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Everything posted by brian129

  1. looks like am going to like this maybe can use it for little tricks
  2. anothe empty thread hope thi \s guys know what they are doing
  3. also cnt wait to see what on the list
  4. what does it do please you should also have said while uploading thanks let me check
  5. indian hemp is bad for your health lets make here a safer place for all
  6. i have tried 2 post already and still have not find a single working one. hope this one do work
  7. great work it works and enjiy yoy day
  8. great hope its not like the first one
  9. not bad for a beginer. but let me see if works well then i show more contribution
  10. great work let take a look at it and see what it does. dnt mind me writing just want to see