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Everything posted by angelooo-18

  1. [hide] [/hide] My IT skills that I know perfect is SQL, HTML ,css ,wordpress, PHP. coding skills that I know is Java, JavaScript and C#
  2. Wanted to release something big. So here is my PAID FREE Discord tool! Features: Account Generator (Requires 2captcha) Token Authorizer (Accounts appear online and can send messages to channels) Mass Server Joiner Mass Channel Spammer Mass Friend Adder This program was a lot of work.. A simple thank you and a like below means a lot. If you plan on just downloading this and not giving a thank you, I mean... You're a pretty selfish person to be blunt. Takes <1sec. This program was one of my first ever projects. It is the building blocks to my current C# knowledge. If you have any questions or issues feel free to throw me a message, and if you're getting into C# yourself and have some questions, shoot me a PM and I'll do my best to answer it for you with some examples --Screenshots-- Spoiler [hide] VirusTotal uwu Download pls like :D [/hide]