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[Suggestion] Improvement

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Hello, I'm a new member, I don't expect anything I say to carry any weight around here. But I do have some suggestions that I believe will help improve the sites security and loading speeds.


Hiding the 'active members' list would have to advantages, it reduces loading speeds and makes username compiling more difficult.


Secondly I suggest making signatures and upgraded only feature. This would reduce loading time and create incentive for upgrading.

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The who is online list is cached and doesn't refresh on every page refresh. Signatures are going through our image proxy and cloudflare cashes those images as well. Pagespeed is more than fine, there is not that much more to optimize.


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The who is online list is cached and doesn't refresh on every page refresh. Signatures are going through our image proxy and cloudflare cashes those images as well. Pagespeed is more than fine, there is not that much more to optimize.


Index page: generated in 197 ms


:smart:  Sounds like you already know what you're doing. Thanks for hearing me out.

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