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Everything posted by FanatikOJ

  1. In the case of ifle Dedik will die prematurely, I make money-back for the remaining days If you will be in conflict with the restrictions for example (port scans, etc., and the dead man will die, it's your fault, there is no money back for this, and there will not be I advise you not to load percents more than 70% Country: RU Processor: 1 core, Memory: 1 GB, Disk: 20 GB SSD Channel: 200Mb / s 10$ Processor: 4 core, Memory: 2 GB, Disk: 60 GB SSD Channel: 200Mb / s 25$ Processor: 3 cores, Memory: 1536 MB Disk: 50 GB SSD Channel: 200Mb / s 20$ Processor: 5 cores, Memory: 4 GB, Disk: 80 GB SSD Channel: 200Mb / s 30$ Processor: 5 cores, Memory: 6 GB, Disk: 90 GB SSD Channel: 200Mb / s 35$ Processor: 7 cores, Memory: 7 GB, Disk: 100 GB SSD Channel: 200Mb / s 40$ warranty 28 days from the date of purchase (with the proviso that the dead man died through no fault of yours)
  2. 5 theard completely empty accounts, do not waste time, I'll check it myself!