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Scam report against do_flamingo || 20$

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Sales thread: None


Amount scammed: 20$


ss of communication: (Not in order)


Additional information:So i basically sold this guy a method he said he'll pay 20$, after i told him the method he was like why i would pay u 20$ and instead gave me a config of which he claimed that he made it and its private, after an hour later i found that he didn't make it and its a paid config by another config creator at and he just leaked it to me which doesn't make any sense; first he didn't gave me 20$ then he gave me a config which is sold by a public config maker like wtf?

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If u dont have anything to do with scam report u dont need to post here.


when u dont know what method u dont need to comment


Also ur lq

first im not lq cuz im hq XDD second say him on discord that its public  and did u verify the config that its private or public

I told him on discord it public, what do u except from him ofc a block :kek:


He's infnity which costs more then the method i sold him so no need to verify :kek:


and ty for ur post now let the mods handle it. :hype:

You are not a man and a liar at the same time good job

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first im not lq cuz im hq XDD second say him on discord that its public  and did u verify the config that its private or public

I told him on discord it public, what do u except from him ofc a block :kek:


He's infnity which costs more then the method i sold him so no need to verify :kek:


and ty for ur post now let the mods handle it. :hype:

You are not a man and a liar at the same time good job

Im girl :smart:

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User banned, sorry for your loss.

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