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Hi guys! I'm applying for active member rank! I've been cracking for almost 10 months now and I enjoy this forum! :pepelove: I'm planning to drop a lot more high-quality posts/threads. HQ Threads: https://cracked.to/Thread-Instagram-Bot-Pro https://cracked.to/Thread-PRIVATE-MAKE-UNLIMITED-UHD-NETFLIX-ACCOUNTS-JUNE-2019 https://cracked.to/Thread-Socks4-HQ-HOW-TO-GET-HQ-PROXIES-FOR-NETFLIX-FORTNITE-PRIVATE https://cracked.to/Thread-TUTORIAL-HOW-TO-MAKE-HQ-Dorks-FOR-FORTNITE-SQLi I meet all the requirements for Active Member user group.
[hide] 1.Download and install EditThisCookie for Chrome – https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/editthiscookie/fngmhnnpilhplaeedifhccceomclgfbg/ 2.Click on the little cookie in the top right corner of the browser 3.Click import cookie arrow 4.Paste the cookie you want to use in the space 5.Click the green checkmark 6.Visit www.primevideo.com you should be logged in now. 7. Note that don’t Log Out otherwise cookies will be expired. links for cookies: https://letsdownloads.com/free-amazon-prime-premium-cookie-links/ [/hide]
Enjoy cracking netflix accounts! [hide] before you start cracking these accounts , you will need the following. 1. RDP (A virtual machine to allow anonymity while cracking and also to ensure you are safe from any malware that is present in the cracker / checker) 2. Proxies (Paid once is more preferred , but if you really cannot afford , then just use proxy scraper to scrap some from various sources) 3. Combolist (Contains the various combinations of email:pass or user:pass which will be used by the checker to check the validity of the combo) 4. Necessary Tools : Netflix v1.1 / ANY NETFLIX TOOL , ANY Proxy Tool Now this are the steps to crack the accounts : 1. Load your combo-list 2. Load your proxies (Make sure to select the correct proxy type (socks5 , HTTP/s) 3. Select the number of threads you want (Usually I set to 100 , but it depends how good your PC / RDP actually is) 4. Click on start and allow the programme to run 5. After completion , click on “save hits” to save the combos that are valid From my personal experience , if you would like to start a account shop / business , I highly recommend that you purchase proxies. It is a little expensive but it is 100% worth it. Shitty proxies might skip potential valid hits and thus causing the combo not to be captured. One of the websites that I recommend purchasing from is https://buy.fineproxy.org/eng/ @rxrisky For combolist , if you are a beginner , it is recommended that you purchase from REPUTABLE sellers that gives you HQ accounts , or you can just leech from any forum and use em. But please don’t be an ass and appreciate people’s hardwork by giving them a like / rep . Kappa pogchamp For Bruteforce/Checker , you can simply google to find em or look around cracked.to to find em. Last but not least , this knowledge is not ONLY applicable to Netflix but other account types as well. You just need the right TOOL and the right COMBOLIST and then BOOM , get those accounts and resell it for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. [/hide]
[hide] How to combine two Wifi Connections to get a faster Internet You have more than one active internet connections and you are using only one at a time, while the other is resting? Don't let it be lazy. Combine them all to get combined internet speed. Say you have two connections of 1 Mbps each, you just can make 1+1=2. This can work regardless of the type of the connections, i.e. it may be wired, wireless or mobile communication. Method 1 of 4: Combining LANs Steps: 1. Turn everything on your computer, modems (in case of DSL). 2. Connect them on the relative ports. 3. Establish Connections. Dial or do whatever you need to do to establish an Internet connection and test each one by one separately. If all good proceed to the next step. 4. While each one is active and connected, navigate to the "Network Devices" folder of your computer. It usually stays under control panel. Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, press Windows D to navigate to the desktop, and the rest is the same as windows 7 below. For Windows 7 and Vista, Click the network icon on the task bar-> then click \ Open Network and Sharing Center\ . Then click \ Change Adapter settings\ 5. Review the Connections. Review the window showing all of your network connections. 