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Help on "drop" and "VCC" needed

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Hello guys, I want to start SE'ing but it often says I need a drop and vcc. I know that drop is like a drop off or something but how exactly should I find one? I don't want to put neighbours or friends in trouble, what is the best option here? Use a reshipping service in my country? Also where should I get a virtual credit card from? Is there a good offer?

Cheers for the help.

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Hey ?. For a drop, go onto realtor, or your countries real estate site's, and find a foreclosed or for sale house within biking/walking distance. Go there, make sure it's not in use, and use that as your drop.


For a VCC, you can do this:


Go to store, buy prepaid, spend it, there's your VCC (keep $1 on it)

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