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Is there anything that can help with depression when you feel like doing absolutely nothing, cause I currently am feeling like doing absolutely nothing besides laying in bed. If you have any suggestions I'd really appreciate it.

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Hello, you're not the only one :pepelove:

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Eat ice-cream

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Ouhhhggg everyboda here has that, its normal for crackers to have it :pepo:

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Eat ice-cream


I'm trying to lose weight though  :pepe:

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I are have no friends plz

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You sound like an introvert, Try going on Tinder and find another introvert, and then you wtch Netflix together and hang out and shit, Just try it. and if u are under the age of 18 which you probably are, then try to step out of your comfort zone and fucking go somewhere, Go on google maps and try to walk the furthest you can, just go somewhere nice and meet people

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go kys but donate first ty

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You sound like an introvert, Try going on Tinder and find another introvert, and then you wtch Netflix together and hang out and shit, Just try it. and if u are under the age of 18 which you probably are, then try to step out of your comfort zone and fucking go somewhere, Go on google maps and try to walk the furthest you can, just go somewhere nice and meet people


I'm 20, I've tried tinder and other dating sites, whenever I ask a girl to hangout with me she always makes some kind of excuse just to not do it and then we stop talking completely.

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stop playing smite...

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"demon king" has depression :kek:


The demons are depression, anxiety, and loneliness.

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Some times I wanna fucking die and I delve in these non sensical delusions to make the hurt go away for a few minutes. It helps. Not in the long term but it helps. Nothing will ever change I will forever be subject to this never ending purgatory of which is known as life. I do not know why I am here and why I am still here or why I have chosen not to leave. All I know is that I am here. Nothing has changed as a result of my presence. Why bother. Sometimes I wonder this. But in the end these delusions often help me get through my day as they inspire me to actually work and give me a false sense of hope that things will get better and everything will be fine. But it all gets shattered the moment when reality hits you. The fact that you are not as useful as others and that your purpose is just to be here and nothing else.

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