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  1. a bit wired that the vouch post came right after the normal post?
  2. 300-350 bucks in my pocket right now i would not say no to, any newbie tips? hehe xd Free advice. If you have PayPal + credit card, setup an ebay account and sell shit there. I can help you out. Ez money, no chargebacks as customers will be satisfied. You don't even have to break their tos depending on what you are selling :) I'm not doing that currently, since I'm waiting for my credit card to arrive, but it will certainly set me at $500 a week at least just from ebay. yea i would love that thanks! Do you have discord? :fiesta:
  3. 300-350 bucks in my pocket right now i would not say no to, any newbie tips? hehe xd Cool! Did you crack your own combos or did you buy a list and resell them?
  4. I have been trying to make money online now for awhile without much success so im just curious about how much you made? :hype:
  5. lets see this method will like ofcc
  6. thanks for the share will leave a little like ofc