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Everything posted by Waddyaknow

  1. I'm giving this a try, although I'm convinced this will be a repost of the UK teen leak that's been in the news
  2. I'll give this one a try...
  3. Hoping this is not a repeat. It's repost day around here tonight
  4. This seems like another... repeat. Will check though
  5. I'll have to give this one a thoroughly try...
  6. [hide]https://mega.nz/#F!xyoiiKAB!BVasZtrTTVJLYMvuZI3D6A[/hide]
  7. Gonna check this one out, hoping for the best...
  8. High hopes for this one, on the slowest of days...
  9. Slow day, but I'll check this one out...
  10. Never tried one of these before, around here. Web founds never worked, so let's see how it turns out...
  11. Will have to figure out what this is...
  12. Not a lot of info, but will check...