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Everything posted by elifegors

  1. Alright i gonna remove this thread too bad tho cuz so far im legit
  2. there are free luckytokens when you register to try it out i dont want anyones money i am just sharing a method i use and as you can see so far it worked for me.
  3. i lost cuz of another bab script thanks for the share
  4. We all like to receive some free money from time to time, and if you are like me, you would never pass on an opportunity to claim your fair share of the pie. The frustrating thing about most cryptocurrency airdrops is that the tokens that they give out often aren't yet listed on exchanges, or don't have high enough liquidity necessary to dump the airdropped coins for bitcoin or another coin of your liking * ahem * That's why I'm always excited to bump across an airdrop like this one which hands out coins that can be instantly sold for another coin. I know that I'm not the only one here who will gladly take any chance to get my hands on some free crypto so for that reason I'm sharing the Vite Airdrop with you today. This airdrop is as simple as it gets and it yields $0.36-36$ per click, each 24 hours. Download and Install Vite App on your mobile device Android users: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.vite.wallet IOS users: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/vite-multi-token-wallet/id1437629486?mt=8 Create an account Go to -> Invite friends and win VITE -> input my ref code: 1UUPJT86 to receive your first 10 VITE ( WE BOTH RECIEVE 10 VITE COINS ) Wait one hour to claim your first FREE 10 - 1000 VITE and from then on keep claiming FREE tokens each 24 hours It's as simple as that! It only took me about a few minutes to finish the entire process, with the most time-consuming part being inputting the annoying seed phrase. Additionally To receive even more FREE tokens, you can share your ref code with your friends, family members and followers for up to 68 000 VITE, currently worth $2469! :fiesta:
  5. First of all sorry for all the grammar errors because english is not my native language! I apologize for that! I have found a way to earn money on autopilot and i want to share them with you as a way of giving back for al the tips and tricks i have been reading on this forum! This is gonna look very terrible as i do not know how to make all this looks fancy and outstanding like al of the other threads. I just wanna give out some information on how i do it. Follow this tutorial and you will start to see your first $$$ by tomorrow! You will get paid every 24 hours, you either withdrawal daily or you will use the method that I will show you below to make more and more profits! First you will need to sign up with the best crypto exchange on the market(my opinion): Sign up here: w w w. k u c o i n . com/?rcode=xaRbJJ (please use this link when you sign up, don’t be a leacher) Sign up here: w w w. k u c o i n . com/ (Non-ref link) Its and easy sign up and don’t forget to enable your google autentificator! This exchange will pay you dividends if you keep their tokens in your account! It’s simple as that, you don’t have to do anything else only log in every 24 hours to withdrawal your profit or save your profit into your wallet for bigger profits. This is not a HYIP,MLM,SCAM SITE etc this is a legit exchange that pay 50% of their profits (trading commisions) to the dividends holders. The dividents are called KCS they are on rank 79 on coinmarketcap.com. So how does this work? After you sign up you will need to buy at least 6 KCS (AROUND 3.2$) and tomorrow you will get your first profit! Your profit will be in KCS and you will need to save it to your wallet. After you save it to your wallet and you will see that you have more KCS (compounding) so the next day you will recieve more profit! You either buy more KCS or you start compounding KCS from your profits for bigger returns every day! I don't know if it is a known method or not but for me it worked! Ps: I don't want to be banned if above method sounds stupid or anything like that! EDIT: theres a calculator oline where u can calculate how much u will possible earn. right now im on 4kcs per day and with the price of writing this its going to be roughly 4 dollars a day. When i can post pictures i will offcourse post the proof of them!
  6. alrighty then..............thnks for sharing
  7. dankjewel voor deze share......ik wist niet dat jij als rapper dit soort shizzle deed!