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Everything posted by ilisovoy

  1. Welcome to the third part of articles on creating combolist. Let's start the method right away. For this method we need a private software for checking the combolist on the valid or used EMAIL ACCESS CHECKER | BY SPACEMAN & EDWARD and soon will be my assembly imap brut It will also be good to have a Dedicated Server later understand why. At the expense of proxies, if you have large volumes of combolist, then of course you'd better buy yourself proxy files, elites, etc. Rent can not take, but again depends on the number of rows in your combolist. Next we need to decide what we will work MYR, ZABUGOR The best is obtained with MYR You can take such bases from the hands, merge, etc. But the main thing is that the combolist was a valid. You can also buy these bases, the main thing is that the spam block was at a minimum. [hide] Let's start the most interesting: We take invalid mail, assign to the end of each password characters: 1, 2, q, a, z, 123. (or your symbols) The best standard characters, letters. That is, the base will be 6 times larger than the one that was. You can experiment with your symbols, for example qwe, qwer, s, w, 3, 4, 5 and so on. But the standard ones written above go best. Who does not know how to assign a symbol - it does not matter, download the software by reference [DOWNLOAD: MEGA (CLICK) | VT [CLICK] ] [align=center]A small guide: 1 - Insert your base 2 - Load the config, which I also attach: [DOWNLOAD: MEGA (CLICK) ] SPECIAL FOR C.TO [/align] [align=center] 3 - We change for ourselves and check that the checkboxes have been ticked[/align] [align=center] [/align] [align=center] PS: The main program guide can be viewed by this link (CLICK) The combolist was received, after reception it is desirable to randomize it. go to brute. If there are 1 valid account for 1k to 2k mail, then the combolsit is really a valid one and is suitable for us. If the 50k = 1 Valid, of course, do not take. brute, determined. !! If we buy the base, then we repeat the actions that were performed on the test base. We put brut at night. It is best to Dedicated Server. Since it will work round the clock[/align] 77 VALID FROM 15K LINES But I also remind you that there will not necessarily be a full combolist valid at the output, since there are many services where you do not need valid when checking / brute. !! example: FORTNITE [/hide] Thank you for reading this article. Most likely this is the final part, who knows? :pepo: :hype: go help me reach 50 likes? :hype:
  4. @Stale . lol i'm fixid this error. I'm Generate new key and software work
  5. Need fix Initially, there was an error with auth key, I sin on the fact that the first part of the key is hidden somewhere, after it gives an error, the hwid is invalid @Stale fix pls
  6. It does work and i did check so please, dont post inconvenient posts on my thread. If the combolist is too big, then it may crash, simple. Ok, forget it. But why the curve of an antispab if you have already made a key generator for the antipublic myrq? for soft thanks :ezy:
  7. he is not worked , i cheched. pls @itzRassy checked software first
  8. it's soft bad work. Sorry but this topic not HQ :(
  9. :hype: DONT LEECHER | LIKES :hype: [hide] Download: MEGA [CLICK] [/hide]
  10. @Deos , NEED REPAIR SOFT The thing is when you use a proxy, all accounts in Bede throws, but if you use a non-proxy, then all is well. Proxyless With HTTP's proxy
  11. Cheched 5 min ago. full valid :ezy: Download: MEGA [CLICK]
  12. wow, give me write this. and thanks for this guide
  13. My skill is to write author's leaks of high quality. In the direction of the bases (combolist). I actively distribute the high-quality combolist, as well as fill out the forum with new leaks how to do the bases yourself. Plus, I'm attaching screenshots of my antipublic to my combolist, and I'm not telling people that it's 100% private, but in reality everything is public. On small quantities, I do not put a hide, and also began to distribute the HTTP proxy of a high quality completely valid as well, confirming it with a screenshot AND MY AVATAR IS BEATIFUL <3 and i'm here one the only active user from Russia :3 HQ Leaks #1 HQ Leaks #2 HQ Leaks #3 - Coming Soon Proxy Topic Combolist #1 Combolist #2 Proxy Server Grabber & Checker and etc
  14. [align=center]Hi beginner hacker. So the time has come to tell you about the method of one. And the first way you can read here[/align] If you do not understand or do not know what is happening in this sphere, welcome, you have come to the right page. The newcomer, often, the one who has already become acquainted with the fact - what is Brut / Checker / Proxy asks himself such questions: where to download the combolistfor brute? And everyone after all of us wants to get oveeeer9999 Steam accounts with CS: GO. So, in this thread, I'll tell you how you can create a private combolist. All the bases created by you will be full private. But at the output you will also be pleasantly surprised by the validity of the combolist (not always, it depends what you took as a basis) This material will help you understand this. Not a big digression / explanation: 1. What kind of material do we need? !! We need the source database, you can take it in the section Distributing combolist (clickable) !! On need public software - which lies in the public domain, I will provide everything !! We do not need any proxy, the software works without proxies, and there's nothing to it. 2. With what bases will we work? !! The best bases are obtained by ZABUGOR !! MYR base can be check, but I promise nothing 3. After I learn your method, I will create a mega fat database, and will pay for it on game requests? !! No, all you have is a 100% private combolist !! The valid of this base will be minimal (there is a good validity) !! I do not promise a mega fat base, but to get something good you can I also ask you to take into account that you are not charging for the material in public. And that on the way out you get a full private combolist. Approximate valid in the database: 1k lines ~ 50 mails valid / private 5k lines ~ 150 mails valid / private 10k ~ 250 mails valid / private And so, the drum roll comes to the very method. Dont Leecher | Place like (road to 20) [hide] STEP ONE: [align=center]STEP TWO: Further I think it is clear, the results are saved automatically. A small confirmation of the output. I can not guarantee that with every combolist run you will get a good valid. There are also no good bases.[/align] Slippers do not rush for mistakes (if any) written sleepy. VIRUSTOTAL FOR SOFT: SOFT1 - Click | SOFT2 - Click [/hide] Not a large dictionary: Full private - full private base 100% -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Variables - something that the software will change in the combolist (letters, registry, numbers, delete adding something) -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Fat base - the base when checked, you will have many of your queries -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- // RESERVE FOR CONFIG If you want to help this forum, you can create a config and give it to us. A link to the message will be attached. For every such config you get from me like Format: Link to download (MEGA or any service without ads) Photo on Valid
  15. @itzRassy , thanks for soft @itzRassy have error after click "enter checker" upd 3: after 10 click "OK" . software start
  16. Road to 20 likes. l MORE PROXY - ELITE you know what to do :ezy: Download: MEGA [CLICK]
  17. key cant change. blocked delete charset.... edit: lol. it's work. thnaks and like u
  18. ahahah. thanks going check all my base :D
  19. woow, going abuse test mode antipublic. thanks <3