6. Drag and select. Drag and select Active LAN (Wired, Wireless or DSL Modem) connections. 7. Right, click on one of the selected-> click "Bridge Connections." Then wait and a network bridge with different icon will appear. You might have to provide administrative right. *Method 2 of 4: Load Balancing* If you connect 2 internet connection to Windows at a time, the operating system automatically selects one connection as primary and uses others as as failover connection mode. You can force Windows 7, 8 to use both connections simultaneously using a simple trick. Steps: ►Open Network and Sharing Center > Change Adapter Settings ►Go to properties of any of your active Internet connection whether it be LAN, WiFi or 3G/4G. ►Select Internet Protocol TCP/IP Version 4, Open its properties, then go to advanced. ►Uncheck the Automatic Metric and type “15”. ►Repeat same steps on other Internet connections you want to combine. ►Restart your Computer. Method 3 of 4: Using Connectify Hotspot Steps: ►Download the Connectify Dispatch ►Install the Dispatch software. ►Run. Then click "Start Dispatch". ►Connect all your modems or network connections Method 4 of 4: Using Speedify Steps: ►Speedify is a new cloud service from the makers of Connectify, that lets you easily combine multiple WiFi, 3G/4G, and wired networks to create one faster and more reliable Internet connection. ►Visit [www.speedify.com] to begin your free, 3-day trial. Once your trial has started, you will receive an email with your login and a download link for the Speedify client software (for Mac OS X+ & PC) ►Install the Speedify software and then simply enter the email and password that you received from Speedify to log into the Speedify server network ►Click the 'Speed Me Up' button to log in. Speedify will automatically connect you to the nearest and fastest Speed Server to ensure that you get the maximum speed and reliability of your Internet connections combined. ►Now, just ensure that you have two or more WiFi, mobile broadband, or wired Internet connections active on your computer, and Speedify does the rest: ►Connect all your modems or network connections. [/hide]
[hide] 1. Get an Italian Proxy/VPN 2. Register an account on https://www.dropbox.com/ 3. Choose the 2TB Plan 4. Select the Annual billing, Fatturazione Annuale 5. Use Direct Debit as Payment Method, Addebito Diretto 6. Complete The Form With Fake Data. [/hide]
[hide] How to have lots of Followers and like on Instagram To be followed step by step We'll need - Neutrino+ https://apkpure.com/it/neutrino/com.pockybop.sociali - AppCloner https://appcloner.app/ - 2 Instagram account (the real one and a fake one) To don't risk a ban add a foto to the new fake profile and a post too. 1.0 Install Neutrino+ and run it 1.1 Login with your Instagram real account 1.2 To have a Bonus insert this code: "12772493" 2.0 Install AppCloner and run it 2.1 Clone Neutrino+, give it a a name as Neutrino+ 2, change its icon color and run it 2.2 Login with your Instagram fake account 2.3 Insert again 12772493 code 3.0 Press the star and start following everybody until Instagram blocks you for a few minutes 3.1 Press the diamond on the bottom right corner 3.2 Go to More Crystals -> Transfer Crystals 3.3 Insert your real username 3.4 Insert the maximum of diamonds you have and press send Extra In the meanwhile you wait to follow other people install another appcloner, clone Neutrino+, make a new Instagram account and repeat the complete steps 1 and 3. To receive diamonds you've sent click on Update Profile When on your real Neutrino+ account you'll have at least 359 diamonds you can follow next steps 4.0 Click on the star 4.1 Click on Click To Start Gaining Followers 4.2 Press OK Now for 10 minutes everybody using the app will have the possibility to follow you and receive diamonds as a reward Extra This will affect your battery life Another way to have diamonds is this one 5.0 Go on your Neutrino+ account 5.1 Press the diamond on the right bottom corner 5.2 Press Open Additional Settings 5.3 If you're using your fake account tick them both, if it's the real account just tick the second one 5.4 Press ok 5.5 Press the big diamond in the middle of your screen 5.6 It will start to beat as a heart, and you'll receive diamonds 5.7 Follow complete step 5 on the others Neutrino+ accounts Notice Never unfollow somebody of Neutrino+ or you'll lose energy, with negative energy you can't increase followers. If you've followed someone by mistake and want to undo that follow this steps. 6.0 Open Neutrino+, press the Star 6.1 Press The emoji face on the left side 6.2 Press Unfollow Extra You can have free energy points by punishing who has unfollowed you, following this steps. 7.0 Press the Star 7.1 Press Punish My Unfollowers 7.2 Press Find Unfollowers 7.3 Press Find Deceivers 7.4 At the End of the scan press on every profile it will be shown, they'll lose energy and you'll gain it Another way to receive diamonds is possible following this steps 8.0 Open Neutrino+ real account 8.2 Press the diamond on the bottom right corner 8.3 Go to More Crystals -> Begin 8.4 Do their tasks to get diamonds Extra To receive likes on photos follow this steps 9.0 Open Neutrino+ real account 9.1 Press on the photo you want to be liked 9.2 Select how many likes (1 like = 4 diamonds) 9.3 Press OK [/hide]
[hide] 1. Click on "Start" in the bottom left hand corner of screen 2. Click on "Run" 3. Type in "command" and hit ok You should now be at an MSDOS prompt screen. 4. Type "ipconfig /release" just like that, and hit "enter" 5. Type "exit" and leave the prompt 6. Right-click on "Network Places" or "My Network Places" on your desktop. 7. Click on "properties" You should now be on a screen with something titled "Local Area Connection", or something close to that, and, if you have a network hooked up, all of your other networks. 8. Right click on "Local Area Connection" and click "properties" 9. Double-click on the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" from the list under the "General" tab 10. Click on "Use the following IP address" under the "General" tab 11. Create an IP address (It doesn't matter what it is. I just type 1 and 2 until i fill the area up). 12. Press "Tab" and it should automatically fill in the "Subnet Mask" section with default numbers. 13. Hit the "Ok" button here 14. Hit the "Ok" button again You should now be back to the "Local Area Connection" screen. 15. Right-click back on "Local Area Connection" and go to properties again. 16. Go back to the "TCP/IP" settings 17. This time, select "Obtain an IP address automatically" 18. Hit "Ok" 19. Hit "Ok" again 20. You now have a new IP address With a little practice, you can easily get this process down to 15 seconds. [/hide]
[hide] ?Requirements: - A USB or CD - A computer where you can access BIOS, pretty much any computer -Kon-boot ( i can not provide you with the download link in case of viruses but search it up. Latest version is 2.5.0 that works on windows 8 and 10, haven't tried it yet but it does definitely work on windows 7 and below ) Step 1: After you have downloaded Kon-Boot, and after deleting and formatting your USB leaving nothing in it, extract the file inside the USB and run the .exe file. Once that happens your CMD should open asking you to prsess the letter of the driver you want to install Kon-boot on. Just go on '' My Computer '' and check the letter next to your drive, most likely it would be F:/ so just click F and enter the files should be installed in your driver ( Whether CD or USB ) Step 2: Now that you have the files inside the USB your bypassing windows method is ready. Now all you have to do is : - Plug the USB into the computer you want to bypass - Once the logo of the computer ( brand ) comes up, go to BIOS settings. The key to go there should be mentioned at the bottom of the screen ( WARNING: This screen part will skip pretty fast so be fast to get the keys or search it up to know which key you need to click for the laptop's target for a faster and non restarting more than once the computer ) -Once there, you can only use your keyboard ( arrow keys ) to navigate through the menu. Search for a boot directory or boot set up or boot start up any of these kind with word '' boot '' go there and it will eventually ask you if you wish to boot the computer with USB, DVD or any other kind of drivers. If your data ( Kon-Boot ) is on USB and you have the USB plugged it click '' boot from USB '' if you have the data of kon boot saved in CD and you have the CD inside the laptop click '' Boot from CD '' - Now that you have asked the laptop to boot from CD or USB all you have to do is wait, you will most likely get a page with '' Kon-boot '' written and like a matrix form running, once that happens it will take u to the user screen where you choose which user you want to access go ahead and click the one with the password, it will log you in without any password and if it asks for a password just click login without having anything in the password box, it will also log you in. How To Change Profile Password? -Boot with Kon-Boot -Navigate the Start Menu to Control Panel -Select “User Accounts and Family Safety� -(if the User Account Control window appears) Click “Yes� and leave the password field empty -Select “Create a new account� -Create the account (pick a name) and set the permissions (administrator). -Disconnect Kon Boot and restart the computer to restore original Windows authentication functionality. -After Restart, Select your new User Account (the account you have created) -Navigate the Start Menu to Control Panel -Select “User Accounts and Family Safety� -Select the target User Account (the one you want to change) -Select “Change the password� -Input the new information for the account and click “Change password� [/hide]
Use it! [hide] 1. Go To Groupons Coupons Link (https://www.groupon.com/deals/n-apple-music-2?z=skip&utm_medium=afl&utm_campaign=207736&mediaId=1812879&utm_source=GPN) 2. You Will Get 2 Options Select Any Which You Like 3. Click On Buy and Fill Payment Methods 4. Click On Pay Don't Worry It's Free 0$ Will Get Detected 5. Go to https://www.groupon.com/login To Claim Coupon [/hide]
Enjoyyy people [hide] How To Create Your Own USB Password Stealer ▪️Steps [+]On your flash drive create a new folder and give it any name. [https://i.imgur.com/AWaKDZf.png] [+] Now inside this folder you can go ahead and download the tools I provided or download them your self and place them inside the folder we just created. [https://i.imgur.com/6Hgn2Ij.png] [+] We will now create a batch file to run all of these programmes at once so it saves us time this also helps if we would like to hide the programmes we can just leave the batch file un-hidden and it will launch all of them for us. Open Notepad and copy the following inside the Notepad. [https://i.imgur.com/zwf4DUU.png] [+] Now we have all our programmes and our batch file together on the USB we can either choose to finish now or hide those programmes. If you don't wish to hide those programmes you can simply run the launch.bat on your machine or a victims machine and it will reveal all their passwords and other information and save as your desired name .txt or .cfg File. [+] If you want to hide these files select all the files on the USB drive apart from the batch file right click and select properties now tick hidden and click ok. [https://i.imgur.com/d8tqe6J.png] [/hide]
Last time checked? The day I uploaded it. Is it High Quality? Hell yes! [hide] Create an account with yopmail.com on PlayStation and PayPal. Then use this to make accounts: Direction: DanielThor xx (put random numbers on “x”) Country: Spain ?? City: Robleda Zip: 37521 Cellphone: 642 521 x xx (replace “x”) Now, go to PlayStation account setting and add a payment method, then select PayPal.. sync your PayPal with PlayStation and READY!? If you get an error, try again Go to the store and buy Plus 14 days Notes: PAYPAL COUNTRY: SPAIN ?? ALL FILLS ON PAYPAL NEED TO BE THE SAME ON PLAYSTATION! [/hide] like for more HQ content! (Not liked = Reported!)
enjoyyyy [hide]https://pastr.io/view/wBCg1Y[/hide]
i'M OFFICIALLY LAUNCHING MY SHOP! IT'S THE CHEAPEST! https://www.shoppy.gg/user/dave_
It's the cheapest shop ever!
Thank you for sharing :)
[supreme] 500K HQ Email:Pass Combo | HQ for Everything !!!
Dave_ replied to Flash's topic in Combolists
Always high quality :D -
[supreme] 420K HQ Email:Pass Combo | HQ for Everything !!!
Dave_ replied to Flash's topic in Combolists
Thank you for Sharing :P -
email pass 327K Combo Good for Netflix, Spotify, Fortnite
Dave_ replied to s1m0nnlol's topic in Combolists
Thanks for sharing :) -
thank yo so much, a those plebs are fake out there