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Everything posted by buttbutt1

  1. An awesome find! Can wait to check this out.
  2. Just what I've been looking! Much love my dude!
  3. My father LOVES to brag about owning a smartphone. He can't get enough of doing that. Always talking about how wonderful they are and how they are all better than my phone. I say "They", because he loses them every time. Instead of just trying to look for them, he goes out and gets another one. last month, he lost 1 of them. Doesn't even blink an eye and gets a replacement that same day. What he doesn't know is that this recent one wasn't lost. He left it in the laundry room. I went into the phone, removed his google account and all of his customizations, removed the sim card and modded the shit out of that phone. Does he know that I have the phone? Fuck no. I'm not gonna stoop to his level. I got a sweet Samsung Galaxy S9 and he's none the wiser.