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Anyone using Brave browser?

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Okay so I have used a ton of browsers, usually going back and forth from Firefox & Safari because I am split between windows and mac. Anyways, I decided to try Brave today (I hadn't tried it since it was basically chrome a while back) and OMG it's great. If you haven't tried it I would highly suggest it. Compared to Firefox it seems so much smoother and quicker as well. It pains me to say that this browser might be better than Firefox but I think it's true. I don't really buy into all of the new cryptocurrency "BAT" stuff, but you aren't forced into it, which is cool. Don't really care much about the ad-blocker as I had uBlock on Firefox anyway, but god damn this browser is quick and beautiful.


If you haven't tried Brave ladies and gentlemen, take the extra 3 minutes to download and move your stuff over, and try it out for 1 day. You will see how amazing this shit really is!

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I've used brave for like a week and its absolutely amazing. I was using chrome before and it was killing my cpu, brave barely even touches it. Fantastic

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I use it, never had any problems with it. It's one I would recommend.

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I've used brave for like a week and its absolutely amazing. I was using chrome before and it was killing my cpu, brave barely even touches it. Fantastic


Yea idk how tf they manage to do it. With other browsers there always seemed to be a trade off of some kind, appearance, performance, security, addons, etc. Bur I have yet to find one in brave. I guess I’m now a brave fanboy shilling their product lmao

I use it, never had any problems with it. It's one I would recommend.


Unfortunately it’s hard to find a browser like this in the current era of development. There is not any other browser you can really say that about and I honestly find that pretty surprising. Sure brave is 1000% perfect, but in comparison with cpu hogging chrome and ehh Firefox, it’s pretty damn perfect. Damn I wish I had realized how good this was earlier.

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I use it, never had any problems with it. It's one I would recommend.


Unfortunately it’s hard to find a browser like this in the current era of development. There is not any other browser you can really say that about and I honestly find that pretty surprising. Sure brave is 1000% perfect, but in comparison with cpu hogging chrome and ehh Firefox, it’s pretty damn perfect. Damn I wish I had realized how good this was earlier.


firefox is horrid. They used to make us use it for work.

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Chrome will always be my go to, having everything saved to my account to use between different computers is really useful especially when you have over 1000 bookmarks like me

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I use it, never had any problems with it. It's one I would recommend.


Unfortunately it’s hard to find a browser like this in the current era of development. There is not any other browser you can really say that about and I honestly find that pretty surprising. Sure brave is 1000% perfect, but in comparison with cpu hogging chrome and ehh Firefox, it’s pretty damn perfect. Damn I wish I had realized how good this was earlier.


firefox is horrid. They used to make us use it for work.


The new Firefox is sooo much better than it used to be. They have improved a lot over the last year. Have you tried the new version?

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Did you know you could also import your pw's/bookmarks etc from chrome or firefox into brave aswell lmao, its literally the top button in settings

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Did you know you could also import your pw's/bookmarks etc from chrome or firefox into brave aswell lmao, its literally the top button in settings


Yea it’s great! Even keeps all of my sessions alive so I literally don’t have to re-login or do anything really. Also doesn’t give you any hassle importing anything else either, just an easy one-click process.

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Literally the best browser made imo lol

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Lmao after all these reviews i think im going to try this :kappa:

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Lmao after all these reviews i think im going to try this :kappa:


You actually should lol you won’t regret it, then you can continue on the shilling legacy. Idk how they get people to do it, they don’t even have a ref link...

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Unfortunately it’s hard to find a browser like this in the current era of development. There is not any other browser you can really say that about and I honestly find that pretty surprising. Sure brave is 1000% perfect, but in comparison with cpu hogging chrome and ehh Firefox, it’s pretty damn perfect. Damn I wish I had realized how good this was earlier.


firefox is horrid. They used to make us use it for work.


The new Firefox is sooo much better than it used to be. They have improved a lot over the last year. Have you tried the new version?


No I'll see if I can grab it when I'm on my break and see what it's like now. It was really slow, but I always maintained work was spying on me. lol

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I use Opera. OPERA FTW!


Yea I honestly think opera is pretty good when compared to flagship browsers, just not enough extensions was the main problem for me. Also the design can seem a bit clunky at times.

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I use Opera. OPERA FTW!


Yea I honestly think opera is pretty good when compared to flagship browsers, just not enough extensions was the main problem for me. Also the design can seem a bit clunky at times.


You should try it, their design has been improved a lot over the past few months. Opera now has a built-in adblock, cryptowallet & cryptoblocker and a free VPN (more of a proxy).


Yea I'll make sure to check it out again, sounds like Brave and Opera are gonna be the next big browsers, fingers crossed!

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I have Brave on my phone, thinking of using it on my laptop instead of Firefox but I have too many addons I need.

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I have Brave on my phone, thinking of using it on my laptop instead of Firefox but I have too many addons I need.


Really? I thought that google store had more addons than Firefox tbh

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I have Brave on my phone, thinking of using it on my laptop instead of Firefox but I have too many addons I need.


Really? I thought that google store had more addons than Firefox tbh


To be fair I haven't checked it, I will.

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I'll stick with Firefox. I cba to move all the extensions and their settings.

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I'll stick with Firefox. I cba to move all the extensions and their settings.


That's okay, I don't really want extra competition in loading websites the fastest. :ezy:

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I get an error when opening PDFs and also cookie error on Gmail. Nothing works. :Am1nolbroken:

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I get an error when opening PDFs and also cookie error on Gmail. Nothing works. :Am1nolbroken:


Idk what you are talking about with the PDFs, but definitely experienced the cookie error with Gmail. That was super annoying but that is more google's fault than anything.



In regards to your pdf issue, I found a possible solution on the brave community site:


I’d like to test and see if you can at least download the PDF files to view them. Open the main menu, navigate to Settings --> Advanced --> Privacy and Security --> Content Settings --> PDF Documents - toggle this option “ON” if it isn’t already and try opening the link again.


As for the cookie error it seems as though the issue has been around since 2017 lol, here is the issue on Github -

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