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  1. will try this i hope im not late
  2. Thank you for sharing this :D will try this out
  3. Thanks working or not, really appreciate the effort..
  4. This is just my opinion on Last of Us.. story wise.. its ok.. gameplay and mechanics is ok too.. i just dont get why it gets so high on rating... maybe the drama, but i played many games way better than last of us when it comes to drama But im still anticipating the part 2 of it.. seems way better than the part 1..hopefully.. My personal Raiting Story = 5 or 6/10 (no deep shit or whatever, more like a plain story in movies, felt like u know whats gonna happen next,) Gameplay/Mechanics = 5 otr6/10 okyissh also.. try it and youll be the judge.. but then again its just my personal opinion.