ForlaxPy 161 BABAX Stealer Basically this is a project I started coding in the last month when I wasn't active on it took me arround a month and half, reading about the most recent stealers out in the market and studying how they works. So basically I'm selling the whole projects code, currently it does steal Chrome, Opera, Firefox password and decrypt them for you so you gets them as plain text also all the browsers cookies. Also there is in it a support for some client apps data stealing such as NordVPN, and Filezilla and for sure it gets you the full information about your target such as all his hardwares IDs and all programs installed on his machine and a screenshot of his desktop. The special thing about this stealer is that I focused to make it stealth and fast as much as possible so you can bind it to any working program and the target won't be notice anything going on, for execution time it's quite fast as all the process of data gathering and data encryption + delivery goes in arround 5 secs and after it gets done, you won't need to worry about duplicates or if the guy found that his info were stolen because all of these gets destroyed and the malware core gets executed only on the first launch so no duplicates or shit. Fast, simple and efficient. For now as I'm sharing the whole project for FREE due to the non respect of agreements from the last buyer. You can take it and host it online and start your own stealer service, or do whatever you need with it it's all yours once you buy it. It's only 1 sale for now so you better hurry on getting it you won't have a second chance. I will be offering help if you struggle with setting it up over your visual studio or if you wanna link it with your C&C server. But don't expect me to add new features to you, you should look forward doing it if you want. NOTE: by default it's currecntly bypassing all the detections while on obfuscation ^^ Screenshots: First 3 days of tests arround the internet by sharing some random stuffs and already 69 infected targets as you can see. Logs will get delivered in an encrypted archive to the telegram bot used and as I said before you will get the whole project so you can change the whole system if you want. Note: cvshost.exe is a utility that decrypt firefox data from the dbs files (logins.json and key3.db). You will get it with the project too. @BabiKoqii - ErrorsLogs.txt [align=left] Chrome Logins: URL | USER | PASS Info here Opera Logins: URL | USER | PASS Info here Others Logins: SERVICE | USER | PASS NordVPN: Info here FileZilla: Info here Chrome Cookies: URL | VALUE | NAME Info here Opera Cookies: URL | VALUE | NAME Info here Firefox Cookies: URL | VALUE | NAME Info here Public Info: Info here HWID: Info here CPU: Info here RAM: Info here OS: Info here UUID: Info here {"as":"AS8075 Microsoft Corporation","city":"Amsterdam","country":"Netherlands","countryCode":"NL","isp":"Microsoft Corporation","lat":52.3702,"lon":4.89517,"org":"Microsoft Corporation","query":"","region":"NH","regionName":"North Holland","status":"success","timezone":"Europe/Amsterdam","zip":"1012"} Installed Programs List : Info here [hide] Download: [/hide] [/align] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xMoses 206 just tested this shit fuck yes !! thanks you sir :am1nol: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
F*CK FBI 9,484 Thanks for the amazing release <33333 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wonder_Women 0 thanks for sharing , great work Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ambi97 16 Sounds interesting. Let's check it out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
seo decompile7 2 jojearguiohjaeroigjpioej r5gwe t Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yawneko 2 thx lot for sharing rlly appreciated Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites