Code76 176 Tf u mean sort by 'Acending" or "Decending" Idk what the hell does that mean Replace it with "Sort by HOT, NEW, controversial, TOP" And once a new thread is made, make a green [NEW] next to the title, so fucking plebs would stop bumping a 2018 thread, for a method that doesn't even work. Honestly, Go to the accounts section and you'll see that the only threads there are the very old ones because leechers keep bumping them, not knowing it's old because none checks the date ok basically make the sorting system like reddit Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
POP 132 Most of these features are already available. Sort by creation time, descending for newest threads first Sort by creation time, ascending for oldest threads first Default is basically "Hot" Controversial is kind of impossible since this is not reddit and we don't have upvotes and downvotes/likes and dislikes TOP you can sort by Views or Replies.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites