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@Ordwise, The Wise, The Wonderful, The Wifebeater!

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@Ordwise, The Wise, The Wonderful, The Wifebeater

A story by TheShred

He wanted to have a story where he was the hero

So I did the opposite  :kek: :kek:



In a world quite like this one @Ordwise sat slumped down

in his armchair watching a ball game with a beer in his hand.

in came his son poor little shred he always got bullied at school

by the big kids like @mesvak, Not only that but when Shred got home

There his dad stared as he walked in the room, @Ordwise stood up

and asked why he had bruises all over his face, Shred started crying

@ordwise called him a bitch, little shred cried tears flowing like rivers 

then @ordwise raised his boot and slammed it against poor shreds face

as blood came out his nose shred fell weak, not able to see straight

his mother @TFue came running in sobbing and screaming yelling

"please please don't hurt him" @Ordwise just gave a deep stare

and grabbed @tfue's hair he dragged and he dragged @tfue along

as @tfue screamed clawed and struggled @ordwise didn't change he still had the steer, he went into his room locked the door behind, all little shred heard

was his mum @Tfue cry "please not the bat" then a thump then silence

no noise was made, shred sat for hours waiting and waiting for his mum to come out

5 hours later his dad had gotten a beer and Shred saw his mother on the floor, blood

dripping out of her hair, hands outstretched wide, naked and cold.

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@Ordwise, The Wise, The Wonderful, The Wifebeater

A story by TheShred

He wanted to have a story where he was the hero

So I did the opposite  :kek: :kek:



In a world quite like this one @Ordwise sat slumped down

in his armchair watching a ball game with a beer in his hand.

in came his son poor little shred he always got bullied at school

by the big kids like @mesvak, Not only that but when Shred got home

There his dad stared as he walked in the room, @Ordwise stood up

and asked why he had bruises all over his face, Shred started crying

@ordwise called him a bitch, little shred cried tears flowing like rivers 

then @ordwise raised his boot and slammed it against poor shreds face

as blood came out his nose shred fell weak, not able to see straight

his mother @TFue came running in sobbing and screaming yelling

"please please don't hurt him" @Ordwise just gave a deep stare

and grabbed @tfue's hair he dragged and he dragged @tfue along

as @tfue screamed clawed and struggled @ordwise didn't change he still had the steer, he went into his room locked the door behind, all little shred heard

was his mum @Tfue cry "please not the bat" then a thump then silence

no noise was made, shred sat for hours waiting and waiting for his mum to come out

5 hours later his dad had gotten a beer and Shred saw his mother on the floor, blood

dripping out of her hair, hands outstretched wide, naked and cold.



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Capture.png :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek:

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Capture.png :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek:


i think you have confused me with @overside right?

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@Ordwise, The Wise, The Wonderful, The Wifebeater

A story by TheShred

He wanted to have a story where he was the hero

So I did the opposite  :kek: :kek:



In a world quite like this one @Ordwise sat slumped down

in his armchair watching a ball game with a beer in his hand.

in came his son poor little shred he always got bullied at school

by the big kids like @mesvak, Not only that but when Shred got home

There his dad stared as he walked in the room, @Ordwise stood up

and asked why he had bruises all over his face, Shred started crying

@ordwise called him a bitch, little shred cried tears flowing like rivers 

then @ordwise raised his boot and slammed it against poor shreds face

as blood came out his nose shred fell weak, not able to see straight

his mother @TFue came running in sobbing and screaming yelling

"please please don't hurt him" @Ordwise just gave a deep stare

and grabbed @tfue's hair he dragged and he dragged @tfue along

as @tfue screamed clawed and struggled @ordwise didn't change he still had the steer, he went into his room locked the door behind, all little shred heard

was his mum @Tfue cry "please not the bat" then a thump then silence

no noise was made, shred sat for hours waiting and waiting for his mum to come out

5 hours later his dad had gotten a beer and Shred saw his mother on the floor, blood

dripping out of her hair, hands outstretched wide, naked and cold.


I actually did not enjoy the read at all, but it was creative.

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@Ordwise, The Wise, The Wonderful, The Wifebeater

A story by TheShred

He wanted to have a story where he was the hero

So I did the opposite  :kek: :kek:



In a world quite like this one @Ordwise sat slumped down

in his armchair watching a ball game with a beer in his hand.

in came his son poor little shred he always got bullied at school

by the big kids like @mesvak, Not only that but when Shred got home

There his dad stared as he walked in the room, @Ordwise stood up

and asked why he had bruises all over his face, Shred started crying

@ordwise called him a bitch, little shred cried tears flowing like rivers 

then @ordwise raised his boot and slammed it against poor shreds face

as blood came out his nose shred fell weak, not able to see straight

his mother @TFue came running in sobbing and screaming yelling

"please please don't hurt him" @Ordwise just gave a deep stare

and grabbed @tfue's hair he dragged and he dragged @tfue along

as @tfue screamed clawed and struggled @ordwise didn't change he still had the steer, he went into his room locked the door behind, all little shred heard

was his mum @Tfue cry "please not the bat" then a thump then silence

no noise was made, shred sat for hours waiting and waiting for his mum to come out

5 hours later his dad had gotten a beer and Shred saw his mother on the floor, blood

dripping out of her hair, hands outstretched wide, naked and cold.


I actually did not enjoy the read at all, but it was creative.

If you are not gay please delete it :pepe:

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@Ordwise, The Wise, The Wonderful, The Wifebeater

A story by TheShred

He wanted to have a story where he was the hero

So I did the opposite  :kek: :kek:



In a world quite like this one @Ordwise sat slumped down

in his armchair watching a ball game with a beer in his hand.

in came his son poor little shred he always got bullied at school

by the big kids like @mesvak, Not only that but when Shred got home

There his dad stared as he walked in the room, @Ordwise stood up

and asked why he had bruises all over his face, Shred started crying

@ordwise called him a bitch, little shred cried tears flowing like rivers 

then @ordwise raised his boot and slammed it against poor shreds face

as blood came out his nose shred fell weak, not able to see straight

his mother @TFue came running in sobbing and screaming yelling

"please please don't hurt him" @Ordwise just gave a deep stare

and grabbed @tfue's hair he dragged and he dragged @tfue along

as @tfue screamed clawed and struggled @ordwise didn't change he still had the steer, he went into his room locked the door behind, all little shred heard

was his mum @Tfue cry "please not the bat" then a thump then silence

no noise was made, shred sat for hours waiting and waiting for his mum to come out

5 hours later his dad had gotten a beer and Shred saw his mother on the floor, blood

dripping out of her hair, hands outstretched wide, naked and cold.


I actually did not enjoy the read at all, but it was creative.



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