
Almost complete - But post data is not static - any fix?

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Since post data is not static i assume this is not working. My only way of figuring out anything is by posting for comment. Brusters ice cream gives out a ton of rewards. As popular as dunkin I suppose. Would be a nice addition indeed folks. 






  "General": {

    "name": "Bruster's",

    "proxyType": "Proxyless",

    "comboType": "Email",

    "threads": "15",

    "credit": "suffocate - 4/8/2018 - Bruster's Ice Cream"


  "Requests": [


      "successKeys": [



      "actionUrl": "",

      "method": "POST",

      "userAgent": "Mozilla\\\\\\\\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\\\\\\\\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\\\\\\\\/62.0.3202.89 Safari\\\\\\\\/537.36 OPR\\\\\\\\/49.0.2725.47",

      "postData": "F927556852086A3SFBN=true&F9275568520830JKRU5=&F927556852084FHT1E0=&F927556952085ZLP4XM=",

      "failureKeys": [





      "actionUrl": "",

      "method": "POST",

      "userAgent": "Mozilla\\\\\\\\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\\\\\\\\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\\\\\\\\/62.0.3202.89 Safari\\\\\\\\/537.36 OPR\\\\\\\\/49.0.2725.47",

      "successKeys": [



      "failureKeys": [








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Why in the world did you make something hidden in cracking help?

Hmmm I'd reccomend checking the source and seeing if you can parse the values from the source, might not be able to, but it is always an okay thing to try

I am not too sure how to do it, with whatever cracking program you use but blackbullet makes it pretty easy to parse things like this .



Those are the things that you are looking for.

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