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  1. Found it somewhere and thought I should share it https://anonfile.com/W297O0n7na/200in24hours-EASY_pdf
  2. Hey guys in this article,i am telling about the different tabs in the burp; In the community edition there are mainly 13 different tabs,they are 1.target 2.Proxy 3.Spider 4.Scanner 5.Intruder 6.Repeater 7.Sequencer 8.Decoder 9.Comparer 10.Extender 11.Project Options 12.User options 13.Alerts These tabs have its sub tabs and settings;i am going to explain all of this amd what are the use of these tabs;and how can we use it? 1.Target The Target tool contains the site map, with detailed information about your target applications. It lets you define which targets are in scope for your current work, and also lets you drive the process of testing for vulnerabilities.(copied from the manuel) {It means that this tab contains all of the information about our target site} *Target tab contains two different subtabs;sitemap&scope; Sitemap { In the site map tab,it shows the sites we added /redirected to the burp;&all the urls on that site It shows us the method used is get/post &does it contains parameters,we can use it to filter out by different categories(sort) } Scope { I dont know what it really does but i found this on the manuel ● The target scope configuration lets you tell Burp, at a suite-wide level, exactly what hosts and URLs constitute the target for your current work. You can think of the target scope as, roughly, the items that you are currently interested in and willing to attack. }
  3. m0nk1337


    Never heard about something like this Edit: pure clickbait
  4. Burp Suite - Sequencer, Uses and Tutorial. - Introduction - Sequencer is a Integrated burpsuites module which is used to predict session ID's. - What is a session ID - A unique number assigned to the host by the server in order to differentiate it from other users. - How to Get Session ID's - Intercept the login request with burp suite and after you are logged in you'll see an header called PHPSESSID=96187XXXXXXXX this is your session id. - Uses of Sequencer - > We can capture live headers, it will help us in tracking the difference of session ID's. > It provides Character level analysis and in-depth information about the entropy of session id, so that we can predict the next token. - Tutorial - 1. Right click on the request which contains the PHPSESSID and then send it to sequencer. 2. Under sequencer tab you will see a button "Start live capture" click on it. 3. Now the sequencer will try that token again and again to see if next session can be oredicted or not. 4. Now you will get the result and you can copy tokens, save tokens or analyze them at the same time. Thankyou for reading guys.
  5. i would like some private sites to get fast proxies