DjKenan 0 This requires your Auth Key and you need to be a Premium Member, Infinity or Supreme [align=left]This is "a multi protocol multi operating system" remote adminstration tool , This is the first system to use three protocols establishing all time communication , there is four main thing this design provides that no other system provide first Unlimited number of machines to control. Extreme reliability. Android and Windows control at the same time. No port forwarding "IRC,HTTP". [/align] [align=left]How it works ? First the agent connect to HTTP server the login into some random IRC servers ,then store the usernames and server in the database throgh HTTP.affter that the attcker can load these server and connect to the agent throgh IRC , then to enable TCP the attacker send TCP command throgh IRC to start on demand TCP connection.[/align] [align=left]Does it require anything? Yes. .NET framework 4.5 or higher. Java 1.8 or above. And for TCP connection you need to port forward port "1616"[/align] Quick Setup: [video=youtube] More Details and FAQ: [align=left] Android Build[/align] [align=left] [video=youtube] Windows Build[/align] [align=left] [video=youtube] HTTP Features Public http features Here you can set tasks to all Agents to run tasks inclunding windows agents andandroid agents.[/img] Private http features Here you can set tasks to only the selected Agents to run tasks.[/img]HTTP Tasks Types Download And excute Show Message Box Visit Website Shell Commands IRC Features[/img] WINDOWS COMMANDS [pwd] Show current directory. [screenshot] Take a screenshot to from the target machine. [opencd] Open cd rom. [closecd] Close cd rom. [ping] Ping the agent machine to check if still active. [camlist] Get a list of available camera devices. [snapshot] Get snapshot from camera eg : 'snapshot CAMERA_INDEX'. [location] Get geo location information based on ''. [opencd] Open cd rom. [keylogs] Get agent saved keylogs through HTTP drop point. [shell] Run shell commands. [dexe] Download and execute a file in visible mode eg : 'dexe'. [hdexe] Download and execute a file in hidden mode eg : 'dexe'. [vistpage] Vist a webpage in visible mode eg : 'vistpage'. [hvistpage] Vist a webpage in hidden mode eg : 'hvistpage'. [uninstall] Uninstall the agent completely from the target machine. ANDROID COMMANDS [msg] Show toast message. [dexe] Download and execute a file in visible mode eg : 'dexe'. [hdexe] Download and execute a file in hidden mode eg : 'dexe'. [vistpage] Vist a webpage in visible mode eg : 'vistpage'. [hvistpage] Vist a webpage in hidden mode eg : 'hvistpage'. [snapshot] Get snapshot from camera eg : 'snapshot CAMERA_INDEX'. [ping] Ping the agent machine to check if still active. [location] Get geo location information based on ''. [flashon] Turn the dvice flash on. [flashoff] Turn the dvice flash on. [wakeup] Turn dvice screen on. [screenshot] Take a screenshot to from the target machine. GENERAL COMMANDS [help] Show list of all available commands and their informations. [clear] Clear the terminal. [opacity] Change the transparency of the terminal eg : 'opacity 0.4'. [myip] Show your public ip address that currently in use. [showtcpport] Show the public port used for TCP communications. [fontcolor] Change the font color eg : 'fontcolor #FFFFFF'. [ping] Ping the agent machine to check if still active. [info] Tells the agent to identify its machine and return short informations about it. [CTRL + C] CTRL + C to cancel any previous commands. [flashoff] Turn the dvice flash on. [cleanup] Close all windows that created by this control uint. [retcp] Order the TCP agent to reconnect , this command used in case of TCP connection is disconnected. [exit] Close the current agent window. TCP Features "ANDROID"[/img][/align] [align=left]TCP Features "WINDOWS"[/img][/align] FAQ [align=left]-Im getting 404 file not found Change your PHP version from 5.1 to 7.1 -My TCP tab is disabled ? In order to use TCP you must first connect throgh IRC. -The system just dispers on start up activation ? You must have .NET 4.5 on your pc. -Android Build error APK file not found ? You must update your java version above 1.8. -What is the best hosting for the SAS. if you want to handle from 10,000 to 50,000 with high speed for best price this very good hosting : If you want to go supper extreme above 1000,000 you should go to Amazon AWS EC2 hosting ,the price is very low you only pay for what you use eg: for 1000,000 machine in one month you will bay from 30$ to 35$ with low refresh rate on the agent be careful with the agent refresh rate Here A video how to setup AWS hosting : -What will happen to my key ,when i uninstall my SAS ? Your key will stay active for that computer ,you can use it any time you want.[/align] shoutout to @ItsJahBoyPlank for leaking the files! thanks you downloadin.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mark9382 1 Does the IRC Function not work or it jus me? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h3llH0und 15 Please fix crash when click on client Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yatz0 2 Version from is broken it keeps crashing :((( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h3llH0und 15 Please Fix Crash it'll be awsome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
