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++ Scam Report Statement ++

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So here's my small Statement for the "Scam" Report.



I'm not sure how to start this "Statement" sorry for my grammar.

So @Mr.Grabber wanted a checker.


I started to work on the checker On, it was working perfectly on my side with all the Capture he wanted including points etc, they changed their Header Security & HTML so the checker didn't work anymore.

 I tried to fix it, i paid a guy named "SoLux" on Discord (Owner of to help me on the Project since i couldn't go ahead alone and did not know what to do.

Then he ended up with scamming me by telling me & C he explained me how to fix everything on the Code, he didn't!

And i didn't have the money anymore to refund @Mr.Grabber and he also did not want the checker anymore since he got one already from another guy.

And since then he wanted a refund, I gave him 48% Of the refund yet, ($38) and ($82) was  left to pay my depth. 

I could get the money very easy, but since people saw my "scam report" they didn't trust me anymore.

And now i'm unbanned, refunded the money and we're working as a team! 

So i hope you all understand my situation and I'm not sure how to explain this better, so please understand me that i am not a Scammer.

:fiesta: :smart: :ezy: :kappa: :comfy: :pepegun: :fuck: :wut: :pupper: :fine: :feelsgood: :monkas:

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You're a big fucking skid. I still remember when you took Lemon's discord raider from github, claimed it as yours and when you got called out on it you said that you helped him while lemons didn't even fucking know you. This happened in the old discord that @Zombie owned. Also, remember all the people you scammed in Axenta's server after you got owner / admin? You were selling skidded tools to people. Also, claiming you made Collection #1? Miss me with that bullshit. Now I'm waiting for a well made response, not just empty threats.

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You're a big fucking skid. I still remember when you took Lemon's discord raider from github, claimed it as yours and when you got called out on it you said that you helped him while lemons didn't even fucking know you. This happened in the old discord that @Zombie owned. Also, remember all the people you scammed in Axenta's server after you got owner / admin? You were selling skidded tools to people. Also, claiming you made Collection #1? Miss me with that bullshit. Now I'm waiting for a well made response, not just empty threats.


True, just when someone searchs for c0rpz in google and researchs with found data you can find a lot of info about him, shit you've done in the past etc.

You're noone, just an impersonator.


Also i still remember people which have claimed that you've scammed them on my old forum and in discord, that's why youve got banned everywhere at this time too.

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You're a big fucking skid. I still remember when you took Lemon's discord raider from github, claimed it as yours and when you got called out on it you said that you helped him while lemons didn't even fucking know you. This happened in the old discord that @Zombie owned. Also, remember all the people you scammed in Axenta's server after you got owner / admin? You were selling skidded tools to people. Also, claiming you made Collection #1? Miss me with that bullshit. Now I'm waiting for a well made response, not just empty threats.  :kek: :kek: :kek:

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You're a big fucking skid. I still remember when you took Lemon's discord raider from github, claimed it as yours and when you got called out on it you said that you helped him while lemons didn't even fucking know you. This happened in the old discord that @Zombie owned. Also, remember all the people you scammed in Axenta's server after you got owner / admin? You were selling skidded tools to people. Also, claiming you made Collection #1? Miss me with that bullshit. Now I'm waiting for a well made response, not just empty threats.  :kek: :kek: :kek:


I know that most of the statement is wrong. I'll leave it as it is due to me not giving a fuck about what other people say about me.

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This arguement is now taken to the private conversation so stop.

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