ForlaxPy 161 [align=left]I do not condone deleting your competition out of ebay using this tool however thats what it can be used for. How to use: Put the ebay item number into the itemno.txt launch tool set your threads Enjoy! Thread recommendations 1 Thread - Slow and steady increase of views, relatively natural looking 25 Threads - Fast 50 Threads - Very fast 100+ Threads - This will spam the ebay sale to the point its around 1000 views in 10 seconds, recommended only for short bursts of views.[/align] [hide] [align=left] [/align] [/hide] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xMoses 206 [align=left]I do not condone deleting your competition out of ebay using this tool however thats what it can be used for. How to use: Put the ebay item number into the itemno.txt launch tool set your threads Enjoy! Thread recommendations 1 Thread - Slow and steady increase of views, relatively natural looking 25 Threads - Fast 50 Threads - Very fast 100+ Threads - This will spam the ebay sale to the point its around 1000 views in 10 seconds, recommended only for short bursts of views.[/align] nice shit trash nulled Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Code76 176 and 1x377 says you are bad, shake my head lmfao Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jonnypan 1 perfect for selling stuff quicker. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aliayub123 27 Thanks for ur HQ asf work Forlax Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DirectSupport 2 Going to run a test on this and report back Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ragnarok 24 Thanks a lot need this to boost my auction now ;-) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZIILE 11 ty i will try this LOL U ARE STILL IN FORUM SCAMMER Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YoutubeMaster 1 thanks you for your time sharing with us Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scarletking 4 So what is this, not trying to leech but wdym with ebay viewer.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
florаiN 1 [align=left]I do not condone deleting your competition out of ebay using this tool however thats what it can be used for. How to use: Put the ebay item number into the itemno.txt launch tool set your threads Enjoy! Thread recommendations 1 Thread - Slow and steady increase of views, relatively natural looking 25 Threads - Fast 50 Threads - Very fast 100+ Threads - This will spam the ebay sale to the point its around 1000 views in 10 seconds, recommended only for short bursts of views.[/align] boys he done it again, well done Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites