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Litterally get free money from crypto sites.

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Wait what?

Yes - It's a thing.


This is like the only forum where i'm going to post this so you guys litterally owe me money.




Anyways here's the explanation,


The idea is that you download this extention for crypto sites, right?

This will apply coupons so that when you withdraw, you get some $$ back, right?


However, later i was messing around with the extention trying to see how it works and i've found something insane.

Basicially, these sites have ZERO validation for coupons and that means that you can essentially apply as many coupons as possible.


The extention itself has a limit however with a small bit of code, you can change this.

This means that when you go to withdraw, it'll glitch out a little (at least for me) but it'll also give like 99.99% of your BTC back.


Yes, this is fucking inane.

But please don't abuse it. Abusing is really gay.


Here's everything you will need:

(ps): You actually need the referral link for it to work otherwise the console code won't work ;)



PLEASE support me for this!

I've worked really hard on this.

:fiesta: :fiesta:


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fiiirst ! <3 <3

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Thank you i hope its not another page with ads

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Thank you i hope its not another page with ads


no lol


that'd be gay af

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epic post my man

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Great post. I'm excited to try this !

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