boxman500 1 Scammers Profile Link: [if Applicable] Sales Thread: Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $80 Screenshots of Communication: link to the highlights of the conversation, I can upload entire chat log at request. Additional Information: Lesbians original sales thread clearly shows that he claims his emails will be able to create amazon prime accounts, and I purchased his edu bot with the assumption that his sales thread was accurate he even asked what I was using it for (see discord screenshots), and never told me about any issues with these edu email had with prime. However, As soon as I tried to create a prime account with one of the emails it was declined(again see discord screenshots). when I asked him about it he said that that I might need to use Egypt socks5 proxies. So I went out a bought some expensive socks 5 Egypt proxies. with the same error message meaning that the accounts don't work with prime at all.(when I could find an account) A majority of the accounts I tried to log into already had the password changed, some as many as 40 days ago... now I could understand if it was changed recently but 40 days is extremely old and I feel the seller is/was aware of this and knowingly sold me a bad product. I would like a full refund as Lesbian can easily decline my access to his service since I can't even use it for what his sales thread states I should be able to use it for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jocker 270 User informed and has 24 hours to reply. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CID 45 Howdy box, It's unfortunate news that the generator didn't work for your desired purpose but that's nothing to do with me, I literally tried Amazon prime 5 days ago and it worked perfectly and figured it would work from my experience, I used residential proxies going to Eygpt and You probably patched the email because you tried approximately 10 times with proxies that weren't even close to the origin of the university used therefore possibly revoking the edu relationship between the edu emails & amazon prime. Well shown on the terms of service provided by your screenshots is that I am only responsible for the edu emails being able to log into and being accessed (It makes my point valid because of the screenshot, shown by your proof, (3rd picture) which proves the edu emails are being accessed to) but not responsible for what purpose you're using. ( 2nd Picture) not only that but you also agreed to it... ( If I tried something doesn't mean it will work on everyone. I hope you the best of luck with the generator and hope you'll be able to find a good purpose with the generator, Enjoy. sorry for your lost man, fucking scammers Someone making a dispute against another doesn't indicate their guilty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CID 45 seems to be a lot of scamming going on recently You're most likely at the wrong thread boss, I didn't scam any one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boxman500 1 If a mod or anyone else reads this reply please correct me if I'm wrong. Here is how I see it and I feel like this service is a scam based on his original thread, and how it's presented. I'm also willing to give some of these edu emails out to others to see if they get the same results, which I'm sure they will to prove my point. "generator didn't work for your desired purpose but that's nothing to do with me" It's not the desired purpose, it's a purpose your original thread said the accounts were good for making Amazon prime accounts. If you made a sales thread and state that the product you are selling can be used for that specific reason and the buyer confirms that, then the product does not do what the original thread states, it's false advertising. You made a claim on your sales thread that the product you sell can and should be able to make Amazon prime accounts. I'm not going out to some obscure site or making assumptions, I'm quoting your sales thread... "I literally tried Amazon prime 5 days ago and it worked perfectly and figured it would work from my experience," You have no proof of this, and could be saying this to save face. I used residential proxies going to Eygpt and You probably patched the email because you tried approximately 10 times with proxies that weren't even close to the origin of the university used therefore possibly revoking the edu relationship between the edu emails & amazon prime. Excuse me what? Again you have no proof of this and are just making wild guesses. First, Amazon does not use geofencing for IPs if it's in the same country it should be good. Like I said in my original post, I purchased 5 Private socks 5 proxies to test, and used 10 different emails all with the same issue with email. however, I plug in a normal EDU email even in Egypt and the account registers fine. Well shown on the terms of service provided by your screenshots is that I am only responsible for the edu emails being able to log into and being accessed Again, only 1/20 attempts with your product I was even able to log into the account, at all! As I said before some passwords were changed almost 40 days ago... (It makes my point valid because of the screenshot, shown by your proof, (3rd picture) which proves the edu emails are being accessed to) but not responsible for what purpose you're using. ( 2nd Picture) not only that but you also agreed to it... ( If I tried something doesn't mean it will work on everyone. TOS means nothing if the product can't do what your original thread says it can do... TOS does not save you from false advertising. If I sold a BTC generating bot with a sales thread saying makes BTC for you to sell for profit, that I knew didn't work sold it with TOS saying no refunds and it's not my issue if it doesn't work how you intend, when the whole purpose of buying a BTC bot is to get BTC what's the point of the bot???!?! You are essentially saying the same thing with your sales thread and the EDU accounts not working. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeJatta 14 This guy LEsbian is the biggest scammer. He scammed me for an rdp which he stated would work for 3 months. It worked for 3 weeks and then I messaged him and be basically said , "oh well theres nothing I can do since the RDP was cracked." Get this scammer off this site please. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CID 45 If a mod or anyone else reads this reply please correct me if I'm wrong. Here is how I see it and I feel like this service is a scam based on his original thread, and how it's presented. I'm also willing to give some of these edu emails out to others to see if they get the same results, which I'm sure they will to prove my point. "generator didn't work for your desired purpose but that's nothing to do with me" It's not the desired purpose, it's a purpose your original thread said the accounts were good for making Amazon prime accounts. If you made a sales thread and state that the product you are selling can be used for that specific reason and the buyer confirms that, then the product does not do what the original thread states, it's false advertising. You made a claim on your sales thread that the product you sell can and should be able to make Amazon prime accounts. I'm not going out to some obscure site or making assumptions, I'm quoting your sales thread... "I literally tried Amazon prime 5 days ago and it worked perfectly and figured it would work from my experience," You have no proof of this, and could be saying this to save face. I used residential proxies going to Eygpt and You probably patched the email because you tried approximately 10 times with proxies that weren't even close to the origin of the university used therefore possibly revoking the edu relationship between the edu emails & amazon prime. Excuse me what? Again you have no proof of this and are just making wild guesses. First, Amazon does not use geofencing for IPs if it's in the same country it should be good. Like I said in my original post, I purchased 5 Private socks 5 proxies to test, and used 10 different emails all with the same issue with email. however, I plug in a normal EDU email even in Egypt and the account registers fine. Well shown on the terms of service provided by your screenshots is that I am only responsible for the edu emails being able to log into and being accessed Again, only 1/20 attempts with your product I was even able to log into the account, at all! As I said before some passwords were changed almost 40 days ago... (It makes my point valid because of the screenshot, shown by your proof, (3rd picture) which proves the edu emails are being accessed to) but not responsible for what purpose you're using. ( 2nd Picture) not only that but you also agreed to it... ( If I tried something doesn't mean it will work on everyone. TOS means nothing if the product can't do what your original thread says it can do... TOS does not save you from false advertising. If I sold a BTC generating bot with a sales thread saying makes BTC for you to sell for profit, that I knew didn't work sold it with TOS saying no refunds and it's not my issue if it doesn't work how you intend, when the whole purpose of buying a BTC bot is to get BTC what's the point of the bot???!?! You are essentially saying the same thing with your sales thread and the EDU accounts not working. 1) It's not the desired purpose, it's a purpose your original thread said the accounts were good for making Amazon prime accounts. If you made a sales thread and state that the product you are selling can be used for that specific reason and the buyer confirms that, then the product does not do what the original thread states, it's false advertising. You made a claim on your sales thread that the product you sell can and should be able to make Amazon prime accounts. I'm not going out to some obscure site or making assumptions, I'm quoting your sales thread... I am only responsible for YOU being ABLE to enter the edu account via That's literally All I am selling, I have tested it on Amazon Prime, therefore I put it in the tested list but not guaranteed list. You could have told me to retest Amazon Prime to guarantee it works then I would have tested it, and if it worked as expected, I would GUARANTEE it works. You have no proof of this, and could be saying this to save face. ( I literally showed you proof the fact that It does work for me and you're claiming I didn't Excuse me what? Again you have no proof of this and are just making wild guesses. First, Amazon does not use geofencing for IPs if it's in the same country it should be good. Like I said in my original post, I purchased 5 Private socks 5 proxies to test, and used 10 different emails all with the same issue with email. however, I plug in a normal EDU email even in Egypt and the account registers fine. You don't work as a Script Developer for Amazon, so you have no clue if they use geofencing for IPs or not. I said " I used residential proxies going to Eygpt and You probably patched the email because you tried approximately 10 times with proxies that weren't even close to the origin of the university used therefore possibly revoking the edu relationship between the edu emails & amazon prime." Which could be true. ( Again, only 1/20 attempts with your product I was even able to log into the account, at all! As I said before some passwords were changed almost 40 days ago... So what? Ignore the password changes, You only get the error once in 20 accounts. It's not that deep, The edu accounts are still loggable and usable.TOS means nothing if the product can't do what your original thread says it can do... TOS does not save you from false advertising. If I sold a BTC generating bot with a sales thread saying makes BTC for you to sell for profit, that I knew didn't work sold it with TOS saying no refunds and it's not my issue if it doesn't work how you intend, when the whole purpose of buying a BTC bot is to get BTC what's the point of the bot???!?! You are essentially saying the same thing with your sales thread and the EDU accounts not working. It's not false advertising, It's shown the list that I have tested on. I never guaranteed it. This guy LEsbian is the biggest scammer. He scammed me for an rdp which he stated would work for 3 months. It worked for 3 weeks and then I messaged him and be basically said , "oh well theres nothing I can do since the RDP was cracked." Get this scammer off this site please. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, I don't even recognize you and what is so ignorant about your post is that my RDPs aren't cracked, they're Social Engineered. Also accusing me without any proof LOL. 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ZaneX 75 From my side of view its @Lesbian fault. Missadvertising and trying to get away Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CID 45 From my side of view its @Lesbian fault. Missadvertising and trying to get away no one asked for your opinon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vassilios 220 From my side of view its @Lesbian fault. Missadvertising and trying to get away no one asked for your opinon Give him the accounts you promised. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CID 45 From my side of view its @Lesbian fault. Missadvertising and trying to get away no one asked for your opinon Give him the accounts you promised. The product is .edu emails, which i already provided. also, you're not involved in this scam report so don't bother replying, please ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jocker 270 @Lesbian You have to refund OP due to miss-advertisement on your thread. You claimed that they are working on that particular site and OP tried but none did work. Either you provide him with accounts that 100% work on that site or refund him. You have 24 hours to do so Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CID 45 @Lesbian You have to refund OP due to miss-advertisement on your thread. You claimed that they are working on that particular site and OP tried but none did work. Either you provide him with accounts that 100% work on that site or refund him. You have 24 hours to do so I'll replace it with a bot that generates other universities. Which I just tested and it works on amazon prime. @boxman500 DM me to get your 2nd bot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CID 45 @Lesbian You have to refund OP due to miss-advertisement on your thread. You claimed that they are working on that particular site and OP tried but none did work. Either you provide him with accounts that 100% work on that site or refund him. You have 24 hours to do so Completed, replaced the bot with one that was just tested for Amazon Prime. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boxman500 1 Yes, I can confirm, he provided me with a working EDU bot that works with prime. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites