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Everything posted by Dog

  1. Haha is the "P" a Euro symbol? haha Pffff totally
  2. If this is an auction then I'll bid 25p :kek:
  3. I have a Shutterstock tool if you wanna get an image for free ;)
  4. To be fair, this game's pretty fun.
  5. I get that part, but who's ever going to SE British Gas? This is not to SE British gas and its for companies that may want proof of address and a utility bill seems more legit OH MY GOD I'M A RETARD
  6. I get that part, but who's ever going to SE British Gas?
  7. At least give me one, I need a good camera :pepe:
  8. There is If he mentioned infinity i'd have taken lol @dog you too so i can be done with vouches . Discord?
  9. there is no infinity in the vouch rules ..... I Will provide 2 vouches For the ranks : Staff, Supreme, Contributor or Godlike. There is If he mentioned infinity i'd have taken lol @dog Same, I'm just a retard for not reading it :fuck: EDIT: WE GETTING A VOUCH BOIS
  10. there is no infinity in the vouch rules ..... I Will provide 2 vouches For the ranks : Staff, Supreme, Contributor or Godlike. Welp I didn't read it properly, my bad :pepe:
  11. Probably best to choose randomly from post IDs, but oh well. 52.
  12. Don't get me wrong, this is cool - but why would anyone need this?
  13. I mean hey, it's a flat-earther Discord. I'd do anything to nuke that shit.
  14. In all honesty, the exact same could be said for a majority of the awards.
  15. I've found this Flat Earth Discord server and they're all either really cringy or really fucking dumb. I'd quite like to arrange a raid but I don't know if I'd be allowed to set on up on the forum. Is this allowed at all?
  16. I used Rainmeter with Spicetify, Spirit, Cleartext, this wallpaper and TranslucentB. Theme colours: Background colour: RGB colour: 22,34,46 Hex colour: #16222E Accent colour: RGB colour: 211,124,107 Hex colour: #D37C6B Enjoy yourself :)
  17. Just spent the last few hours doing up my desktop, as well as Spotify. Personally, I think it's okay, but feel free to leave what you think.
  18. Here's for the future of :) Stop being a rude cunt n appreciate this post ffs
  19. Just out of curiosity- where are the proxies grabbed from? And, is this open source?
  20. Wish I saw this before I used AutoKMS. Cheers.