mesvak 365 Welp as its shown you im ttly fucked up and this gayflare doesnt allow me to do anything in this site can u pls get me out of this Admins if u need my ray this is it 4b93d0e2fe1ece75 And I hope some of these mods get demoted the retardation prcnt is so High tho Sincerely Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Am1nol 257 Welp as its shown you im ttly fucked up and this gayflare doesnt allow me to do anything in this site can u pls get me out of this Admins if u need my ray this is it 4b93d0e2fe1ece75 And I hope some of these mods get demoted the retardation prcnt is so High tho Sincerely Why didn't you show the blocked reason? :kappa: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites