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[align=center] Phishing Script



[align=center](Shoppy Autobuy Link:



What does this script do?

It makes phishing accounts simple!


What is the price of this script?

$30! hypers.png


Where are logins reported to?

All client info (IP, Login, Date) is reported to your email











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No one will pay for this shit 30 USD.


You can't do anything without mail access or passphrase.


didn't show  second stage of this script, it asks for email and pass.



Anyway, most of people that actually have money use Gmail, that will not let you login easily even with clean IP from the same town as the victim. You have to hope that the victim has no phone number and email address connected to that email address and then (hopefully) connect to it.


Even if you get lucky and get access to email of some retarded email provider like, you won't get much profit of it. You really need to be lucky to get profit from phishing with blockchain.

Phishing website for Blockchain is not smartest idea, but I am guessing that you stole this script from someone else though, so trying to sell it is not stupidest idea anyway.


Good luck with sales though :)

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Could you show a sample of how the output looks like if somebody tries to login and the details get sent to some desired e-mail address?

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Could you show a sample of how the output looks like if somebody tries to login and the details get sent to some desired e-mail address?


pm me on discord: pamela#6439

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Could you show a sample of how the output looks like if somebody tries to login and the details get sent to some desired e-mail address?


pm me on discord: pamela#6439


Please send me the sample over the forums. I am not using discord for security reasons.

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It’s a bit cheap, but the profit could be insane

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This guy is scammer just to let you know do not trade with him...

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This guy is scammer just to let you know do not trade with him...


Report this if you have been scammed

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