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  1. Hello All. I've the Method of Changing of Epic-Games Email without Mail-Access! I've Tried it once and this method works, but didn't try it right now. I Don't know if this Method is already Posted here or not, But i have checked few posts on this section, but the Method was different. So i Decided to Post this Method with ya all! METHOD: [hide] CHANGE EMAIL ON EPIC GAMES ACCOUNT: You can do this multiple ways, here are some examples: 1. If the email is like, make the email or a really similar one and say you misspelled it. 2. If the email is like, make the email and Say that I Messed up on writing the Domain. ————————————————- Here’s how to contact Epic Games and make it look believable. 1. Go to: ( 2. Fill in name on Epic Games account, Don't Use your own Name. 3. Full in the Email Address that you've made, Don't Put the Epic-Games Email Address 4. Select ‘Update Epic Games Account’ 5. Write something along these lines: Hi Epic Games, I accidentally misspelled my email when creating my fortnite account. I didn't really care about it but it's a hastle at this point. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could change it to my actual email so I can verify my account. My actual email is but I misspelled it on my epic games account, I writed, I used the wrong digit. So it would mean a lot to me if you could update the email so I can verify it. Thanks for your time, {Name on Account} ————————————————- After 6-10 days they will reply asking you to confirm your ownership, Normally this is quite EZ to do. This is what they will ask for: Here are some tips: - If they ask for your IP address, give them yours but tell them you are on vacation and it’s not your actual IP. - Creation Date: If they got a rare skin like Renegade Raider you can just say ‘I don’t know when but definitely in Season 1’ - Credit Card: You can’t possibly know this but most xbox and ps4 accounts never had a credit card connected so just go with that - Date of PSN linked: Just say u always played on PSN/XBOX and connected the first day u started playing. - Original Display Name: Try using current display name - Battle Passes: Look at the skins to see what battle passes are bought on the account - Wins: look up the wins on Fortnite tracker The rest should be easy, just try to get as much information as possible. ————————————————- After you provide Epic Games with these details, they will update your email. [/hide] If this was Useful, I hope you'll Appreciate my Work and Effort. DON'T LEECH, LEECHERS WILL GET PERMANENT BANNED!!
  2. Gonna Try this one, I hope i'll get what i need, thanks for sharing.
  3. Thanks, I hope it works till now, i know its very old, but still i can try.
  4. Let's Check this now, Will give it a try and update. Thanks for Sharing.
  5. I'll try this Method At Once and Will Update if its work or not, Anyways Thanks alot for Sharing.
  6. Thanks for Sharing, I hope i get any good E-Book for me and it'll be useful for me, Will appreciate your work.
  7. I hope this works till now, Anyways Thanks for Sharing.
  8. Thanks for Sharing, Lets try this RDP method too, I'll Update if this works!
  9. Lets Check if its work or not, I'll update if its work, anyways thanks for sharing.
  10. I need it very badly, Hope it works! anyways Thanks for Sharing. EDIT: LINK HAS BEEN EXPIRED.
  11. Jerky99


    Appreciated your work by giving like!, Keep it up, anyways, thanks for sharing it. EDIT: This Site has very tough security. Can't change Email nor Password.
  12. Thanks for sharing, If i really get the RDP, I would definitely appreciate it by giving like!
  13. I Hope this works for me, Will appreciated if it is useful. thanks for sharing.