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you have been cursed with " the gay"

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Conratulations if you opened this thread


you are officialy a gay just like me and 50 others in this forum 


if u  want to remove the curse then you have 24H to send this message to 15 friends else you will see @mesvak under your bed tonight

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jokes on u, I dont have a bed

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"50 other members"


Mention them plx :pepelove:

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"50 other members"


Mention them plx :pepelove:


florain jokcer tfue ksz am1nol devil xmoses rareswans nyx imyourdaddy khalid. farmer uthred issac chrisftp cthulhu her dogoofhans rune resampling  topsng atlantis timechangeeverything hug "faggot slayer" unicorn " tana allen" extraordinary teken za3ma


almonds tester7509 msb farmer  karosskyarmy antileech jackiie fours4 nights  Dream. SSJ ordwise bmadd bahn nord merged infinitey aign  oxyde macien fedayn. madgoofy auxised (dank) vecho2200 "abu umar" inferno00 "big sidi" adamsimon fuego 


nitrouz lestro rappanow tamboza and others :kappa: 

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and OTHERS? nope, im not day :(

I even havent a bad(

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