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Vassilios' Python Help-desk - Ask your questions!

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Vassilios' Python Help-desk


Greetings! I am starting this help-desk for anyone that is currently using Python or is interested in it. I have been using Python for around a year on or so on the daily. I have used countless libraries including Requests, Panda, the Discord API and more. I have also made my own APIs for services. Feel free to ask me any questions whether that involves an error with a library or just your code and I will do my best to assist you with your problems. I am also available in DMs if you do not wish to disclose your problem here.


If you could please do use the format down below so your problem is concise and it's easier to read it. If there are long errors then please do attach them below. Also if your code includes API keys, passwords or anything of that sort, censor them.



[*][b]Situation: [/b]
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hey Vassilios. I've got a question, do you know if it's possible to (on unix) use cadaver (webdav interaction from cli) from a python script. this is modern python, 3.7


basically I need to create a loop that opens a connection via cadaver, pushes credentials, uploads a file, and then repeats the task for each item in an array. any ideas if this is possible?

hey Vassilios. I've got a question, do you know if it's possible to (on unix) use cadaver (webdav interaction from cli) from a python script. this is modern python, 3.7


basically I need to create a loop that opens a connection via cadaver, pushes credentials, uploads a file, and then repeats the task for each item in an array. any ideas if this is possible?

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hey Vassilios. I've got a question, do you know if it's possible to (on unix) use cadaver (webdav interaction from cli) from a python script. this is modern python, 3.7


basically I need to create a loop that opens a connection via cadaver, pushes credentials, uploads a file, and then repeats the task for each item in an array. any ideas if this is possible?

hey Vassilios. I've got a question, do you know if it's possible to (on unix) use cadaver (webdav interaction from cli) from a python script. this is modern python, 3.7


basically I need to create a loop that opens a connection via cadaver, pushes credentials, uploads a file, and then repeats the task for each item in an array. any ideas if this is possible?


I haven't used Cadaver but since it uses command line you can look at the subprocess Popen function ( and make a list with all the commands, then iterate over the list and use Popen to send the commands.

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Every time i try and open a damn .py on my rdp it insta closes but the exact same file on my main pc works

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Every time i try and open a damn .py on my rdp it insta closes but the exact same file on my main pc works


It happens to me too sometimes. Try opening it from command line, just open it on the .py folder "python".

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If you need help I am your guy.

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This is a bump

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Massive vouch for Vassilios. Completed an assignment I've been struggling with perfectly. Very knowledgeable, would highly recommend

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This is a bump

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This is a bump

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import random
import string
High = "High"
Low = "Low"
yes = ('yes', 'Yes', 'y')
answer = None
points = 0
hol = int(input("Make Your Selection:\n1. High\n2. Low\n3. Quit\n"))
randomnum = random.randint(1,1000)

answer = input("Do you still want to play? Y/N ")

def main():

   global points
   global High
   global Low

print("Any number under 500 is low, 501 to 1000 is high")
print("points: " + str(points))

if randomnum >= 500:
   if hol == 1:
       points += 1
       points -= 1

elif randomnum <= 501:
   if hol == 2:
       points += 1
       points -= 1
   print("points: " + points)

def end():

   answer = input("Do you want to play again? Y/N ")

while yes in answer:
   if yes in answer:
      answer = input("Do you want to play again? Y/N ")
      if "n" in answer:
if "n" in answer:



So simple high low game. User picks high or low, it adds 1 or minus 1 point for correct answer.

Upon executing my code it goes from the first input straight to the 2nd. And even if I put "n" or "y" in my 2nd input it gives me a name error. I'm still learning. Can you tell me where my mistakes are at?

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Vassilios' Python Help-desk


Greetings! I am starting this help-desk for anyone that is currently using Python or is interested in it. I have been using Python for around a year on or so on the daily. I have used countless libraries including Requests, Panda, the Discord API and more. I have also made my own APIs for services. Feel free to ask me any questions whether that involves an error with a library or just your code and I will do my best to assist you with your problems. I am also available in DMs if you do not wish to disclose your problem here.


If you could please do use the format down below so your problem is concise and it's easier to read it. If there are long errors then please do attach them below. Also if your code includes API keys, passwords or anything of that sort, censor them.



[*][b]Situation: [/b]
[*][b]Question: [/b]




Any good places where I can learn it fast as fuck ?

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Vassilios' Python Help-desk


Greetings! I am starting this help-desk for anyone that is currently using Python or is interested in it. I have been using Python for around a year on or so on the daily. I have used countless libraries including Requests, Panda, the Discord API and more. I have also made my own APIs for services. Feel free to ask me any questions whether that involves an error with a library or just your code and I will do my best to assist you with your problems. I am also available in DMs if you do not wish to disclose your problem here.


If you could please do use the format down below so your problem is concise and it's easier to read it. If there are long errors then please do attach them below. Also if your code includes API keys, passwords or anything of that sort, censor them.



[*][b]Situation: [/b]
[*][b]Question: [/b]




Any good places where I can learn it fast as fuck ?

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    how to use discord embed value in codebox like as < code > sometext < / code > ?
    this sample code : 
embed.add_field(name='SOMETEXT', value=ARSG, inline=False)

value grabbed from some print function
and how to implementation like this ?
see screenshot 
sorry if my question make u confused
*screenshot was made with discordbot embed generator
thanks advance

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