Jocker 270 KarosSkyArmy - Hello Ali, So i'm pretty sure that you know that i've been looking forward to apply for Tmod rank, I'm for active almost 20 Hours a day. I am dedicated to the work and i'll be doing my best to moderate the forum. :pepelove: Thanks. DREAM. I geuss u know me but imma here to kick leecher and rise up our to next lvl i did that before and ready to do it again ready to stay here online for :comfy: SWAT Just because Im 13 doesn't mean that I can't do all of this below --Find Spammers / Leechers / Multis --Maintain peace and order in the shoutbox --Clean the forum from malware and spam --You have to be mature and handle situations professionally Give me 1 chance and I will prove to you that I can help the forum, if I did something wrong or disobeyed your commands, you can remove the t-mod from me. Eminem In the beginning I apologize for my English but I live in the Czech Republic and there is not so much famous English. :fuck: :fuck: :fuck: I would like to become a Trial Moderator on Best forum for Cracking. (NULLED IS SH!T :ezy: ). I have the knowledge and preference to be a moderator.I even know this forum quite well.I have some plans and motivation to stay here because this forum taught me a lot.How to crack Account , how to talk to people, how to crack out a few programs ect... I fully agree that I would do these things plus some extra --Find Spammers / Leechers / Multis --Maintain peace and order in the shoutbox --Clean the forum from malware and spam --You have to be mature and handle situations professionally I understand that you will have more candidates than me and they will probably write long texts but I will be happy if you remember me or at least think of the me At the end, I want to thank you for the great work you do for the Forum.and I'm glad to get Moderator on this forum #EGOUP Zombie Hey KSZ, I want to apply as a (t)mod with the following. You may know that I want already for a certain time more moderators on this forum to keep it more clean and qualitative since you guys cant be online 24/7 which i fully understand. With this application i see the ability to get a chance to help you out and make your life easier while cracked is growing rapidly. Im a *cough* young *cough* guy which is currently in its education to an IT Specialist, with this im able to be online the whole day since im working on a computer. My online times are from 6 am to 10 pm in week and mostly the whole weekend (GMT +1). I've already run alreay my own forum in the past named (formerly with over 10k member completly alone. With the experience i earned there i could help a lot. I know how to find leechers, multis and other people which decreasing the forums qualitative. Im also already an active Disinfector here and helping people in SB, Threads and sometimes outside the forum in Discord for example. Beside of the above i already suggested here and there some things which could improve the forum, reported bugs to @floraiN, leaked exclusive the injection panel "SIB" for this forum which costs me 800 bucks to generate some unique traffic or helped some users with an free upgrade. :kek: I would appreciate it to be part of this team and help you guys out. Hope for an positive answer mate :) ЛеДуцк Application for Trial Mod First of i like to mention yes i haven't been on this forum for a long time but please dont use that as a bad thing. Name: Bas allias: ЛеДуцк Discord: ЛеДуцк#4787 age: 19 country: Netherlands timezone: CEST Why i apply for trial mod: I have seen this forum its a great and large forum yes sadly it lacks respect from the non contributing members (non-thread-posting members) The biggest issue rn is SB being used as a marketplace and place to gain traffic. I wish to help that change even if i wont become a tmod i still want to help with that then seeing the 1000 of leechers that just smash their keys and hoping for enought letters for 1 post, i want to get rid of that. i hope to flag accounts sooner as leecher and encourage new people or leechers to start posting stuff even if its just a small contribution its still a contribution to the community and should be handled as a addon to the forum. What i do for living/ my day routine: I work from home i mostly spent my time behind the computer. So if i even have a chance to become tmod i plan to be spending time on handling reports made by users. and just roam the forum checking for rogue posts or just rule-breakers in general. Have u ever mainted a forum/Community?: I used to have a small community compared to this yes. i have been mod/admin in some forums. rn i'm only still admin/owner on a discord server i own with around 200+ members. its not to compare to this in no way, so in no way am i going to act like i have a 100% idea of how hard this is to maintain or how much work it is to reach the goals that are set but i'm willing too work for it tho. What are your goals as tmod?: I hope i can be a member of the staff team to help make a change in the the way people see this forum for the better. personally i hope that with time people try to be less toxic/spamming/greedy and that we can be that guide to that. my goals as tmod are mainly maintaining order and trying to help people and help the forum to stay HQ and clean. i will mostly being aiming at 1. Reports 2. Rogue posts/threads (cashlinks, reposts, malware, spam posts, etc) 3. SB spam/wrong use of SB Anything else to add?: I mean its hard to see a character via text but if you are intrested u can always call me on discord and talk to me to get a idea of what kind of person i am. because i can put anything i want above but can be a whole different person and thats what i kinda dont like about writing all this. so if you think that i am fit just first make a discord call with me and give me scenario's and see i solve them. And if i miss to mention anything let me know With Regards Not Russian Boi DinOSaRAcivE Hello,i wanted to get the "Trial Moderator Application" because i'm a trusted&good member and i can be active at all times,u see i'm only 1 Week online because i'm not really into cuz i don't have anything here,atleast if i get Trial Moderator Application i can be online anytime,im admin in some fb cracking groups and i'm always active,i'm a good member as i said,i can find spammers and leechers,i guess u can see i always look in people's profiles to check if they are leechers because there's plenty of leechers,im always seeing thread's comments too,so i can ban leechers and spammers easily,and about the shoutbox,i'm not really into that bcz i feel it's like wasting of time chating with other's no ? i don't chat alot in it,and about the tools are gon shared i'll make sure ill test them in new VPS's (i have others i don't need) and using "ProssHacker" to see if there's any Rat in it,and ofcourse scanning it in so much websites,i hope u accept me,have a good day. MODesigns Hello , Good day to you I would like to apply for Trial Moderator , Since i came to i was seeking to make it better place doesn't matter by Posting , Reporting Leechers , Helping New members , Providing free Services , New suggestions , Reporting Bugs etc. Everything was counting for was making me Happy . and now iam apply here trying to reach my target is to be one of your team and sure i will do my best to make better place , difference will be noticed from the first day . i will do my best in Finding Spammers / Leechers & Maintain peace between users and sure Clean the forum from any spam I used to work on Forums since i was child , now iam 35 years old ^^ Forums Scripts i have used and Familiar with - vbulletin - invision board IPS - Mybb I have much Knowledge on how to Mange , Moderate and how to do my job in the best way you expecting me to do i have read the application announcement thread carefully but i didn't find any specific needed information so please feel free to ask what you want and i will be here to answer thanks for reading my message MODesigns. K1NGPIN name - K1NGPIN age - 21 Hey there, this application in regards of applying for trail mod. I have been in cracking for a while now and i really like and it's members. why i wanna be trail mod? because I want to contribute to this forums in more ways. I would help this forum stay clean and spam free. Also i have some experience in finding viruses and malware in programs. i can spend 4-5 hours a day on the forum. I have also some past experience in moderating the forums. I managed lot of past cracking forums like, (I am a root admin there), Looking forward to working with you guys :) Jackiie Hello to my Application i have 3 years in cracking & Hacking . I really like to help other members around the forum I tried to give the best contributions in this fantastic forum and make it better and mark my footprint in every section of it, I shared HQ accounts and Combos..etc I helped a lot of members by teaching, advice or helping them for free, i can try my best with this rank to provide my skills and clean this forum from leechers/spammers/scammers ...etc, i'll Continue to contribute more & more to the forum, because I think it's one of the best As I said up , I'm that type of person that really enjoys to make other people happy , from these 3 years of cracking, and finally The biggest suggestion that I have for our community is that everybody to keep up the good work , you guys are doing an amazing job and everything it's perfect like it's now. Thank you Jackiie CrazyCatMum Hi, I'm applying for Trial Moderator position. I'm not really sure what to put here, but I will give it my best shot. I used to be more of a lurker, but I am posting more, even trying to share despite messing the post up and giving up. I'm pretty friendly, don't let idiots get to me and I am usually around due to working from home. (lucky me always working and can't even use the I'm stuck in traffic excuse) Don't normally take sides, prefer sitting on the fence as it's usually easier to do that. I'm a quick learner and can help others in any way I can or at least point them in the right direction if needed. Been exploring my way around the forum and picking up certain information as I go along, I think that sometimes that is the best way to learn. Still learning some apps, but we can't all be experts.. Hmm, not sure what else to put, so before I bore you with too much boring stuff in my message, I will leave it there. (I do talk a lot, you might have noticed. lol) Extraordinary Hello, I'm here for Trial Moderator application, as you may know, and just for some more information, my real name is Roberto. As an Infinity member, I want to support this forum and give it some more life. I am very active. As for the application's requirements, I must say I fulfill them all. The reasons are simple, u might call me a person of justice. I don't want people who mean bad for innocent users, but instead, I want peace. So as a Trial Moderator I'll : 1. Settle peace in the shoutbox (I have read all rules so I know exactly what to do and how to maintain peace and order in the shoutbox) 2. Clean the forum from malware and spam(This is the thing I hate the most. If a user wants to share a leak or a cracked program it doesn't have to be malware or spam. After all, this is a contributor forum and that user isn't forced to post anything but if they do, I would say to contribute as it should be. Clean and safe.) 3. You have to be mature and handle situations professionally (I am a very mature person regardless of situations when there is meant to be fun and jokes. I personally don't like beggars and users that bother too much where you already gave them an answer.) 4. Find Spammers / Leechers / Multis (As I said earlier I will do whatever it takes to remove spams and to prevent leechers.) Thank you for your time, Extraordinary Harvey007 Hey there, I've been looking forward to something like this for a long time. I mean not the Trial mod but a dedicated team for maintaining the quality of the forum. is superior then other forum in a lot of way but too many low quality users and their post making it seem less. Copy pasting from other forums/sharing malware/cashlink etc is day to day phenomenon. While I'm writing this one at least 2 members have shared accounts posted in other forums. I would gladly contribute towards this cause. I've already tried to start whatever I can do. If I can be eligible or granted for this opportunity I would try to make sure that the quality remains intact and users share HQ content. I'm a tech-savvy guy. Love to roam around different forums always. Active on both nulled and cracked and never had any negative review about anything at all. I like to help newbie/s as I know from my own experience how hard it can be. I bought my first premium membership with the money I made while being a noob on forums just by contributing. So, I think I can motivate noobs to do so. Also, I love to check Premium+ members post to see what they are sharing and how HQ their contents are. It will be useful in the future. I'm also an intermediate graphic designer. Can help with static/minimal graphic design sometimes. At last I have few suggestions- A good and trusted Official MM system (Either paid or free). Free MM by two or more super trusted admin/mod will increase the forum's credibility. Mark all alert read option. Hope you will consider my application and give me a chance to make great. Hope to hearing from you soon. All the best for the TMD team. -HarveyS Vassilios Greetings! Before I start with the application I would just like to say that I know I am a new member of this community but I believe I can prove myself and my dedication to such position if I were to be accepted into it. I was introduced here by Cthulhu and then I met and became friends with chrisFTP and I have to say that the non-leech part of this community is really awesome and I would love to get more involved within it in the near future. I try to post as many quality threads as I can by posting things I code or extract from the web. My name is Vassilios as my username suggests. Without going into a lot of details about myself, I am a first year Computer Science student with my main focus being Cyber Security in the future. My main hobbies consist of going to the gym, coding, studying and browsing the internet and mostly cracked since I haven't found anything else interesting. My main time-zones are GMT +0 and GMT +2 as I travel between countries since I am studying abroad, I sleep late and wake up early-ish so I am available almost 24/7 and especially people who have me added on Discord know that I pretty much answer around the clock. I can speak English, German and Greek although the latter two aren't so useful here since there's only a relatively small foreign language sub. I have been a moderator in a wide variety of games and forums over the years that I have been on the internet, mainly consisting of gMod servers, where I have reached high ranks in servers with big population. I would like to say that I am a very positive guy to be around and have a sense of humour about things. If I could describe myself in one word it would probably be reliable, when I am given a task I make sure to complete it as early as possible while also doing correctly and up to the expectations of the person assigning it. All in all, I would say I am qualified for such position and I am ready to prove myself to the fullest extent that I really am. I have a few things planned for my future here, as in some more things to publish. Thank you for your time and considering my application. Yours truthfully, Vassilios. Itamai Dear KSZ, i never was a Mod on any other sites so i have no experience at all but i really like this forum and would like to support as much as i can. If you look at my profile you see that i reported over 300 Posts because i want this site to be clean from leechers as much as possible. Of course leechers are important to get more traffic and advertisment renevue but maybe after the ban they change their mind and start to contributing. To be honest i dont know much about malware analysis but a disinfector,forgot the name, explained to me in the shoutbox how he did his job and recommended me hybrid analysis that would be good enough if i want to check for rats and malware. And i partly study in the University and partly study at home that means when i am learning for the University,mostly coding related stuff, i can keep a eye on the shoutbox to keep it clean and when i am in the University i could use my smartphone if no mod is online to keep the forum clean. And i dont know if just jocker is allowed to do that but i really love to read the Deal disputes and would also help in that section if its allowed for trial mods i even did a internship in a chancellery because i was and still am very interested in litigation and its kinda the same 2 parties have differences and you try to solve it. I hope i did not forgot something important in the application since this is my first one and i am also sorry for grammatical mistakes i am not a native english speaker i hope this does not bother you:) Kind regards Ati Eclipze Why Me? I would like to be a Trial Mod because it is something I am passionate about. It would be so fulfilling to be accepted and to spend my time spreading information and helping others get the best possible experience, I try to be as helpful as possible towards newer members. I know I've only been here for a few days however I'm sure I'll be a big help to get rid of scammers, leechers, scammers, and people who just make this forum and un-pleasant place to be. I am fully dedicated to make this forum grow even bigger and helping as much as possible. My Experience I have moderated in multiple communities, but my most relevant experience would be as a staff member on Discord, not on a server I mean the whole site itself. I also have a lot of real world experience in technical support, media and reporting. I'd love to specialize in those areas by providing clarification about events and focusing on making this forum a greater community. What Will I Do? I will try my best to be on the forum as much as possible to help other members, answer their questions, warn leechers, I will remove links that contain malware, remove cash links. I will handle situations professionally and be mature. I'll be available to help, offer a quick response to urgent issues at most times. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Heisenberg Hello KSZ, hello Cracked Team, with this message i apply for the job as trial moderator on! My name is Max, im 24 years old and im living in germany detailed in near Rostock! Im working as manager for international trading in one of the biggest companys in germany for food logistics! For now i have much time celebrated here, contribute, tried to help users and being always a nice guy and member from this community As you know im involed in two other Projects, M2bob, the biggest botting system for Metin2 and LiquidSky the first great cloud gaming service. If you take me i will reduce the work, so i will only work in background so i have 100% more time for cracked! Im very experienced in handling much of users! With my years of working as community manager on M2bob (5 years) and LiquidSky for 3 years know i could learn a lot from the managers in coordination and behavior in public. Additional im long registered a long time here. I know the rules, i know cracked, i know you, i like you, and i want to help you a lot! As Jocker was Admin on Nulled I met him as really qualified manager and has obviously a great character! In germany i got my a level with 2,1 if you want my certificate i can send it. Additional i have the a level in english that is an certificate you can get in germany if you are able to speak english fluently, also that i can send you if needed! My motherlanguage is german if you know but i speak english fluently! I think i can really support you and the team and i would be happy if you give me a chance to show you my skills! Thanks for reading! Best regards! Max Playboi Carti Hello KSZ, My name is Playboi Carti and I've been a long time fan or cracking/hacking. I came across this site by looking for Social Engineering experts and signed up for it about a couple weeks ago. Although Social Engineering has not been a big part of this forum, I do contribute to it and I do my best to respond to those in need. Yes I'm early and new to this site but I do have my reputation on other sites, such as unknowncheats, ive been a member there since 2015. I've also been a OwnedCore member since 2017. I've been in private hacking groups and trusted with them such as and Singularity. All of this can be proven with screenshots or you can even personally message me on those sites to verify them. Im starting to contribute to the Social Engineering forum too, even though I'm no where near @Zoom, I believe that I will be able to become as helpful as he is. I've been pursing the Active Member Role, but hope to become a Trial Moderator to obtain not just the title, but the ability to remove leechers and spammers, and keep this site in a better environment. I understand that my time here has been very short, but I do plan on staying for a long time and I do believe that this site will expand more than it already has. I want to be able to be apart of it and be able to say that I've personally worked along side of such a amazing community. I fully understand if im rejected, but I do hope you consider me as a choice. Thank You Doke Hello, I'm interested in the position of Trial Moderator and I think I would make a good addition to the team because of my previous experiences. I've always been drawn to the element of keeping peace and helping out in various communities, mostly on discord. I'm staff in a few servers, some fairly new and some more than two years. I enjoy connecting with members of the community as well as the upkeep of itself. As it currently stands I've been having a lot of free time on my hands and this opportunity to become a part of the team is just the right thing I'm looking for. I love being useful, helping out and contributing, hence why I'm giving this a shot. I am well aware and familiar with the duties that the role entails and will always do my best to follow them. Which include: *Actively looking/cleaning the forum of leechers, spammers and multis. *Maintaining the peace and order in the shoutbox by controlling the people which misbehave in it and applying the correct punishments if they continue. *Doing sweeps of the forum for malware and spam threads or posts. I promise that I will always be mature and handle situations the way they are supposed to by a professional. Sincerely, Doke lucifer_king Hi! I am applying for the post of Trial Moderator. I believe I am suitable for this post because I have been reporting leechers for quite some time now and I am really accurate at it. Also I have been reporting spammers too! I am quite accurate at it because I have seen many leechers/spammers whom I reported getting banned the next day. I just need an opportunity to do this thing officially. I would simply love to get this post! I also have free time...a lot of it. So I will be able to do this task efficiently too! I just need an opportunity. That's it! Hoping to get selected With regards, Lucifer_King cab There really isnt a template but I would like to apply for the Trial Moderator team Besides being online daily and pretty much every hour since I have no life I have experience with malware and disinfecting tools, as when I used to staff on AF/DF I used to confirm our tools were safe before they were released to the community, I always used a VM to first test the tools then I would decompile to make sure no one had a hidden start up or binded keylogger ( as in built in) and such into the programs so I could check tools and leaks to make sure they are safe for the forum to use, I also own a 17k member discord (now dead) and a 200 member discord, I manage websites and own 3 SMM's, I too have my own forum so I have knowledge on how to moderate for forums/myBB I know its not much but I dont really know where to start, I do hope you get to read this and well thank you if you do get a chance to read it! AplexTM Trial Moderator: I would like to be a part and help My skills:Penetration tester/Malware Analysis/Python/Bash Scripting. I have been and i am still of course Moderator to my biggest hacking forum of my country here is also my profile: for more than 4 years also this is new account had and old account.So i know how the whole thing works. I have work also in and have help the Admin. I also can be many many hours per day online even some Moderators are not online i am.I can be and 20 hours per day online. It would be my pleasure to help the community as staff. SoftPoison13 Alias Name = SoftPoison Member of Cracked Forum = 10 August 2018 Additional Information- I SoftPoison want to take the duty as a Trial Manager of, and I take full responsibility to help to be a staff member, in order to make this forum clean from a spammer and visible for a newcomer to be attractive. I myself understand how a website has to be maintained because I developed many websites as a Freelancer. And I believe a website gains traffic only when the forum is clean from viruses, Malware and RATs. (By Traffic I mean Recurring Traffic). Addition Information About me: Country - INDIA Any Bans on - ONE (1) I was Called as a Scammer because of Misunderstanding... I took this seriously and shown him Proof. Got Unbanned and the guy you called me a Scammer Got banned for Scamming $900 Bad Habit- When I take work, I really take it seriously, I may be an Idiot sometimes but I have the Enthusiasm to always stand up from my mistakes and clear them. And Also I am a typer Speed - 120 WPM Thank You For reading my Application Your Truely Soft Poison Zork I would Like To Say That I'm very thankful for being one of this community :hype: I have learned a lot of cool stuffs here I don't Know If there is any requirements for this application but I will try my best to keep the community out of spammers and leechers who just want to steal the effort of the others and not sharing their experience and Will approve only the Clean Posts and Check for Malwares Just a Remind :) I'm not very good at Cracking till now but I'm learning and contributing with others Also Will Be Active Daily for 2 Hours or more to Keep The Community Safe From anything and I'm sure I will gain more experience from here and I'm truly very happy for being a part of this family [ not just a words trust me :) ] I have shared a lot of posts but this one was very successful MY POST #REMARK : I was trying to Post a Spotify Checker but I truly don't know what happened it was showing an Error when Posting I don't know then I realized That all my tries in Posting the Thread was really Posted So I am Just really sorry I didn't recognize it :) Ordwise Hello Sir, Here's My Little Application For T'Mod Rank. I've always wanted to help this forum clean leechers up and stuff, when people needed help and mods were off\afk I always thought what if I was mod Anyway here's my application My experiences. 1. I've been staff on multiple discord servers (with over 50 members) 2. I've been staff on a Minecraft server (it was a survival server with 25 members online daily) And I did great as a staff member, I was promoted to be an admin in Minecraft server but I Retired Why Hire Me? 1. I know English Pretty Well 2. I'm actually very mature in real life ( might not seem like here but I am) 3. I can serve for long times (mostly I'm free so I will be online a lot) 4. I take decisions pretty well, I think about a decision at least 4 times 5. I'm actually pretty loyal to What I Would Do As A T'Mod? 1. Mute all sb spammers 2. I will handle those people who need help 3. Ill ban carders 4. Do everything to keep the best forum And This Is It, I Really Think I Will Be A Good Mod/T'Mod Have An Beautiful Day. xMoses Dear KSZ, I'm applying for trial moderator mainly for the following reasons: Since I joined community I really enjoyed it and enjoying it is so similar and different at the same time to so many other forums which is what makes it special from my perspective. I think I can be useful to the forum since I'm online most of the time I can clean the forum from ad links, spam etc which sometimes staff is offline and I'm online because of different time zones I assume. I can insure you I will handle every situation in a mature and a professional way. I love the community and really enjoy being a part of it would also love to be a part of staff and help out as much as I can. Sincerely, xMoses D3mian Hey, KSZ! I'm D3mian, 25 years old, in love with all cyber-communities around the globe, hacktivist wannabe. I'll try to be as straight-forward as i can possibly be. Maybe i don't have THAT much knowledge about each and every area in this forum as other companions might have, but i do know a little bit about everything, one thing you could say about me is that i'm a really curious person, and definitely a hard working one. So, why should i get the rank? I've got plenty of time. I'm now working 3 days a week, of which i can still occupy with forum tasks (you could say that i'm available 24/7). And, why do i want that rank? I always joke about me wanting to be a modern Robin Hood. Don't want to get in much detail, but i'm all about love and justice. My one and only task here in Cracked would be to protect this cyber-community from all his detractors and dangers. PS1: Don't let my antiquity confuse you, i've been a part of cyber-communities since i was a chubby 13 year old. PS2: Good luck with the selection, guys. This is definitely one of the best websites i've ever been a part of. Peace, D3mian The Canadian I'd like to try out for this Mod application as I believe I have the qualifications in doing so. I do not see myself as an insane cracker but I do know that I am capable of maintaining order in a chat/forum. It's my second time trying out for moderator, and things have changed since then. I am now free all days of the week and I believe this is something important as a moderator since I will be able to fulfill my role correctly. I've been on this forum since January of 2019, and I cherish this forum a lot. It helped me grow a lot as a cracker and I've been able to make some pretty decent money on the side with the help of this forum, so I think it is only fair if I give back and help the team of to keep order on the forum. I think I'm qualified enough for this position as I am known for being mature, responsible, professional and friendly. I love interacting with people and I think this is a plus. I know that my goal as a moderator will be to keep the experience for people on this site as enjoyable as possible and not to worry about spammers nor leechers. Other than that, I speak French and Portuguese at a fluent level and I am capable of keeping a conversation going on these two languages. As I said before, this site has come a long way with me and I really feel the need to give back to the team somehow and I think this is the least I can do. Thank you for reading all the way through, I really hope to hear back from you guys, and if you need any more info I will be able to provide. Swipe Hello, my name is Kris and I'm here applying for a Trial Moderator Position on this forum. A little bit about me: I have extensive knowledge about computers, marketing, and basically anything technology based. I've been into Cyber security since I was about 14, starting off with writing linux scripts (bash) and also doing network security with things such as stress testing and web-based exploitation for hosting businesses. I am now 20 years old, living alone, and am more focused on marketing on sites such as eBay to expand my profitability from products/services I sell. What I can bring to the community: User moderation in a professional manner High activity time to moderate users, filter spam/leechers and/or ban them. POSSIBLY help with forum front-end/back-end work Advertising and SEO Marketing if requested to increase the user count of this forum. All of this plus the humor I bring along with me, of course when I'm free not when I'm doing moderator work. Available Hours: Anytime upon prior request (I work from home & graduated school/college). ^ Meaning I'm available during the week and weekends most of the day. What would I do if two users are having a conflict?: I would approach both users in a professional manner, ask for both sides of the story, and will come to a resolution so that there is no further confrontations between the two users. If it's in the Shoutbox, of course I would ban them from there for an appropriate amount of time, and hope they don't do it again. Anything else about me?: There are two things I hate the most, well three.. Toxicity, Bullying/Ignorance, and leeching. Any of those three things I see on this forum as a moderator I will take care of as a priority of user moderation, and will settle these issues in an professional manner as well to avoid any other issues with the user(s). Contact: Discord: Glock#9544 владимир Hello, i'm an active member on cracked and can help with finding multis, spam posts, cashlink posts and leechers. I have a lot of free time and usually spent on discord or cracked. I'm also very familiar with the rules and with a lot of well known members. I'm not the best with applications but if you have more questions pm me here or on discord. thanks -d Τanner A 15 year old kid from Cleveland Ohio, moved to Columbus at 3 years old where I started my design and programming courses then moved up to IT and Administrative I have recently have to put a stop on my development as I need to focus more on my parents and my shop. Colonial Candy Shoppe/ Head Of Management At my parents shop I work to keep the inventory in order and stocked. I also take care of all online needs, as my parents are not smart with computers LOL! Pulurest Hangout / Owner and Moderator Via Discord I own a discord server with 1500+ members. In this server we give channels to chill, hangout, party, talk about games, RP, discuss games and much more. Yes, I just advertised my server on an application! Whetstone High School / Student Not Giving A Location ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I am a student at Whetstone High School, I have a current GPA of 3.2 with mostly Bs and one A-. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Whetstone High/ Advanced Technology I have gone through basic and intermediate training for technical support and how the system actually works, and how to fix system issues. ( On physical PCs and Programs on the PCs) Fort Hayes Community High School / Intermediate Administrative Preparation During this course, I have learned all the much-needed skills and techniques to become a better administrator. From the basic techniques of organization in proper management to real life situations and simulations. I have had experience in various situations from people killing me in fortnite to have a being robbed at gunpoint in my parent's shop. While screaming F*ck you to me and the staff, fun times. To be a moderator you need to love what your doing or else it’s going to turn into that rouge admin banning everyone. Also as a Moderator, you have to listen to everyone's side of a story and not rely on one more side than another. You must be able to make quick decisions to stop a threat or in discords case an annoying spammer. Lastly, I deserve this spot as I have so much exposure to the true reality of having to take care of someone or a group of people. From keeping my group under control and safe to being hacked 2 times in 2 days and keeping the safety of my old discord and it’s members safe, so I deleted that server. :c All the way up to being the head management sector for my parent's shop, at only 15 yes I can boss around 30-year-olds! I hope when a spot opens you can take my application into consideration! Thanks. arsalahmed786 Real Name: Arsal Ahmed Your age (so we can see how mature you are): 20 years (09/May/1998) will be 21 this Thursday Why would you join us (tell us something): Well, To be honest i'm not into cracking however i'm 4 year forum management experienced guy, I have my own forum + Global Moderator at VPS company forum. Recently i discover this and 1 more forum and i observe some bad things which can be fixed easily. I mean people treating this community as discord server, very low quality posts. I can work against spammers, rule breaker. Yeah i know i'm not much active, It because of i have exams which i've already announced everywhere expect here because i'm not highly rank here. After exams which end on 8th of may, I will post some suggestion that improve our community, Doesn't matter i accepted or denied. As i said i have some idea/suggestion that can improve the community experience which i will post after my exam. I join here and in i hope you know that forum. I receive reputation their just helping people related forum and improve their experience, And as i said i'm not cracker but people still trust me there i'm sure after exams when i post my suggestion people show some support toward me here too. Contacts: Skype: komalahmed20 Discord: TW1ST3R#1650 Gmail: Let me know if i miss anything else. Nyx Dear KSZ, :kek: :smart: For the past few months I've been quite inactive due to my damn exams and still got a few left however they are not a big deal(cause they are easy), so I started being active again on my favourite community, <3 Why I want this role? Well because I want to help this community grow, and make it even better and I'm one of those people who are dedicated towards this community and spend their free time on here. Experience? Well if you can remember I used to have the role of 'Disinfector' but as I went inactive i've gotten demoted, but for the time that I had that role I've learned a lot, and had a great experience. Besides all of that, I'd love to ban all the leechers and spammers. :hype: With all my love, Nyx. Cthulhu Hello KSZ, This is my application for trial moderator role on My forum Activity: I have been an active contributor to the forum, spent hours making 26+ exclusive checkers for the forum, some for upgraded members and some for regular auth and non-auth. Over 15 custom made bb configs. A notable contribution was prime rape. Bought two custom usergroups spending about 2000$ in BTC Own probably the most earning brand "Eclipse" on the forum, net earning over 40k$. Own two custom awards and a share in 1 custom award. Playing the role of coder for the forum actively and will continue to do it. Part-time disinfector and since its one of the job of a trial mod will continue to do it. Have upgraded a lot of people on the forum to help them grow. Brought ChrisFTP to the forum and he proved quite valuable as well with his skills of coding. Why I can fit into the role of trial moderator and staff team: Staff requires a mature behavior in the forum which I can perfectly play since I am probably the oldest member out here. But since age doesn't define maturity, I would leave it to the team to decide since they know me for a few months now to judge appropriately. Staff also requires a trusted member, and I believe i was given trusted award as forum deemed me trusted. The Staff member needs to spend time on the forum doing the work and also need to be devoted towards the conference, so the forum activity I mentioned earlier might reflect my devotion towards the forum, both financially and even with time. So without a doubt, I would spend time on the forum as trial mod since it will be my responsibility. Time zone is European. Time spent at home is about 18 hrs as I don't have any college. What would I do as a trial? First of all, I would follow the guidelines put in place for mod work, get knowledge on it from Jocker and follow it. Finding leechers, multi and spammers along with cash links and viruses is something which is already mentioned in the thread. However I aim to skim through threads as well since my stats I have already done it as a member, I am on top of reporting post statistics already. As reverse and coder, I can easily detect viruses in threads. However, I do feel that people with about 5 to 20 posts and 0 threads do have a potential to grow they need a boost or direction to help them grow so instead then wipe them out I will instead warn them and help them out. This would improve not only content for our forum but also develop active members. Conclusion: It would be a pleasure working with an already experienced team and help this forum continue its upward trend. I have been in the cracking scene on forums for over ten years. After just a few days I realized the cracking scene is not dead at all. Nostalgic feelings from back in the days I were on HF came up. I saw the potential through at HFs initial state, multiple factors lead it to grow, and I ultimately see it through when it comes to cracked. My intentions and achievements with cracked are to improve its growth and become the most significant cracking platform ever. I have spent around five months on this forum and believe its the best forums out there, and potential is there to continue to stay the best in the business. With a promise that I will serve my best to fulfill my duties I will close this application here and wish everyone who has applied a piece of excellent luck, may the best app wins :) Sincerely, Cthulhu AlphaWolfツ Trial Moderator Application I want to become a Trial Moderator This is why : "I am an active member and have many online time and my activity will be very much here as a trial Moderator". I am going to do anything to keep safe from leecher and more... I will take my part as a trial moderater very serious and ill do my best to make this forum better I am already Happy to be a part of this Forum i hope you'll think about this Thank you for Reading This , Kind regards AlphaWolf Preaux I'm sending this application knowing quite well my "numbers" in this community don't exactly make me appear to be an ideal candidate. What I can bring to the table is my years of experience being involved in communities such as this one with some of that involvement being in moderation. I pride myself in being friendly and professional when preforming actions officially. I know that if given the chance I would exceed all expectation. I'm looking to give back to a space that has given me so much. I would be honored to accomplish my goals of giving back, right here on I thank you very much for your time. chrisFTP Hello KSZ, This message is concerning my application for trial moderator role on My forum CV: Owner and Founder of Eclipse group which is probably the most prominent brand on the forum. I have developed more than 20 checkers for exclusively, over 150 threads of free combolists and over 50 threads of free proxylists. I know the following coding languages: C++/C# , Python, PHP, HTML. I own a user award. Notable contribution: chrisflix Most vouched seller on (59 vouches) Why do I feel like I fit into the staff role? Handling situations professionally and staying mature is something I can fulfil being a 25-year-old responsible person myself as I know as a staff member I represent the forum and thus would not do anything to hurt its reputation or cause people to flame it. I do skim around posts and this would be able to eliminate any spam content posted. Pretty active on shoutbox as well so would be able to ensure that the rules are being followed but would want to go with a warning policy and not just spam the ban list with every other member. The staff member has to be a trusted member and I am one of the few members to have received trusted award. Spending time on the forum: I spent a lot of time making checkers for forum, this shows I am devoted towards spending time on it, this would continue to spend time as trial mod as it would not just be passion but responsibility. Time zone is European. Time spent on PC is at least 10 hours daily since I work on pc. As a reverser I served my time as a disinfector as well so will continue to do it as a trial mod to eliminate viruses spread through fortnite cracking tool section or attempted infection via cracking tools or on any other section. Conclusion: it would be a pleasure working with an already experienced team and help this forum continue growing. The past four months spent have been fun-filled and met great people. It would be a pleasant experience being hired as a trial moderator. And I wish every person who applied a piece of excellent luck since everyone has a chance. Regards, ChrisFTP Xoda I'm Xoda, and I'm interested in taking on the responsibilities of a Trial Moderator. I've been steadfast yet meticulous in reporting spammers' and leechers' posts that don't observe the rules of the forum. With a rapidly growing community, it is becoming a much more difficult challenge. As I'm easy to get along with, and I always make an effort to remain level-headed, I can make a genuine connection to others and maintain the shoutbox. I'm online quite a lot, and as such, I can take on my responsibilities throughout the day. More specifically, I've noticed staff usually aren't online at night, so that leaves a gap open for malicious actors; that's a gap that I can fill. Dedicating myself to, I think I can make a positive impact on its present community and its future potential. Thank you for your consideration. RAKAN I know I'm relatively new to the site, but I've really enjoyed my time here, used to use leakforums back in the day before that closed down was on it like 10 hours a day clocked up 6000 posts before the site shut down so I'm very familiar with forums like this The biggest advantage for me is I don't work and spend all day every day at my computer with the forum open, so I'm readily available to sort shit out that goes wrong and am basically always on call and have no issue browsing the reports to clean up the site in my downtime (which is a lot of the day as I don't do anything but listen to music) I'm 21, so I'm not just some random kid, try to be nice to people and handle shit with respect and without bias I have every intention of using this forum a lot and would like the opportunity to help in tidying it up since I know from experience how annoying having the forum spammed by new accounts can be Worth a shot :hype: Gabriel_Alert I sucks at make applys but I guess it is worth a try... I and 2 other own and H-Gen´s discord bot have 40k users and 1,7k servers and I manage the support so I guess im "ok" at help peoples and stuff like that. and I have much free time with computer. I joined cracked when it had 4283 users and this is my main forum and I hate nulled(ik good af info...). BTW: I have no mic. I dont know what u want to know... can u send me questions and I answer them? BluIsReal Name; Blu Age; 13 Experience: I don't have any experience with forum moderation (I have my own forums but I have no users like literally none) Activity: I can be active every single day, but I do have to babysit my brother sometimes (usually for 3-5 hours). Why I want to be a mod: I want to be mod to help out and make sure all the rule breakers are dealt with. I also want to try my best at this I think it would be kind of fun. :thinking: It's something new I would love to try out. What would I do as a mod: Find Spammers / Leechers / Multis. Maintain peace and order in the shoutbox. Clean the forum from malware and spam. Be mature and handle situations professionally. TeeGrizley Hello, Dear Staff of My name is TeeGrizley and I was known by the name of "Jew", "Jewlsh" in the past. Im writing to apply for Trial Moderator position obviously. So first of all Im very thankful for actually getting the opportunity to even apply for Staff on such a big and growing cracking community based forum. I know im not active that much right now cause most of the time Im working in the shadows , but however, if I will get opportunity I will try my best to prove im available for this position and Im taking it really serious, otherwise I won't put my time into this application. So question is: "Why I even want to become Staff?". First of all I would like to become a staff member because I love helping people and making them enjoy their experience, as staff of my first forum "" which was held by "Zombie" I've understood duties and consequences this position brings. Of course Im Human aswell and I can make mistakes but Im trying to keep it at minimum. Maturity is a key thing when it comes to being a staff member, so I believe I have enough. I believe I may not be the best choice of those you`ve received applications from, but I would say I am a better choice due to my personality. I am calm, collected, intelligent, and it`s usually difficult to annoy or anger me unless you hit a personal nerve. For these reasons I would be better than most applicants. I am also more mature than most you likely receive, as over reviewing others` staff applications. Additionally, I believe that everyone should get what they deserve when it comes down to punishments or other matters. As for another reason, I am on almost constantly and would be able to keep most trouble down with high efficiency. I also have skill in de-escalating situations. When it comes to helping people, I am truly kind. I don't help people when I have the time or when I feel like helping others. Instead I make time to help people, even if I'm working on something. For me, being staff means exactly this, setting aside what your doing to help other people with what they need. I already try my best to fulfill this role, with or without the special "name or color tag". I have a good personality with having a sense of humor and I do take things seriously. I am very good at helping people not only in the game but also any in real life problems they might have. Im always here for help and Im enjoying it. I don't hold grudges against people. When it comes to getting that feeling that you dislike someone I don't go after them or try to make things the worst for them. I just respect who they are and try not to get involved anything that I will regret later. Im maybe not "Famous" in this community because most of the time Im working "in the shadows" cause I find myself very dedicated person. I believe I should be chosen because I love this forum and have watched this community grow and blossom into the community it is today. I would like to assist with said growth, as the current staff team are doing. I would punish and moderate the forum fairly and accordingly; only taking action when needed. I also believe I should be chosen because I'm kind to other membes. has been one of the highlights of my life, and I really want to do my best to give my thanks back to this wonderful community. Another things you can be interested in is: "How much you will be active?". Well, as I said Im very dedicated person and I would try my best to be active as much as possible due to my IRL duties and school im currently attending. Of course I will put my time into this position if I will get it. I understand main Trial Mod duties are banning leechers and spammers and I will really try to acomplish them and help first of all you guys in the staff team and then the whole community. Conclusion I would be honoured to take this responsibility on this role,but however There is a lot more I can't explain in an application, such as my full personality and what I really like. Feel free to reply to this or DM me for any questions. If this is denied I will understand but please tell me how or what I could improve on. I am trying to help as many people as I can, so expect to see me around. Thanks for probably skimming through the big paragraphs and half-reading everything else :). Thank you once again for giving me opportunity to apply. Have a wonderful rest of the day. Sincerly, Tee Grizley (Jew) shycrackzz Hey i Would Like to Apply to Become A trial Moderator What I can bring to this forum Kind helpful person always active to help and keep the forum clean reasons why i would like to become a moderator i have been on this forum for a little while always been active always posting new content and helping members not just here for my own gain i just like to help the members i just really wanna take a new challange on and i think i would be a great trial moderator i can help keep the forum clean so all members can come on the forum with ease and feel welcome keep the shoutbox maintained daily so all the members can feel welcome to chat and not have people ruining it for others im happy to help all members if they are having any issues related to the forum im experianced in config making combo making checker making i hope to hear from you guys and a shot at being a trial moderator you guys wont regret taking me on board im happy to help and do my part for the forum thanks Shycrackzz Placing Hello, as you can probably assume i came from flo's thread about becoming tmod. I want to preface that i am very willing to be flexible in whatever tasks i am giving if i do obtain the position. Some qualities that i possess are people skills,personability,time management, along with previous moderation experience on coding sites such as vbforums. I want to thank you for taking time to process my application, and i hope that i am chosen, have a nice day, Placing. :) Dark4DS TRIAL MODERATOR APPLICATIONS Dear Mod.. I like this position Work I'm Free worker i'm hope hard work & help this site. Thanks! Flash Dear Cracked.To Staff Hello and good day! I am writing this message since I saw Your post looking for new moderators. I have been in this community for a few weeks now and it has been a great time. The forum is fun and very helpful regarding cracking material. Although during my stay I have encountered a lot of so-called "Leechers" that in some way destroy the harmony of the forum. I have seen staff taking action on them but normally staff is a little outnumbered against all the leechers swarm. I've tried reporting most to make your job easier, but this is one of the key points I would be very interested to be a part of the staff so I can also take care of it. I have also seen that the Cracking Tools section of the forum is not updated very often because of the low amount of "Disinfectors" and staff being busy with other jobs. This is yet another key point that I am very interested to be part of the C.To staff. I am online most of the day on Cracked.To so I can be updated with everything that happens and take fast action when needed. Thank You very much for taking the time to read my application and I hope you will accept me among the great staff of Cracked.To. Sincerely yours, @TheFlash Lesbian Hello there, I would like to introduce myself as Lesbian here to apply on being a Trial Moderator in order to help out the community who I have been with for approximately 6 months now, I have been on this community non-stop since I have joined it and was overwhelmed on how many leechers and rule breakers are on the threads of the contributors also thread starters. I am more than happy to be a Moderator and potentially see a positive change among the community to eliminate all rule breakers involving in Malware spreading, spamming, leeching, ban evading, the usage of multiple forum accounts &, etc. I am aware of how to detect positive malware that is claimed to be a false positive & help out the members who are new to the community and seeking help in order to meet their satisfaction rate. I have been a very active member of the community surfing through sub-forums and testing out programs which I believe are suspicious and test it to make sure there will be no victims. I feel amazing that I am part of this community and will always be, Appreciate you taking your time reading this application and would hope you have the brightest futures there. Regards, Lesbian milosmali so, I've been working on several forums as a Manager, so I know what jobs are in that position, you see I'm not posting anything, basically I'm looking at other people's posts, which hopefully plus you have, I can help you because I spend a lot of time on the computer, and if I'm not on the computer,then I have a phone from which I too can be active on the forum vasem, in how many somewhere wrong, please correct me, I did not understand your search very well because I do not speak perfect neither English nor Russian because I am from Serbia, praise understanding on Salty Introduction: Hi. My name is Henry, some know me as Serlox, Iate. I’m a 17 year old male, with a great and happy life. I enjoy Football, Volleyball, and tennis. I can definitely tie this in with my work as a staff member, because all these sports can be played as a team, and need eachother to support. Staff Is just like a team and we must work together to complete our jobs efficiently. Tennis, is not always a team sport, and it's an independant sport, I can also tie this in with staff work because half the time you need to do it on your own and pull your own weight. I dedicate lots of my time to the site. What i would do as a staff member. I would keep the chat clean. Clean / remove all malware threads. Mute people who spam in SB after 1 Warning. And ban multi-account's. Last is that ill be very mature and And handle situation's in a proffesional and a mature way. Why i whould want to be staff. 1st Reason. I want to be a staff member for several reasons. I don't want staff members just to mess around with perms, or brag about my awesome prefix, I actually want to help people. I mean, sure being a staff member would be fun, but It's also quite a difficult job. The main reason why I want to be a staff member is to make sure everyone is having a fun time on this fantastic website. I'd hate for someone to leave all because of someone being disrespectful, They need help with something or they just simply don't know what to do/how to Post / cr4ck. 2nd Reason. I want to be a staff member to help anyone who needs help, stop all of the spammers, advertisers, impersonators, or even hackers! I will always to my best to be as helpful as I can to a fellow staff member or New Members! I will never let a staff member down if he needs me. I can help anyone who needs my help. I will help new members, intermediate, in terms of how long they've been on the website, and even the veteran / high rep members. Experience. I enjoy to learn new things, so my capabilities are more endless than they were before I learnt someting. I have not been staff on a forum before, But i have been staff on many discord server's and other chatting sites / apps. 1. i Have been Sr.mod in the Ronin community. 2. Owner of Antileech's Discord Server. 3. i Have been staff on multible marketplace servers etc. Additional information: I take on a very harsh view on any kind of harrassment or bullying due to the experiences I have suffered through the past. From these experiences, I have obtained the ability to recognize bullying or harassment should it take place, and will be proficient when dealing with it. If an issue were to arise, I would most likely be online to deal with it. I'm always helpful and quick to respond to any messages that I see, and will always enforce the rules to the best of my abilities. - Henry ( Salty ). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KSZ 300 A shortlist suggestion to pick from: ЛеДуцк The Canadian (i liked the app, but not the best profile) Cthulhu Vassilios (fairly new to the forum but could be a very good experiment) ChrisFTP Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Am1nol 257 I'm with @KSZ on alot of these members I didn't like ЛеДуцк however just sololy on the fact he doesn't know how to use dots and capital letters. Gives me a very unproffesional feeling about him. Vassillios and TheCanadian both looked good imo together with ChrisFTP and Cthulhu. However I'm wondering how much time Chris and Cthulhu are actually able to spent on moderation. I mean they have their Eclipse, coder rank, also do disinfector jobs. They both say they have very much time but I don't really have the feeling they're arround that much. (Might just be me) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jocker 270 I am not supporting ChrisFTP/Cthulhu as well. Vassilios looks like a pretty good choice, I will consider about TheCanadian. Waiting for TFue's suggestions Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seph 35 Cthulhu Vassilios (fairly new to the forum but could be a very good experiment) ChrisFTP Can agree with these three, not sure about the other two. Cthulhu and Chris might be busy with stuff in general such as disinfecting, eclipse & more but it may be just me aswell. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites