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[HELP] How can i Detect Rats on my PC

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if its crypted very well malwarebytes no use,so i recommend you Reinstalling windows but if you can then malwarebytes but first try malware bytes

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ill try thanks a lot anyway

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As mentionned before , Install malwarebytes ; Preferably Kaspersky .

Moreover , if the Rat persists , then it would be better if you format your computer to avoid any data vulnerability .

Next time , Please do not install any cracked software in your main computer ; Use Rdp or Vmware to avoid any issue .

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As mentionned before , Install malwarebytes ; Preferably Kaspersky .

Moreover , if the Rat persists , then it would be better if you format your computer to avoid any data vulnerability .

Next time , Please do not install any cracked software in your main computer ; Use Rdp or Vmware to avoid any issue .


But malwarebyte only has 14 days trail. What then? do you have an account we could share?

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As mentionned before , Install malwarebytes ; Preferably Kaspersky .

Moreover , if the Rat persists , then it would be better if you format your computer to avoid any data vulnerability .

Next time , Please do not install any cracked software in your main computer ; Use Rdp or Vmware to avoid any issue .


But malwarebyte only has 14 days trail. What then? do you have an account we could share?


Msg Me I'll Give You A Key :fine:

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As mentionned before , Install malwarebytes ; Preferably Kaspersky .

Moreover , if the Rat persists , then it would be better if you format your computer to avoid any data vulnerability .

Next time , Please do not install any cracked software in your main computer ; Use Rdp or Vmware to avoid any issue .


But malwarebyte only has 14 days trail. What then? do you have an account we could share?


Uninstall it and then reinstall it.. so easy :thinking:

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