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Everything posted by S4vage

  1. Hoping this one still has some downlaod available on it
  2. lovely my bro hope this still works
  3. Could do with growing a twitter account so will check this out?
  4. Sad to see a building almost 700 years old damaged like this hopefyully they'll be able to stem the fire quickly and work on restoration.
  5. Unlimited sounds too good to be true haha Edit: Has potential if you put the work in.
  6. Refunded a Macbook Pro in like 2016. Didn't realise people were still doing this I thought Amazon cracked down on it pretty hard?
  7. Got a $300 headset a few years back I still use to this day haha.
  8. Awesome, cheers for the accounts bro.
  9. Hi bro, will contact you about this, could do with a Twitter profile pic and header.
  10. S4vage

    Rate my GFX [NOOB]

    Looks like a good start, I like the minimalistic theme. Would maybe play with text positioning so it's no on top of the rocket seeing as thats a focal point in the image. Like the the idea above of adding some stars as somebody said above. Also maybe some craters on the moon or on Mars, depending how far you want to stray from the simple theme.
  11. Awesome pal, hope there's a few things I can learn in here.
  12. Can't predict anything with this show but I could see Jamie Lannister taking it.
  13. I mean 310 BTC is worth 1.6 mill but I spose 2 mill sounds better xD
  14. S4vage

    Alright lads

    Used to hang round on some older foums a couple of years ago, but been busy doing a degree since. Learnt a lot about crypto, coding, gfx etc in that time so will probably get try share some of my knowledge around maybe start up a service or two if I have the motivation.
  15. Hard question but probably gotta be Fight Club for me.
  16. S4vage

    Alright lads

    Hi everyone, New here so thought I'd start off with a thread here. Looks like a quality community from first glance so I look forward to contributing and seeing you all around!