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Everything posted by rokuddo

  1. I look forward to suggestions for this account ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- => Battle Hound => BattleHawk => Black Knight => Blue Squire => Blue Striker => Blue Team Leader => Brawler => Brite Bomber => Carbide => Crackshot => Dark Vanguard => Dark Voyager => Dazzle => Elite Agent => Ginger Gunner => Gumshoe => Havoc => Love Ranger => Mission Specialist => Moonwalker => Noir => Omega => Poised Playmaker => Power Chord => Raptor => Raven => Red Knight => Rex => Rogue Agent => Royale Knight => Rust Lord => Sgt Green Clover => Shadow Ops => Skull Trooper => Sparkle Specialist => Squad Leader => Sub Commander => Teknique => The Reaper => The Visitor => Trailblazer => Valor => Wingman => Wukong => Zoey => Warpaint => Rose Team Leader => Sun Strider => Drift => Redline => Huntress => Sledgehammer => Rook => Ragnarok => Poised Playmaker => Fireworks Team Leader => Galaxy => The Ace => Enforcer => Cloaked Star => Valkyrie => Peekaboo => Fable => Dj Yonder => Giddy-up => Calamity => Dark Bomber => Hay Man => Skull Ranger => Waypoint => Prodigy -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- => Squire Shield => Royale Shield => Red Shield => Black Shield => Raptor Satchel => Love Wings => Astro => Precision => Brite Bag => Rust Bucket => Dark Matter => Backup Plan => Catalyst => Scaly => Pursuit => Skirmish => Six String => Iron Cage => Dark Void => Royale Flags => Standard Issue => Goodie Bag => True North => Blue Shift => Bogey Bag => Offworld Rig => Crested Cape => Blasting Cap => Confidential Case => Cluefinder => Rearguard => Frozen Shroud => Pool Party => Uplink => Subjugator => Swag Bag => Ghost Portal => Battle => Valkyrie Wings => Dusk Wings => Fabled Cape => Waveform => Hay Nest => Dark Bag => Galactic Disc => Galactic Disc => Trail Tote => Signal Hub => Tabulator => Birdshot => Giddy Gunner -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- => AC/DC => Axecalibur => Default Pickaxe => Disco Brawl => Dragon Axe => EVA => Gale Force => Ice breaker => Instigator => Lollipopper => Magnifying Axe => Onslaught => Oracle Axe => Party Animal => Pick Squeak => Positron => Pulse Axe => Rainbow Smash => Scythe => Sawtooth => Tenderizer => Trusty No. 2 => Rift Edge => Balloon Axe => Lug Axe => Tat Axe => You Shouldn't Have! => Empire Axe => Anarchy Axe => Silver Fang => Permafrost => Studded Axe => Controller => Cat's Claw => Guiding Glow => Smash Up => Reckoning => Harvester => Thunder Crash => Skull Sickle => Stellar Axe => Snow Globe -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- => Sir Glider the Brave => Royale X => Get Down! => Cozy Coaster => Blue Streak => Rainbow Rider => Carbon => High Octane => Slipstream => Mako => Feathered Flyer => Default Glider => Founder's Glider => Founder's Umbrella => The Umbrella => Intrepid => Sugar Crash => Wet Paint => Conquest => Splashdown => Cruiser => Downshift => Beach Umbrella => Frostwing => Picnic => Covered Crusader => Crossfire => Webrella => Discovery => Discovery => Equalizer -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- => Best Mates => Breakin => Dab => Dance Moves => Floss => Ride the Pony => The Robot => Salute => Take the L => Wave => The Worm => Rock Paper Scissors => Wiggle => Orange Justice => Groove Jam => Freestylin => Hype => Respect => Popcorn => Star Power => Boogie Down => Kick Ups => Hand Signals => Dance Therapy => It's Go Time! => Slitherin' => Regal Wave => Running Man => Llamacadabra => Golf Clap => Take the Elf -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- => Bad Apple => Embarrassed => Go => Pool Party => Pot of Gold => Prickly => Let's Rock => Stinky => Stop => Tasty => Trap => Tattered => Ace => Angel => Baby Seal => Bananas => Lights, Camera, Action! => Celebrate => Chicken => Crabby => Dynamite => Plotting => Rainbow => Teamwork => Victory Royale => Zzz => 200 Iq Play => 1 Hp => Alarm => A+ => Flex => Awww => Baited => Boombox => Bullseye => Bush => Clapping => Dance Party => Exclamation => Flaming Rage => GG => Good Game => Heartbroken => Heart Hands => Hoarder => Hot Dawg => In Love => Kaboom => Lol => Majestic => Mvp => #1 => On Fire => Peace => Positivity => Potato Aim => Rabid => Rage => Rip => Let's Rock => Rocket Ride => Salty => Stealthy => Thief => Thumbs Down => Thumbs Up => Wow => Bang! => Battle Bus => Black Cat => Camper => Ghost => Meeet => Plunger => Tp => Gg Potion => Icy Heart => Tbd -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- => Brite Unicorn => Raptor => Harvesting Tools => Tactical Shotgun => Suppressed Pistol => Minigun => Elite Agent => Battle Royale => Quiet on the Set! => At Last... I Am Free => A Looming Threat => Retribution => Showdown => That's a Wrap! => The Visitor => Llama Spotted => Carbide => Rex => Squad Leader => Supply Drop => Leviathan => Brite Gunner => Zoey => Aerosol Assassins => Raven => Road Trip! => Fairway Fun => Track Record => Poolside Paradise => Blast From the Past => Opening Night => Tbd => Abstrakt => Bandolier => Drift => Tomatohead => High Explosives => Jailbirds => Sun Strider => Omen => Red Knight => Flytrap => Huntress => Norse Emblem => Tomato Temple => Emoticons! => Supply Llama => Chompmasters => Valkyrie => Fate => Pastel Patrol => Dj Yonder => Calamity => Down on the Ranch => Wailing Wolves => X-4 Stormwing -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Account Creation Date: (26.10.2017 г. 15:40:15) Game Last Played: (22.5.2019 г. 17:34:35) LifeTime Wins (151) Season Level (33) Account Level (527) Has Current Battlepass: True Current Battlepass Level: 19 Has Save The World ---> True Has Founders Pack: (Standard Edition) Has Vbucks ---> True Amount Of Vbucks: 400 Total Vbucks Ever Purchased: 79400 Main Platform Used: EpicPC Platforms Used/Linked: PC PSN Can Send Gift: True Can Recieve Gift: True Refunds Used: 3 Refunds Left: 0 Completed 1ST B-Day Challenges: No Plays On Galaxy Note 9: Yes Has Twitch Prime Pack #1: Yes Has Twitch Prime Pack #1: Yes Has Bought Starter Pack: Yes