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Trial Moderator Applications

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KarosSkyArmy -



Hi Jocker,


I want to apply myself for trial mod.

As you know i'm literally on 24/7 and i'll be sure to fulfil all my duties, I'll be constantly focusing on helping this forum grow and doing all what a moderator has to do from checking reports to banning leechers and to keeping the sb clean.

I also have multiple experiences with being a mod on other forums.


If you give me a chance, I will not dissapoint.






hoe -





I am Shoe if you didnt know me already, i would like to apply for this position please. I have been staff on other semi big forums EG: Demonforums and Supremeforums(no longer around) I was hired to find and warn/possibly ban leachers. General duties such as keeping the forums clean and making it a good environment for people to come and post. If i was to get this i woudl be highly active like i currently am. I'd help bring new ideas to the table. I have past experience with MyBB also ranging from web dev to moderator. As a web dev i was helping fix site bugs and making a theme that looks dope.


Thanks for your time


Lots of Love Shoe




jackiie -



Hello, i hope you are fine

i want to get a chance to provide my skills & helping our community to grow up,

i'll do my best for to be clean from leechers/spammers/carders and scammers, as i know a lot things about:

SE,Cracking,Managing servers,Dumping...etc to share them with members,

i can be online every day to be sure all things are clear. and finally i want to Thanks Admins & staff for the great works they are doing for <3


Thank you for reading <3

Have a nice day

By Jackiie ^^







Hello Jocker,


Here is my application for trial Moderator. For a staff role, I know the person should be mature enough and have some experience in the moderation scene. Age wise I am mature enough 24 however as age doesnt always prove maturity then i have been moderating my own life for a while and thus was able to setup a family. But being funny or being nice to everyone is a characteristic of my personality so even after trial moderator role i will continue to be funny and nice to everyone but of course in a more professional way. That's for the maturity part i know being staff i represent the whole community of so it will be my responsibility to act in such professional way that all the guests and members in forum get a positive image of Also i do understand that abusing words wont be used in public and for now even in rainbow colours i do not use them.


Experience in management: I have run many facebook groups on cracking and it was tough because you don't really have a panel to work around with like we have in forums. But i have had success , been doing this since a very long time. Forum wise i told u someone also made me admin on a very small community and that's where i learned about forum panels that you have a lot of functions to do your job better like check for multi with IP address tool and stuff as being admin there showed me the mod control panel as well so that added to my knowledge and also allowed me to get some practice on a very smaller community where you can not really respond to every report with a ban of course, you have to read and check , then decide.


How dedicated I will be towards my role: I work in my real life on Wednesday, and Thursday on the clinic. Every day i do my social engineering work to make money for my financial investment or help. not many would know but i do daily orders and i am storing alot of BTC dedicated to because you never know social engineering methods gets patched, so i have saved about 2400$ (after all the expenses) till now for and i am continuing to work for it and get more till the point where i can contribute 50% of the 1400$ monthly bill. So as you can see how i spend my free time on sb , i will be dedicating that time to work for forum on my trial mod job. This way i will be helping by working to earn for it and also by working inside to help it be the best in the business. i wont be flexing on my report but to prove how i will be dedicated towards my role is that as i work extra to earn for it without expecting anything in return, i have never asked for any incentives, i just work to help my forum and their staff. Some of mod jobs are related to sb even though i am not mod now i have always try that no one violates sb rules and have been lawyer for sb. We all do sometimes break them but that goes in fun mood. So ofcourse i will be dedicated towards helping my forum out by doing its work as trial mod under supervision of you. and also continue my financial work to fullfill my goal to keep donating atleast 1000$ a month.


Some of my contributions to the forum: i came here on september/august 2018. i bought a custom user group on January 2019 since new year but i paid on 18 because i was out. Established the divine UG with an aim that this user group will contribute to the social engineering section of forum and also this user group will help the forum in a way no one does because lets be honest everyone wants things for themselves. So i didn't find it right to just say let me donate and get into internal things like forum bills and stuff so i started by buying things for myself with complete intentions that this money would help the forum out, and when i ran out of custom things like uid,awards and stuff so i openly said i will be donating. so i donated 100$ to feb monthly server bills. i paid 250$ so that we can by cracking central together with floraiN to help SEO. i donated to forum by upgrading 4 members to premium, i posted some my used social engineering methods. I donated 125$ on apex 3 which will release soon, i will do 50/50 on award marketplace and sb chanel coming in March. i did donate 50% of demonforum database in a sense to help forum and also appreciate Jocker and Am1nol efforts to dump it and then be so kind to release it for sake of forum when they could have sold it to few people and earn more.I will continue to be the biggest supporter of I will always work for it to earn for it and if Jocker and the team gives me chance to serve it through trial mod I will definitely serve it even if i have to sleep 5 hrs a night for it. Thats just passion. I donated to the staff of in a sense to not get incentives from them, i never asked for any incentive. i donated because these staff work for the forum through their time and efforts without getting a huge sallary. i appreciate their dedication by paying them in an attempt that they know there work is appreciated and some people are grateful for it coz lets be honest forum wouldnt be making a huge cash if it wasn't for its staff which is making it look so clean and good and then of course credit also goes to its owner and all the devs working on it. i kept helping everyone on forum in sb or those who pm me on discord as i kept my discord public , but i had to remove it as alot of people were just begging me for money and of course I cant help every member. i wish i could but i try to help as much as possible.


If accepted what happens to my user group? I will be handing it over to you and floraiN so you can auction the group again and use the cash for


My plans if i get accepted: like i said i will continue to play my current role for the forum and that is to take responsibility of its bills and help its features to keep making it better and motivate the owner that he is not alone :) my contributions are very small but "drops of water makes up a river " so consider it a small drop , i do what i can and will continue to do it regardless. however my additional plans if i get accepted , i will reduce the work load on Am1nol , POP and Jocker , by keeping reports section clean. i am awake when Am1nol, jocker and POP sleeps so reports overnight will never be accumulated , wont talk big , i am human some days i might get busy so I won't guarantee 100% clean every day you wake up or come online, but i won't disappoint. i will reduce workload on our disinfectors, and reduce our members complains that their tool is waiting for a long time but of course i cant decompile every program so what i cant do will leave for experts. In the staff team night time i find many people doing illegal stuff either on sb or on threads, I only report but if granted trial mod my plan is to reduce that thing to zero.I know our audience on the forum is a little underage so i will be dealing them a way they would not hate and also maintain peace in sb because i know how to say "love you" when someone says "screw you". i always wanted this role so i kept my plans already so i am able to write here. I have thoroughly read the rules section and even suggested 1 addition to the marketplace rules section with a solid reason and Jocker was kind enough to honour the suggestion and add it :)

so of course i will be respecting the rules and make sure the rules prevail as without them would not look clean as it is now.As a trial i will also be promoting our social engineering section content that will help forum overall bring in hq people, i already brought a HQ person to this forum who is my master in social engineering :)


My Background: As a staff it is necessary to be trusted and i didn't buy my trusted award :(



Conclusion: it would be a pleasure working with an already experienced team and help this forum continue its upward trend :) . i know my contributions aren't that much, i might not be the oldest members, i might not have 1000 threads to back myself up. i surely dont have public known contributions which i wrote above, I don't brag about it on sb and i never took any incentives from it , even floraiN talked about a reward when we bought cracking central forum but i never want a reward in exchange for my contributions and i am happy about everything i did and motivated to do more because we just getting started and i am looking forward for an opportunity to serve our forum more through my time and responsibilities as trial moderator. I have sweetest connections with every active member on this forum and will remain sweet to everyone throughout our time here. whether in green suite or rainbow, continue to serve :)

Again don't take anything as bragging in this application as i didnt do anything to brag about it was solid heart contribution as it is private application thus I wrote everything :)

And with a promise that i will serve my best to fullfill my duties i will close this application here and even if i have to sleep 5 hrs a night to fullfill my duties on this trial job i will do it and wont make excuses any day that i wasnt able to fullfill my duties because of my in real life job and also online job for and few other projects.If i get an opportunity i will make sure to grab it by both hands and make most of it :)

With that being said , good luck to all other applicants and may the best one win :)







Stephanny -



Hello my name is Stephanny, age ?, enough to be a test moderator, I have some experience in finding malwares and high in spamers and leechers, finally I can keep in peace in the shoutbox, I am also free 15/24/ h/d




fedayN -



Hey Jocker, well I'm member of cracked community for 6 months, and I'm active here everyday for atleast 10 hours I can solve reports, check for malicious threads, and other stuff that is bad for community, I'm in cracking for 3.5 years. I look on trial moderator rank as a very good challenge for me and I will do my best to make a good job as trial moderator. I will be glad if I'll be chosen for a staff member and community helper.




Poseidon -



Hey Jocker I would love to apply for trial moderator! So Here are some of my qualifications and my full application.



Quick Bio/About Me!




Tanner Durst

Columbus Ohio




A 15 year old kid from Cleveland Ohio, moved to Columbus at 3 years old where I started my design and programming courses then moved up to IT and Administrative I have recently have to put a stop on my development as I need to focus more on my parents and my shop.




Colonial Candy Shoppe/ Head Of Management

At my parents shop I work to keep the inventory in order and stocked. I also take care of all online needs, as my parents are not smart with computers LOL!




Pulurest Hangout / Owner and Moderator

Via Discord

I own a discord server with 3500+ members. In this server we give channels to chill, hangout, party, talk about games, RP, discuss about basically everything from SE, cracking, proxies, to discord emotes and much more. Yes, I just advertised my application!



Whetstone High School / Student

Not Giving A Location ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I am a student at Whetstone High School, I have a current GPA of 3.2 with mostly Bs and one A-. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Whetstone High/ Advanced Technology

I have gone through basic and intermediate training for technology support and how the system actually works, and how to fix system

issues. ( On physical PC’s and Programs on the PC’s )




Fort Hayes Community High School / Intermediate Administrative Preparation

During this course I have learned all the much needed skills and techniques to become a better administrator. From the basic techniques of organization in proper management to real life situations and simulations.



EXTENDED RESPONSES! (to questions that weren't asked :ezy: )



I would love to become a trial moderator because I have always loved the community feel, heck that's why I started the Pulurest Hangout! I would always enjoy pushing the website to success with a better filtering of forum postings. I have had experience in various situations from being leeched on, to have a dude in our store throwing our products and break everything. While screaming F*ck you to me and the staff, fun times. To be a moderator you need to love what your doing or else it’s going to turn into that rouge admin banning everyone. I like to think of it as the acronym P.R.I.D.E


P - Prepared

R- Respectful

I- Integrity

D- Determined

E- Educated


Also as a Moderator you have to listen to everyone's side of a story and not rely on one more side than another. You must be able to make quick decisions to stop a threat or in discords case an annoying spammer. Lastly I deserve this spot as I have so much exposure to the true reality of having to take care of someone or a group of people. From keeping my group under control and safe to being hacked 2 times in 2 days and keeping the safety of my old discord and it’s members safe, so I deleted that server. :c All the way up to being the head management sector for my parents shop, at only 15 yes I can boss around 30 year olds! I hope when a spot opens you can take my application into consideration! Thanks.




Also Jocker, I would like to buy some credits with PayPal, so If you could guild me through that process as well that would be wonderful.




Preaux -



This is my application for a Trial Moderator position here on! I have been around various sites of this nature for many years now and I have moderation experience in the past. Here are some key points where I believe I shine.


I can maintain professionalism

I'm fair and balanced

My past experiences make me perfect for this sort of position


I'm really looking to give back to the cracking community at large, as I wouldn't have the level of success I have now without them! It was these sort of communities that inspired me and got me to where I am today. Thus if given the privilege of this position it would be an amazing honor.


I thank you for your time! :feelsgood:




Oxyn -



Dear Jocker & Staff member,


The intent of this letter and the attached resume is for the purpose of application for the trial moderator position at this forum . I have been on this forum since 30 December 2018 , i learnt from others and thought others , to be honest the atmosphere in this forum is ideal as you , staff members, are doing your parts and members are doing their parts either ; but the crux of the matter is that forum rules need to be respected and not broken .

In fact , i have always respected those rules that's why i have never received a ban .


I have displayed both contribution aspect and determination in almost all the days that i joined this forum and being a staff member would be no different. I am a fast learner and have a keen eye for detail which makes me suitable for the trial moderator position. I am flexible and lenient too , but those days i am not that active because i lost interest since i got the final rank : godlike , but that do not stop me to aim at higher goals : staff member

and i think that i am at this level , able to handle this role ; (i can be more active if it's necessary) .


Thank you for taking time to consider my application. For additional concerns relating to my application, please contact me through the messenger . I look forward to your positive reply and to discuss my application further.



SlaveOf3001 .




Cydonia -



Hi, my name is Cydonia (previous MoonCake) I was very active on Nulled but now he started to tire me. I started a couple of days to stay on and I have to say that there are a lot more mature people here, I will be very active on the platform and how I will be a good member on nulled. If I will be chosen I will take care of finding and banning Multi, leecher and spammer (like today's on the method to earn btc with telegram), I think I can handle the shoutbox since I was a moderator of a twitch chat from 200 viewers, unfortunately I'm not good at removing malware and viruses, I do not have much knowledge about it but I'll do my best to keep a clean and safe place for its community.


Cydonia, 26/02/2019








moonkitti -



I'd like to apply since I don't have much to do and I can be active frequently and I can find leechers and malware my discord Is m00nkitti#5882 I like punishing people who leech and that don't follow the rules so if you'd accept me as a trial moderator I'd be grateful.





Ordwise -



Greetings Staff Members


I Really Like The Decision That You Want To Hire Another Trial Mod, Really Needs It


So I Would Like To Apply For Trial Moderator


What Are The Advantages of Hiring Me?


1st. My Time Zone Is Completely The Opposite of Most of the Staff


What Does That Mean?


I'm Online When Staff Isn't Online I Can Guard\Keep Clean When Most of the Staff Can't


I Come To At Around 11 am to 7 pm IST


Which is the Time Staff is Offline



2nd. I'm Pretty Trusted Member. How Can I Say That?


I Joined Cracking At The Fall of 2017, I Have Sold A Lot of Stuff Since Then


Yet, I Have A Total of 0 Scam Reports Against Me


Yes, Absolutely 0 Not Even For Dissatisfaction or The Product Was Bad,



3rd. I'm Not Rude or Anything, I Help Members Very Politely So They Don't Have Any Problems



4th, I'm Pretty Sure You Are Thinking I'm Not Mature At All.


Though That's Not The Case.


Ill Be Really Mature When I Get Trial Mod, And I Can Assure That.



Why Am I Applying For Trial Mod?



1st, I Absolutely Love Both And Its Community, Yet, I Have Seen One Problem People Complain About.




They Are Mostly AFK\Offline


And It Takes Hours To Complete A Query\Request To Staff



I Don't Blame Staff, I Can See They Might Be Busy Irl,


Though I Don't Have That Much Work!


I Can Help People Very Quickly!



2nd. I Actually Wanna Work As A Trial Mod, And I Understand The Responsibilities of A Trial Mod


I'm Not Applying So I Can Get A UG To Show off or Something


I Wanna Stop Leechers, Make SB Friendly, Delete Carding Threads, Ban Multis, Bots, Leechers, Spammers, Respond To Members Query\Award Requests



So, That's It (:


I Hope I Get Selected As A Trial Mod, So I Can Make Even Greater!


Good Luck To Everyone For Application.


Good Bye!






The Canadian -



I'd like to try out for this Mod application as I believe I have the qualifications in doing so. I do not see myself as an insane cracker but I do know that I am capable of maintaining order in a chat/forums.


English is not my native language but I happen to have a level of English that I consider more than good. That said, I can speak French and Portuguese fluently. I think I could bring good things to the team with my maturity, my professionalism and my will to make this Forum as enjoyable as possible for anyone using it. I also like interacting with people by helping them with anything I can and so I see myself fit this position. I do think this forum is useful and should be respected and be taken care of as it is the forum that helped me grow into cracking efficiently and I feel the need to give back and I can't find any better way then to try and help you guys with moderation. If you need any more information I will be able to provide.


I have a moderate amount of free time since I am still in school and will finish my scholarship around May. I hope to get a response from you and I am looking forward to working with your team ! Have a nice day.




LegitMT -



I would like to apply to be a Trial Moderator. I can clear the forum from malware and spam, especially from malware. I am online every morning and sometimes late night, in the weekends I am more active unless I go out with friends. My schedule will change in the next vacation. I have moderated forums in the past and I think I am capable of moderating on I am somewhat mature and can take jokes. I am sometimes very offensive but I can control myself, hopefully. Hope you'll read this, have a nice day!




TFue -



Hey Jocker.


The time has finally come for me to finally become able to officially stand in and try out to become the Trial Mod of the community board. As you and Am1nol can tell, I've been tracking leechers, multis and SB violations for some time now and I would be glad to step in and start taking out the malware, spam and the rest of the content which is against the forums TOS. I spend a fair enough of time online which means I could put it to good use on the forum aswell. I've been waiting for this moment for some time now and I think my shot is just within the reach. I'm hoping to hear back from you regards to the submission as I am still very much interested in this position.


As I've claimed multiple times to you already, and I'll repeat it again: I'm not afraid to invest my time and money to the forum if I've got a purpose on it. AT this case we're talking mostly about time. That's something I've got in hand alot. I'm spending over 10 hours per day online which gives me the opportunity to be available on times when there are no other staff members available. Most of my work which I do are done on times, when almost noone from the current/past staff is online. That gives me the edge to be available for the community when noone else is.


I've got experience with larger communities and handling the general userbase of the communities aswell. I might just take care of my appearance and figure of speech in shoutbox from here on out regards to the application to prove I'm able to handle myself even on the most heated moments if they should arise.


Looking forward to hear back from you.




MODesigns -



Hello Again Jocker , Good day to you


I would like to apply for Trial Moderator , Since i came to i was seeking to make it better place

doesn't matter by Posting , Reporting Leechers , Helping New members , Providing free Services , New suggestions , Reporting Bugs etc.

Everything was counting for was making me Happy . and now iam apply here trying to reach my target is to be one of your team

and sure i will do my best to make better place , difference will be noticed from the first day .



I used to work on Forums since i was child , started as Noob Member then i went to be more better so i Achieved my First Role as Under Training Assistant

Then as Moderator to Super Moderator , and Finally the Maximum position was General Support Manger


I was Working on Yahoo Maktoob Forums but they Closed it Years ago so i decided to open my own Forum , so i Build it but Sadly Closed for Financial problems



Forums Scripts i have used and Familiar with


- vbulletin

- invision board IPS

- Mybb


I have much Knowledge on how to Mange , Moderate and how to do my job in the best way you expecting me to do


i have read the application announcement thread carefully but i didn't find any specific needed information so please feel free to ask what you want and i will be here to answer


thanks for reading my message






Devil -



Hello Jocker, would like to become a trail moderator for this forum. I believe that i acquire the skills for this Job.

I will be able to detect leeching and content stealing within minutes of digging through users history and detect multi accounting of higher people to leech on 'alt' accounts.


I am all about keeping peace in the community as it gets bigger and agree this forum needs a break down on the amount of wrong doings to keep the forum in its moto of 'beyond the limits' not beyond what can leech.


I have also a clean eye to keep the users from malware attacks and viruses that are spread throughout the forums or passed through from or


I have a mature attitude to nearly most situations and can deal with them in a flash, wherever the attack back or attack others, i can deal with it with no problems.



I want to do this to be apart of something i love and thrive for in the community to keep the skids away and the good traits in!



I am free nearly everyday i don't have a life :pepe: . but i don't care anyways if help needed i will be there in a flash.


Thanks Admin Jocker.

From Devil








I’m writing in response to your recently advertised position as Trial-Mod I am very interested in this opportunity to Join the staff team and help the forum with anything that is in need, currently i don't have any experience In detecting

malware But; other than that i know how to properly maintain a forum/ community

i have been a staff member in some forums and communities and i know the responsibilities that come with being a moderator.




Here are Some stuff i know about maintaining a community and being a professional moderator / staff member

being a staff member comes with a-lot responsibilities

abusing commands and using them for trolling/joking is not allowed and will result in the applicant being kicked out of the staff team + ( if abused power excessively ) Getting banned from the community

Threatening Members of community with swatting, Death threats, leak their information Will not be tolerated and will result in the user's account being Banned


Using Multiple accounts to avoid a ban is not allowed and will result in your main account being banned creating an alternative account is only allowed if the user is making a ban application, else it is ban-able


User/s who abuse a glitch in the community will be punished under the decision of a admin

User/s who break 1 or more rules will obviously get a longer punishment than users who break only 1 rule

because creating a account automatically makes the user/s agree to the tos and rules soo saying that you didnt see the rules/ didnt read them wont void the punishment.


Getting a group of users to Break rules with you will get everyone who broke the rules to be punished accordingly, and of course the one who started the chaos will get a extra punishment according to to how many members joined and how many rules were broken.




Some information about myself


i have no microphone so i can not talk.

I am 16 years old, currently living in Jordan - Amman .. soon will be living in Australia - Sydney .

for now i am still in school, have school for 4 days every week ( Monday-Thursday) for like 5 hours a day.

whenever i come home, i mostly just play on my pc ( laptop ) and be active on the forum for some time (at least for 2-3H minimum ) then i go some homework and other stuff.


thanks for reading this application, i know the chances of me being a staff member are low since my warning level is 60% and alot of other members are applying for the role But who knows, i might get accepted.


also, if i ever get accepted.. can you guys give me some lessons on on to properly moderate the forum just in case i missed/ didnt know/ mention something? if so thx <3


Kind regards, Fbi







Hi, I want to apply for trial mod for many reasons, well most of them is to get punish people that post cash-links, and punish people that basically abuse the forum of disobey the rules...


Although I'm sometimes toxic and bad, but when it comes to something important, I nor that guy, I'm different.


I got inspired from @C0rpz, although he got banned, he tried refunding the person that bought something from @C0rpz, the thing is that he didn't give up, even though he was facing conciquences, he did the right thing...


"From great cracking, Comes Great Responsibility"




Her -



Hey There!


I will be applying for trial moderation (I assume you read the title), because still to this day I see way to may leechers, people trying to infect others (will go more about that in a minute), and spammers for auth keys. I have contributed to this forum plenty and I have joined since August.

I have also been trying to be more active.

1. Leechers

I have seen way to may people just posting ."Hausyahgsgag" (I copied that from a marketplace post) or something like that on a checker thats for sale. I report them for leeching and the user will most likely will never be delt with. I occasionally see people with like 1 thread and 100 posts and like 50 likes, those are not really a problem anymore, but I still think they can be an issue. Spammers can also go in this section because they will not even look at the post, put a comment and leave.

2. Viruses

There have been way to many viruses on here, and, yes the Disinfectors are helping, but I don't see the complete need in them, because I still see plenty of nice RATs, trojans, etc. Also, I think that the moderators are slow at progressing reports because, it took like 10 hours to progress some of my virus reports and people ignore my warnings I put on posts saying in big letters that its a virus, and its enough people to get the virus spread to at least 5 people. I also think that you need to add the disinfectors to more sections, like Hacking Tools and Programs. This is a big problem I think I can help fix.


In conclusion, I hope you accept me as a Trial Moderator so I can help fix the spread of viruses and ban way more leechers. I hope you take this application in consideration.


Thanks, -Her




AlphaADC -



Hi, i am AlphaADC, I'm very new to this forum but try my hardest to keep the forum clean by reporting content and have close to a 100 and was even trying to get an award. I believe i am very good at finding leechers and would not mind to help. I used to be an active member in the forum nulledbb and crackingcentral for about a year. Maintaining peace in the shoutbox is also something I will try to do as I have not seen too many heated argument but I've seen many people ask for auth keys or randoms advertising their viruses. I will not abuse my power in chatbox or pretend to be a god like I've seen almost every other admin on my other forums do. As a league player we are known to be toxic but I have reformed and am mature enough not to flame back. Let me know if questions :))




kxee -



Hey Jocker,

Through this private message of mine, I wish to tell you that I'm applying for Trial Mod.

Why do I want to do this?

I'm pretty much online the entire day. I may not text people in the shoutbox but I'm always watching. I watch the threads look for ones with cash links and report most of them.

Plus I like a lot. I'd enjoy maintaining peace and order here and keeping the forum clean.



As a trial mod


I will find Spammers / Leechers / Multi Accounter. On your guidelines, I'll do the required thing with them i.e give them a warning or banning them.

Since I'm online almost the entire day I will try my best to maintain peace and order in the shoutbox by muting spammers, reducing the number of conflicts.

I will also keep the forum clean and away from malware and spam.

I also promise to act mature and handle situations professionally.


I wish the other participants good luck.



-kxee [image:]




Fours4 -



Hello, I'm Fours4 and I'm from the UK, I am quite new to this forum as it's also not so old but have a lot of experience with forums as I've owned a few myself which haven't been to successful due to me not having enough time to put into them, as to progress them properly requires a lot of effort and time. I'm very mature (21 coming on 22) and have been around forums like HackForums/LeakForums/RageZone/TheTechGame for the past 6-8 years at a guess so I've been around for quite a while, even back when the MSN bots were a thing.


I used to be into hacking, but not so much anymore, as that was back when I was 16ish and as you age you tend to realize what can actually happen doing even small things, even though it doesn't happen to much, the risk is always there and it's not usually worth the reward unless you are very good at it.


I have good judgement and I'm also very professional, I work a full time job (currently training to drive trucks) as well as trading on the forex market, most of the time when I'm not working I am online and I usually always have access to the internet.


I'd like to thank you for taking the time reading my application, and hope you the best either way!


- Fours4




imm0rtal -



Hello Jocker, I want to apply for a Trial Moderator since I didn't saw any requirements perhaps its open to all members, I can fulfill the duties listed on the thread like finding spammers, leechers, etc. and maintaining peace on shoutbox, and I will try to find a thread that has malicious program or link that will positively harm the computer anyone who clicks it, since I have prior knowledge to Malware, and keeping off this spammers, I can handle situations like scamming,threatening etc. If I'm qualified to have this opportunity I will accept it.




AlphaWolfツ -



Hey Jocker '


I want to be a Trial Moderator

This is why : "I am an active member and have many online time and my activity will be very much here as a trial Moderator".

I am going to do anything to keep safe from leecher and more...

I will take my part as a trial moderater very serious and ill do my best to make this forum better

I am already Happy to be a part of this Forum i hope you'll think about this

Thank you for Reading This ,

Kind regards





NeoTheCrack3r -




I am using and posting on from month now.

Will be upgrading to premium soon.

Love to a mod to make the community more welcoming and safe for fellow users.




Deger -



Hello staff of


My name is Deger as some of you might know already since i was a MOD for some time. I retired there due to some conflicts and one of the reasons i am applying here is that i want to change a little bit the environment and also working again with Jocker.

Jocker was one of the members who tought me how to try to get into the mod position and adapt to each situations and for that i am thankful.

The other reason is that i also want to help the forum growing, since i was also involved in other projects/forums and they had bad management and they eventually died, i want to try and help this forum growing.

As my previous experience as mod i find it easy to solve reports, find leechers, suspend/warn/ban leechers find multis, delete shady posts, ad links etc, solving scam reports, doing mm and other things needed altho not every time we find this kind of stuff pleasant, but we have to do it anyway.


I have some time since i am not that busy, having some classes, will be online just as much needed.

Waiting just for a chance.


Hope i find you well!










I recently came across the staff recruitment thread here and I thought it would be good to apply as I want to contribute to the forum as much as I can by fulfilling the requirements listed in the thread. I feel like I can do it very correctly. I'm online all the time, and instead of just wasting time, why not clean the forum from leechers, malware infected threads and spam. I also am very active in Shoutbox, and I can maintain it very good, as you said in the thread: "Maintain peace and order in the shoutbox". I think I have enough communication skills to respond to support threads. I can speak English fluently, and I also know French and Albanian (which i think can help in communication with the members and easily identifying spam accounts). I am also known to be HQ and professional in what I do, never scammed someone or did anything bad for the community. I would like to close this application by saying that I love and in a soon future I see it as the Nr.1 forum in members and quality(which it already is).






alimuncher -



Hello Jocker, Its my time to apply for trial mod. I believe I could be a helpful mod, as I am active most of the time. Everyday when am on, I see no staff online for most of the time. This is because of different time zone staff, You need someone thats opposite , which is why you need me. I have been mod in many discord servers but IK Ill have to step my game up.


I am with you, I like banning leechers and I am mature enough to handle situations. I have been supporting and wanting to be a mod since the start, as you may remember me I am one of the first. I can maintain peace on the forum and help it grow even more. I am 100% dedicated to help !






Hellboy -



My name is Martin and I'm now 28 years young. I'm on for several hours every day for the most part.

Unlike in the past, like every working person, I will be active here in the afternoon or in the evening.


Why do I apply:


I don't want only to be active,rather punish "Rule-Breakers" and keep the forum clean.


Why me?:


I have been registered in the forum for almost 1 month now and have spent my time in this forum sometimes more and sometimes less intense and learned many things about the forum and experienced first-hand. I think that my reports as well as my other messages speak for it that I know the rules.


Because of my old age, I've experienced quite a lot and am personally convinced that I can withstand the difficult demands placed on a moderator in the Market.


I am aware that the "Trial Moderator" postion is the most difficult role in whole forum. Being moderator in the Market is no picnic, partly because of the mass of reports and partly because of the hostility that you have to face.

Personally, I compensate for the stress during leisure time.


For me, there are no stupid questions, everyone should remember how it was the first time when you entered the forum, especially because of the many extensive functions. It's easy to say that a question is "stupid" when you've been there for a long time and know all the functions.


Moderate experiences:


If you mean the official post of a moderator, then my last experience is about 8 years back. In the long run, unfortunately, I can not remember, I was then a moderator in a private forum which I had served as a support platform for customers of a DSL provider.




My native language is German,but I can also speak very well english & french.


Contact possibilities:






Thank you for your time !




CashingOut -



My initial interest in working for is to remove all the leechers and make the community less toxic.



I am applying to get "Trial Mod" because I really like the idea of being a member which helps the community out. I think this job would be great for me as I am nearly always active on my computer and would love to spend more time doing my hobby on your site.


I love ICT so this would be great Opportunity for me as I could dedicate lots of time working for you, I also have very good social skills which I have gained over the years by being on other people's forums. later this year I will be much more active as I am taking ICT in college and is not blocked. I have been using Computers since I was a very little child and have been helping out on many forums by reporting leechers! As they really tickle my pickle.


I learned during my time of being in different forums, that it is not always about kindness it is about being straight to the point, this means that if I am speaking to someone in Private messages I will instantly ban them if they do anything wrong.


I genuinely enjoy working on computers and helping people out. So this job at would be great for me!







I am aware I am pretty fresh to this forum. This is because I have discovered crack not long ago but am transitioning to be more active on here, and of course if I was to get accepted, I would quit other forums. I am fairly experienced running communities (especially forums). I used to own a small now retired social engineering forum (350 members). I also used to run a market discord server which was one of the greatest in size (1000 members). I am located in the United States and my timezone is CT. I would be able to be on this forum everyday from 4pm ct to 10pm ct. I am looking forward to be a part of the team.







Hello Jocker, hope all is well on your side.


I just saw your thread about becoming a Moderator and I am truly interested in helping this forum/community stay safe and grow.


I am 29 yrs old, I have a lot of experience with forums and communities, I spend a solid 14-16 hours online most days, I work from my PC therefore I will be active 24/7..



Looking forward to your response.


--Find Spammers / Leechers / Multis ✔️

--Maintain peace and order in the shoutbox ✔️

--Clean the forum from malware and spam ✔️

--You have to be mature and handle situations professionally ✔️




Marcos -



hello jocker

its marcos im kinda new on this forum right but we know each other from Nulled

almost of the time im on pc just i can be a mod here i was an old mod in a private hacking forum now he's no longer workin

i can work in forum with peace

for mature and handle my age is 20 btw

idk if u will accept me or not be hope that :pepo:




Doke -




I'm interested in the position of Trial Moderator and I think I would make a good addition to the team because of my previous experiences.

I've always been drawn to the element of keeping peace and helping out in various communities, mostly on discord. I'm staff in a few servers, some fairly new and some more than two years. I enjoy connecting with members of the community as well as the upkeep of itself.

As it currently stands I've been having a lot of free time on my hands and this opportunity to become a part of the team is just the right thing I'm looking for. I love being useful, helping out and contributing, hence why I'm giving this a shot.

I am well aware and familiar with the duties that the role entails and will always do my best to follow them.

Which include:

*Actively looking/cleaning the forum of leechers, spammers and multis.

*Maintaining the peace and order in the shoutbox by controlling the people which misbehave in it and applying the correct punishments if they continue.

*Doing sweeps of the forum for malware and spam threads or posts.

I promise that I will always be mature and handle situations the way they are supposed to by a professional.





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Decent Applications and maybe worth considering:



The Canadian



Deger (not sure, there was some weird stuff going on with him on Nulled)



Rest is not really good enough imo

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After going through the applications myself I came to the conclusion that KSZ and TFue would be good additions to our team.


About florain's suggestions:

The Canadian - Still pretty new, haven't seen what he's able to do.

Fours4 - New and don't even know him

Deger - I believe that he had already many chances even on Nulled. He was the so called "Nazi Moderator" which I didn't really like

Doke - Ugh, don't have much to say about him.

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Yeah some of those are pretty new, but their application was nice to read. But I believe KSZ and TFue would fit indeed

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