B96 0 This requires your Auth Key and you need to be a Premium Member, Infinity or Supreme [align=left]This is "a multi protocol multi operating system" remote adminstration tool , This is the first system to use three protocols establishing all time communication , there is four main thing this design provides that no other system provide first Unlimited number of machines to control. Extreme reliability. Android and Windows control at the same time. No port forwarding "IRC,HTTP". [/align] [align=left]How it works ? First the agent connect to HTTP server the login into some random IRC servers ,then store the usernames and server in the database throgh HTTP.affter that the attcker can load these server and connect to the agent throgh IRC , then to enable TCP the attacker send TCP command throgh IRC to start on demand TCP connection.[/align] [align=left]Does it require anything? Yes. .NET framework 4.5 or higher. Java 1.8 or above. And for TCP connection you need to port forward port "1616"[/align] Quick Setup: [video=youtube] More Details and FAQ: [align=left] Android Build[/align] [align=left] [video=youtube] Windows Build[/align] [align=left] [video=youtube] HTTP Features Public http features Here you can set tasks to all Agents to run tasks inclunding windows agents andandroid agents.[/img] Private http features Here you can set tasks to only the selected Agents to run tasks.[/img]HTTP Tasks Types Download And excute Show Message Box Visit Website Shell Commands IRC Features[/img] WINDOWS COMMANDS [pwd] Show current directory. [screenshot] Take a screenshot to from the target machine. [opencd] Open cd rom. [closecd] Close cd rom. [ping] Ping the agent machine to check if still active. [camlist] Get a list of available camera devices. [snapshot] Get snapshot from camera eg : 'snapshot CAMERA_INDEX'. [location] Get geo location information based on ''. [opencd] Open cd rom. [keylogs] Get agent saved keylogs through HTTP drop point. [shell] Run shell commands. [dexe] Download and execute a file in visible mode eg : 'dexe'. [hdexe] Download and execute a file in hidden mode eg : 'dexe'. [vistpage] Vist a webpage in visible mode eg : 'vistpage'. [hvistpage] Vist a webpage in hidden mode eg : 'hvistpage'. [uninstall] Uninstall the agent completely from the target machine. ANDROID COMMANDS [msg] Show toast message. [dexe] Download and execute a file in visible mode eg : 'dexe'. [hdexe] Download and execute a file in hidden mode eg : 'dexe'. [vistpage] Vist a webpage in visible mode eg : 'vistpage'. [hvistpage] Vist a webpage in hidden mode eg : 'hvistpage'. [snapshot] Get snapshot from camera eg : 'snapshot CAMERA_INDEX'. [ping] Ping the agent machine to check if still active. [location] Get geo location information based on ''. [flashon] Turn the dvice flash on. [flashoff] Turn the dvice flash on. [wakeup] Turn dvice screen on. [screenshot] Take a screenshot to from the target machine. GENERAL COMMANDS [help] Show list of all available commands and their informations. [clear] Clear the terminal. [opacity] Change the transparency of the terminal eg : 'opacity 0.4'. [myip] Show your public ip address that currently in use. [showtcpport] Show the public port used for TCP communications. [fontcolor] Change the font color eg : 'fontcolor #FFFFFF'. [ping] Ping the agent machine to check if still active. [info] Tells the agent to identify its machine and return short informations about it. [CTRL + C] CTRL + C to cancel any previous commands. [flashoff] Turn the dvice flash on. [cleanup] Close all windows that created by this control uint. [retcp] Order the TCP agent to reconnect , this command used in case of TCP connection is disconnected. [exit] Close the current agent window. TCP Features "ANDROID"[/img][/align] [align=left]TCP Features "WINDOWS"[/img][/align] FAQ [align=left]-Im getting 404 file not found Change your PHP version from 5.1 to 7.1 -My TCP tab is disabled ? In order to use TCP you must first connect throgh IRC. -The system just dispers on start up activation ? You must have .NET 4.5 on your pc. -Android Build error APK file not found ? You must update your java version above 1.8. -What is the best hosting for the SAS. if you want to handle from 10,000 to 50,000 with high speed for best price this very good hosting : If you want to go supper extreme above 1000,000 you should go to Amazon AWS EC2 hosting ,the price is very low you only pay for what you use eg: for 1000,000 machine in one month you will bay from 30$ to 35$ with low refresh rate on the agent be careful with the agent refresh rate Here A video how to setup AWS hosting : -What will happen to my key ,when i uninstall my SAS ? Your key will stay active for that computer ,you can use it any time you want.[/align] shoutout to @ItsJahBoyPlank for leaking the files! Thank you, Sir. Can you send me an activation key? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skidipap 0 thanks man , i heard of this rat so long ago and i read this thread thats so cool Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h3llH0und 15 Please Fix it If you really want to be treated as Legend + Reverse Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IceyyM8 3 This requires your Auth Key and you need to be a Premium Member, Infinity or Supreme [align=left]This is "a multi protocol multi operating system" remote adminstration tool , This is the first system to use three protocols establishing all time communication , there is four main thing this design provides that no other system provide first Unlimited number of machines to control. Extreme reliability. Android and Windows control at the same time. No port forwarding "IRC,HTTP". [/align] [align=left]How it works ? First the agent connect to HTTP server the login into some random IRC servers ,then store the usernames and server in the database throgh HTTP.affter that the attcker can load these server and connect to the agent throgh IRC , then to enable TCP the attacker send TCP command throgh IRC to start on demand TCP connection.[/align] [align=left]Does it require anything? Yes. .NET framework 4.5 or higher. Java 1.8 or above. And for TCP connection you need to port forward port "1616"[/align] Quick Setup: [video=youtube] More Details and FAQ: [align=left] Android Build[/align] [align=left] [video=youtube] Windows Build[/align] [align=left] [video=youtube] HTTP Features Public http features Here you can set tasks to all Agents to run tasks inclunding windows agents andandroid agents.[/img] Private http features Here you can set tasks to only the selected Agents to run tasks.[/img]HTTP Tasks Types Download And excute Show Message Box Visit Website Shell Commands IRC Features[/img] WINDOWS COMMANDS [pwd] Show current directory. [screenshot] Take a screenshot to from the target machine. [opencd] Open cd rom. [closecd] Close cd rom. [ping] Ping the agent machine to check if still active. [camlist] Get a list of available camera devices. [snapshot] Get snapshot from camera eg : 'snapshot CAMERA_INDEX'. [location] Get geo location information based on ''. [opencd] Open cd rom. [keylogs] Get agent saved keylogs through HTTP drop point. [shell] Run shell commands. [dexe] Download and execute a file in visible mode eg : 'dexe'. [hdexe] Download and execute a file in hidden mode eg : 'dexe'. [vistpage] Vist a webpage in visible mode eg : 'vistpage'. [hvistpage] Vist a webpage in hidden mode eg : 'hvistpage'. [uninstall] Uninstall the agent completely from the target machine. ANDROID COMMANDS [msg] Show toast message. [dexe] Download and execute a file in visible mode eg : 'dexe'. [hdexe] Download and execute a file in hidden mode eg : 'dexe'. [vistpage] Vist a webpage in visible mode eg : 'vistpage'. [hvistpage] Vist a webpage in hidden mode eg : 'hvistpage'. [snapshot] Get snapshot from camera eg : 'snapshot CAMERA_INDEX'. [ping] Ping the agent machine to check if still active. [location] Get geo location information based on ''. [flashon] Turn the dvice flash on. [flashoff] Turn the dvice flash on. [wakeup] Turn dvice screen on. [screenshot] Take a screenshot to from the target machine. GENERAL COMMANDS [help] Show list of all available commands and their informations. [clear] Clear the terminal. [opacity] Change the transparency of the terminal eg : 'opacity 0.4'. [myip] Show your public ip address that currently in use. [showtcpport] Show the public port used for TCP communications. [fontcolor] Change the font color eg : 'fontcolor #FFFFFF'. [ping] Ping the agent machine to check if still active. [info] Tells the agent to identify its machine and return short informations about it. [CTRL + C] CTRL + C to cancel any previous commands. [flashoff] Turn the dvice flash on. [cleanup] Close all windows that created by this control uint. [retcp] Order the TCP agent to reconnect , this command used in case of TCP connection is disconnected. [exit] Close the current agent window. TCP Features "ANDROID"[/img][/align] [align=left]TCP Features "WINDOWS"[/img][/align] FAQ [align=left]-Im getting 404 file not found Change your PHP version from 5.1 to 7.1 -My TCP tab is disabled ? In order to use TCP you must first connect throgh IRC. -The system just dispers on start up activation ? You must have .NET 4.5 on your pc. -Android Build error APK file not found ? You must update your java version above 1.8. -What is the best hosting for the SAS. if you want to handle from 10,000 to 50,000 with high speed for best price this very good hosting : If you want to go supper extreme above 1000,000 you should go to Amazon AWS EC2 hosting ,the price is very low you only pay for what you use eg: for 1000,000 machine in one month you will bay from 30$ to 35$ with low refresh rate on the agent be careful with the agent refresh rate Here A video how to setup AWS hosting : -What will happen to my key ,when i uninstall my SAS ? Your key will stay active for that computer ,you can use it any time you want.[/align] shoutout to @ItsJahBoyPlank for leaking the files! Would love to see if it works Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mruser99 1 thanks thank you very much This requires your Auth Key and you need to be a Premium Member, Infinity or Supreme [align=left]This is "a multi protocol multi operating system" remote adminstration tool , This is the first system to use three protocols establishing all time communication , there is four main thing this design provides that no other system provide first Unlimited number of machines to control. Extreme reliability. Android and Windows control at the same time. No port forwarding "IRC,HTTP". [/align] [align=left]How it works ? First the agent connect to HTTP server the login into some random IRC servers ,then store the usernames and server in the database throgh HTTP.affter that the attcker can load these server and connect to the agent throgh IRC , then to enable TCP the attacker send TCP command throgh IRC to start on demand TCP connection.[/align] [align=left]Does it require anything? Yes. .NET framework 4.5 or higher. Java 1.8 or above. And for TCP connection you need to port forward port "1616"[/align] Quick Setup: [video=youtube] More Details and FAQ: [align=left] Android Build[/align] [align=left] [video=youtube] Windows Build[/align] [align=left] [video=youtube] HTTP Features Public http features Here you can set tasks to all Agents to run tasks inclunding windows agents andandroid agents.[/img] Private http features Here you can set tasks to only the selected Agents to run tasks.[/img]HTTP Tasks Types Download And excute Show Message Box Visit Website Shell Commands IRC Features[/img] WINDOWS COMMANDS [pwd] Show current directory. [screenshot] Take a screenshot to from the target machine. [opencd] Open cd rom. [closecd] Close cd rom. [ping] Ping the agent machine to check if still active. [camlist] Get a list of available camera devices. [snapshot] Get snapshot from camera eg : 'snapshot CAMERA_INDEX'. [location] Get geo location information based on ''. [opencd] Open cd rom. [keylogs] Get agent saved keylogs through HTTP drop point. [shell] Run shell commands. [dexe] Download and execute a file in visible mode eg : 'dexe'. [hdexe] Download and execute a file in hidden mode eg : 'dexe'. [vistpage] Vist a webpage in visible mode eg : 'vistpage'. [hvistpage] Vist a webpage in hidden mode eg : 'hvistpage'. [uninstall] Uninstall the agent completely from the target machine. ANDROID COMMANDS [msg] Show toast message. [dexe] Download and execute a file in visible mode eg : 'dexe'. [hdexe] Download and execute a file in hidden mode eg : 'dexe'. [vistpage] Vist a webpage in visible mode eg : 'vistpage'. [hvistpage] Vist a webpage in hidden mode eg : 'hvistpage'. [snapshot] Get snapshot from camera eg : 'snapshot CAMERA_INDEX'. [ping] Ping the agent machine to check if still active. [location] Get geo location information based on ''. [flashon] Turn the dvice flash on. [flashoff] Turn the dvice flash on. [wakeup] Turn dvice screen on. [screenshot] Take a screenshot to from the target machine. GENERAL COMMANDS [help] Show list of all available commands and their informations. [clear] Clear the terminal. [opacity] Change the transparency of the terminal eg : 'opacity 0.4'. [myip] Show your public ip address that currently in use. [showtcpport] Show the public port used for TCP communications. [fontcolor] Change the font color eg : 'fontcolor #FFFFFF'. [ping] Ping the agent machine to check if still active. [info] Tells the agent to identify its machine and return short informations about it. [CTRL + C] CTRL + C to cancel any previous commands. [flashoff] Turn the dvice flash on. [cleanup] Close all windows that created by this control uint. [retcp] Order the TCP agent to reconnect , this command used in case of TCP connection is disconnected. [exit] Close the current agent window. TCP Features "ANDROID"[/img][/align] [align=left]TCP Features "WINDOWS"[/img][/align] FAQ [align=left]-Im getting 404 file not found Change your PHP version from 5.1 to 7.1 -My TCP tab is disabled ? In order to use TCP you must first connect throgh IRC. -The system just dispers on start up activation ? You must have .NET 4.5 on your pc. -Android Build error APK file not found ? You must update your java version above 1.8. -What is the best hosting for the SAS. if you want to handle from 10,000 to 50,000 with high speed for best price this very good hosting : If you want to go supper extreme above 1000,000 you should go to Amazon AWS EC2 hosting ,the price is very low you only pay for what you use eg: for 1000,000 machine in one month you will bay from 30$ to 35$ with low refresh rate on the agent be careful with the agent refresh rate Here A video how to setup AWS hosting : -What will happen to my key ,when i uninstall my SAS ? Your key will stay active for that computer ,you can use it any time you want.[/align] shoutout to @ItsJahBoyPlank for leaking the files! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shanon4u 0 is it better then netwire and others? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nedakm 1 tanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites