awsome man thanks a milllion
  4. so thing is iam getting kindda pissed of with overwatch at the moment. i cant be the only one that thinks its fucking stupied they have to punish you even on quickplay for leaving. so iv decided if someone here has one or a few old smurf accounts they dont mind me using ill just use them to bring a ungodly amount of greef to the OW comunnity....so anyone with me? :ezy:
  5. anything besides fallout 76 lol
  6. lets just put it this way you kids better get ready for loot boxes lots and lots of loot boxes. think GTA 5 online only its all about buying horses and cabbins lol
  7. gogoman1

    Spotify to mp3?

    your best just downloading it man trust me
  8. thanks asjkdakdhskdfksdfksjdfdslfldsjfldsjfljdsf