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Everything posted by MariaTwitch

  1. If anyone is interested, I might do a coupon discount soon!
  2. Thanks, I appreciate that!
  3. That's sadly not something you'll always be able to do. For example when you go to sleep. Personally I feel getting a rebound works. It's not pretty but it works. I'm usually busy right before I go to bed and then just sleep directly. Lucky bastard xD It takes me at least a good 45 mins before I fall asleep
  4. Working Twitch viewBot 2018 [align=center] [/align] [align=center]PRICE DROP! 24.99$[/align] [align=center] [/align] [align=center] This bot allows up to 1500 views. You can add 500k proxies. (File/Site) Custom proxygrabber for laizy people.(recommand Sock5's) Boost your Twitch today! Selling this for limited time! program + User license key = 20 Program + Reseller Key = 10 Keys are lifetime, BUT Can be shortened for (non Resellers) when multi register. This bot will work FOREVER, until twitch requires being logged in to watch streams! (wich is never gonna happen!)[/align] [align=center] [/align] [align=center]Video Proof! If you have any Questions, or need support? PM ME [/align] [align=center] [/align] [align=center]Twitch Viewbot 2018 [LIFETIME] - $75.00 ==> $24.99 ==> DIGITOX(HF) [CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TWITCH VIEWBOT] [/align] [align=center] For the thread Flamers: 1. This is not open Source! 2. Dont open a discussion in this thread without sending me a PM first, for a discussion. 3. If you dont like my answer, or if i PMed u back with something incorrect u can always post the proove afterwards here![/align]
  5. Keep yourself busy is the best way. That's sadly not something you'll always be able to do. For example when you go to sleep. Personally I feel getting a rebound works. It's not pretty but it works.
  6. If you have not yet found anyone to do this for you, please do contact me. I've been coding in python for close to 4 years now. I can do this!
  7. I hate the fact that it requires you to log in with a Microsoft account. That being said though, I'm glad you've shared the keys, I'll be using 1 for sure!
  8. I've been coding in C++ for a few years now, but it's always nice to check out tutorials. You can always learn something new, and if not you can refresh the knowledge. Thanks for sharing OP!
  9. I don't think you'll be able to achieve this without a custom plugin. I have not heard of anything similar to this, and a quick google search tells me that this is most likely not yet around. I think you might not have a choice but to let a webdev do that job for you :x
  10. I knew there was a reason I liked this forum. As long as you are part of it I have full confidence in it. Great system!
  11. I did not think this forum was this new. Pretty impressive how you managed to get this over 10k members, a lot of active ones as well, within such a short period of time. Kudos to you!
  12. What is in your opinion the best way to get over a long term relationship?
  13. I actually like this idea, but do you think this will work out? If users have to contribute in order for the app to produce news, it might turn out to be a clustered news app.
  14. Hello, My name is Maria and I've just signed up to So far I'm really liking the way the website works. Activity is pretty good and it's an easy to use, no nonsense forum. I will be sticking around here :)
  15. MariaTwitch

    hi to all

    I agree. This is one of the better forums I've signed up on. I might stay around here!
  16. I haven't seen one myself since the update, but I have seen a few people post that they are close to releasing something.
  17. If you're asking for specs, I recommend what that user above posted. If you are looking for practical ways on how to make your PC safe and ready to do things like that, I'd recommend you keep the 2 seperate. Use a VPS or RDP for cracking.
  18. I'm not entirely sure what you are looking for, but there are a ton of great Python totorials and websites out there. Codeacademy is the way to go. As for windows server, there's courses and certifications you can get, but google is your friend if you wanna teach yourself!
  19. Replying here because I have had issues with jabber in the past. Thanks for explaining everything!
  20. I have 100MBPS up and down at the moment. Advantage of Fiber lol. It just sucks my extender broke because now my WIFI is still shit.
  21. That depends. In Chrome every tab has its own process, which means it will definitely slow your PC down if you have a ton of open tabs. With other browsers it will also slow everything down, but not as quickly. That being said though, if you have a decent PC you shouldn't really see any major problems.
  22. MariaTwitch

    Fortnite or PUBG?

    Personally I prefer PUBG. I just like the way it looks better then the fantasy look that Fortnite has. Aside from that the PUBG community is also better in my opinion.