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Help - Trying to be good at something LOL

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Hello everyone


I ll be short..


Im trying to get some combolists.. but i got some problems on it..


1) I really suck at making Handwritten dorks.. if someone can help me to do that i would be eternally grateful


2) The best tool for dumping db its Sqli Dumper 8.3 right?


3) How can i know if a combolist its private or not?


4) The best vpn for Sqli Dumper its Nordvpn? or u recommend another?


5) How can i make targgeted combos like for Origin/LoL/Fortnite etc?


PD: Really sorry if those are dumb questions... im really interested in dump databases and get private combos, but i dont know how to start and

being good at it.


PD2: Sorry for shitty english :3


Appreciate everything you tell me


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1- u need some tutorials

2 - ye u right

3- i think u need some checkers like antipublic by myrz and the azatej one idk is still work or no

4- HMA VPN is good one keep change location

5- idk tbh

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1) you can find many tutorials shared here that will help you ,consider Kostikov's ebooks ,they are HQ


3) use antipublic tools like or other ones ( you can find here)

4)HMA is better

5) using targeted keywords for making dorks ,for instance ,if ur making fortnite combo ,try to use only-fortnite related keywords

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