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  1. YAH boy another HQ config! Need HQ proxies Capture everything with auto change pass email USE PAID HQ PROXIES NOT PUBLIC
  2. Unidays This is a site that offers students discount codes to massive retailers if the account is active you can normally snatch a code for like %10-20 off @AnimuCracku they also do lovehoney discounts for dildos ill hook you up Proxies: Free = high CPM OB version : 2.0 + due to lolix Capture: hilly_123_@hotmail.co.uk:flower123 | Verified = Expired | Account type = Student | Due to expire = false | Expiry date = 13/04/2020
  3. Email/User: Email Proxies: Proxyless works Capture: Points Recommended Bots: any Last checked: day poste
  4. OP Yesterday - 05:39 PM #1 Follow Ezy Fine Premium content leaked for you. Tested by me and works 100000000% Fine Dont forget to use good quality proxies Pepe Guys do support me by liking my post Hotstar config:--
  5. Proxys: Yes Bots: 100 Combo: emial:pass Capture only good accounts Site: eurosportplayer.com OPENBULLET: 1.2.X
  6. Site URL: https://paladins.com Email/User: User Proxies: Yes Capture: Paladin Level, Verified, Most Played Champs, Play time, Games Played, Winrate Note: Custom are accounts that dont have paladins If you want me to the same for smite, tell me Recommended Bots: any Last checked: day posted Made by @ Desme#5333
  7. Proxies: Yes Email/User: User Capture: Bits Needs Recaptcha
  8. Some of you might be using OpenBullet Reboot [Team Paradox], but they removed the files from their GitHub. They are reworking the program and will be releasing new versions soon. [image: kKN8D91.png] I modified their version of OpenBullet to fix this issue. Simply download my .exe from the link below and replace the original [tested on latest version/] If you don't have the latest version [] use DL link #2 to download the entire program.
  9. Captures Premium, Validation, Folder Amount and File Amount Hope you enjoy
  10. Credits to @Forlax for reversing this tool New Update Features : * GPU overloading was fixed * replaced the oly proxy system with a new one * fixed the gui sizements over OSs
  11. Some of you might be using OpenBullet Reboot [Team Paradox], but they removed the files from their GitHub. They are reworking the program and will be releasing new versions soon. [image: kKN8D91.png] I modified their version of OpenBullet to fix this issue. If you already have the latest version, please go to https://cracked.to/Thread-How-to-fix-Ope...ot-opening Hidden Content
  12. OP 6 hours ago #1 Follow Hey guys, Since many people have some LoliX configs that they cannot use, I decided to "fix" the old OpenBullet. You can now use your LoliX configs once again ! Hidden Content You must reply to this thread to view this content or upgrade your account. Note: Upgrade your account to see all hidden content on every post without replying and prevent getting banned. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-anal.../detection -- NOTE: I was unable to locate the HTTP link for the update check within OpenBullet.exe so this is the best I can do for now. Once I am able to locate that link, you don't have to use HTTP Debugger anymore and I will update this thread with the new links.
  13. Alright so I've seen some people post my Mod here. Im Pure, And I Update / Develop the Paradox Mod Version of OpenBullet. The Version posted here are all outdated now and have bugs so you should stick to official releases. Paradox Mod adds Speed / Bot Improvements as well as a AutoUpdater. The updater will NOT force you to update. adds support for Ruri's Web Api for hosting Config Databases. VT: https://www.virustot...d6f12/detection
  14. Email/User: Email Proxies: Yes Capture: Premium Status Example: [image: 1eNFu35.png] Recommended Bots: any Last checked: day posted
  15. Email/User: Email Proxies: Yes, didnt try proxyless Capture: Expiration Date, Activation Code, Max Activations, Used Activations Recommended Bots: any Last checked: day posted